llflll-JHFIL l.E§.E.Ifl|i E. |§FI"1'.ll:|lII'»!Ni5I|.IST5- lI'E.E[IIfIFiTIDIl The National _ Lesbian and Gay . , = , G Journalists . ' Association ; ’ _ ’ '~ works from with- A 4;‘ I “x... in the news industry to foster fair and accurate -coverage of lesbian and gay issues and opposes news- room bias toward lesbians and gays and all other minorities. The New England Ghapter of the /vcgq/r is meeting in Brattleboro on October 30 I ‘join us to learn more about the organization. For more information Barbara Dozetos _ GLCaucus@ao1.com or 434-6486 or New England Chapter President, Fred Kuhr fkuhr@aol.com or 617-426-8246 _x311 I-Iinesburg, Vermont THINK PINK The Pink Pages Thousands oi listings of guy/lesbian businesses d organisations and businesses that welcome you. be complete Pink Pages is on the web @ kweb.com . pin _ LUS FREE Referrals ,_,, to any gayllesbian place in the U.S. or worldwide Our mailing services can save you postage dollars on your next bulk mailing! Contact Sarah Harrington at "your printing 8’ mailing resource” §VPM7 1’-OBOXW VALLEY PRINT (‘EMAIL “‘*”2>“8“995 171 Commerce St. F- (802) 432'2999 sharring@vpminc.c0m Proud member of the national coming out week V burlington C I BALL DANCEPARTY CHEM-FREE,’ ALL AGES FRIDAY OCTOBER 8 8-12 CONTOIS AI.lD'I‘I'ORII.lM S5 MORE IF YOU CAN. LESS IF YOU CAN'T PEIFORMANCE BY: Cherie ‘ram 8: Dreamdaneers Dance Company DRESS CODE: OZ-mopolitan Costumes or Emerald Green PROCEEDS BENEFIT: Pride Vermont \\\llli’/, kw. Before the dance... 5:30pm - "Come Out, Come Out R U12 Wherever You Are" ‘A I connnunlvy Ville: (City Hall Speakout — Lower Church Street) community members come together on the steps of Burlington City Hall to share their stories, and explain the importance of coming out as G/L/Bfi/Q in our movement. >l'Il¢3< SOUND DONATED BY: 5; 6:30pm- "Ease On Down the Road" (Stop the Hate Candlelight Vigil — Church Street Marketplace) after the speakout, carry a candle and join a mass march down Church Street to remember victims of hate and those who are unable to ‘come out’ into the light. I ' Gntertoinment Unlimited Productions — Rainbow Business Association di chia di moonilower di ellioti THIS EVENT IS A COLLABORATIVE EFFORT SPONSORED BY: OUI'RIGHT VERMONT, VERMONT GAY SOCIAL ALTERNAITVES, BURLINGTON R.U.1.2? COMMUNITY CENTER, MEN'S HEALTH PROJECT OF VT CARES, COOPERATIVE CAMPUS MINISTRIES, FREE TO BE GLBTA AT UVM, NCOW COMMITTEE 1999, CITY OF BURLINGTON COMMUNITY 8: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICE.