: as E L up 2 U) C to ‘C ._ o -2 . o .. o .C D. 22 — Our IN THE MOUNTAINS —' Ocroaea 1999 Community Compass is a service of OITM. GLBT organizations from around the state are invit- ed to provide brief — 200 words or less — descriptions of recent or upcoming activities and events. Send your submissions to us by email at editor@vtpn°de.org by the I 5th of the month. V BINET VERMONT Bi Net VT is hoping to scedule regular social events and meeting _ groups throughout Vermont and especially in the Burlington area. We will have an information table at the Emerald Ball on October 8, a foliage hike to Carnel’s Hump on October 17, and a movie night in Montpelier on October 29. In an effort to help connect our diverse and dispersed Bisexual community in Vennont, we have created a discussion list to serve for both discussions about Bisexual issues and announce- ments about events and activities related to Bi-Net Vermont. We hope the list will help‘ the bisexu- al community create a ‘place of our own’, without detracting from the interesting and exciting dis- cussions that have occurred on pridenet about bisexual issues. To subscribe to the list, email: major- m and Write: subscribe binetverrnont in the body of the email. To subscribe to the list in digest, write: subscribe binetverrnont-digest. Anyone interested in learning more about Bi-Net Vermont, volunteer oppor- tunities, or to organize an event please call Bi-Net’s self-pro- claimed ‘calender queen’ to get the word out - Max 863-3963. V CHAMPLAIN VALLEY UNITARIAN UNIVERSAL- IST SOCIETY The Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society ' (CVUUS) in Middlebury will ‘host a Decision Day Openhouse beginning at 7 pm on whatever Friday the Vermont Supreme Court decision on same-gender marriage is announced. If the court decision is positive, we will be hosting an open celebration of a very joyous day in history. If, the decision is negative or remanded, the openhouse is “on” anyway, as a place to gather to express ourselves and support each other in light of the deci- sion. All are warmly invited, whatever the decision. Bring some munchies to share if you are so inspired, or just come. Please spread the word! CVUUS is located at 6 Cross Street, on the comer of Cross and Water streets, Middlebury. For more information, please call 388-8080. Hope to see you there! V NATIONAL LESBIAN AND GAY JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION, NEW ENGLAND CHAPTER The National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NGLJA) works within the news industry to foster fair and accurate coverage of lesbian and gay issues and opposes newsroom bias against gays and lesbians and all other minorities. NLGJA also provides networking opportunities for les- bian and gay journalists, media professionals and communica- tion/joumalism students on local, national and international levels. Since its founding in 1990, NLGJA has grown to a 1,200- member, 23-chapter organization in the United States and Canada with an affiliate in Germany. The issues of same-sex mar- riage, gay families, parenting and adoption, gays in the military, sex education in the schools, civil lib- erties, gay-related ballot initia- tives, gay bashing and anti-gay violence are commanding media attention with regularity. NLGJA has had a positive effect on responsible gay cover- age, but we still have work to do. By joining the national organiza- tion and getting involved in the New England chapter, you can help make sure that this impor- tant work gets done. The New England chapter will be meeting on October 30 at the home of John Scagliotti in Guilford, VT. For more information, contact Barbara Dozetos at £2LQauciLs@.aoL_con1 or 434- 6486 or Fred Kuhr, president of the New England chapter, at 617- 426-8246 x.3 11 or flcuhr @aol.com. . V PRIDE COMMl'I'I'EEFOR THE YEAR 2000 ’ ' As much as it seems like Pride just finished and the summer is not even over yet, we are already looking into next year and how we can make the day a great event and get as many people and community groups together. Street Park in Burlington. R. U. 1.2? hosts potlucks the second Monday of each month for the GLBTA community. The Pride Committee would like to start the new planning year with our Wednesday, October 6th at Vermont Floral on Pine Street in Burlington. There are already many positive responses from various groups in the community who will be sending folks to this meeting. What we are hoping is to reach more groups as well as individuals to participate in the planning. This is, as people know, a year-long commitment that we encourage people to join in on. We hope people are not only will- ing to come to us with ideas but that they are willing to help make these ideas and events happen. Our next big fundraiser event will be Friday, October 8, 1999. It is the “Emerald City Ball” at Burlington’s Contois Auditorium. Our theme, of course, is “The Wizard Of Oz.” It is the first event of UVM’s celebration of National Coming Out Week. Pride Vermont can be reached in several different ways. Our mailing address is Pride Vermont, PO Box 1433, Burlington, VT 05402. We also have a new Web page www.geocities.com/ WestHollvwood/parade/9660 that is updated on a regular basis and can recieve e-mail, or an actual person can be reached at 864-3455. If you want to be added to the mailing list, please send us your information. V RAINBOW BUSINESS ASSOCIATION At its September 8th mixer, the Rainbow Business Association presented to Mike Hayes of the Pride Committee a check for $250, proceeds from sales of advertising in the Pride Guide. The 1999 Pride Guide was the third edition produced by the RBA, which undertakes to keep advertising. costs low to allow for more advertisers, yet high enough to allow for free printing of the Pride Schedule of Events. Also at this mixer, Mack Roark, Web editor for Mountain Pride Media spoke on the many exciting developments happening with the Web site where we find \ first meeting on’ Out in the Mountains, as well as the grants that are allowing for many of the new projects at Mountain Pride Media. Mack’s talk allowed for further discus- sion about the merits of newspa- per subscription when so much today is on the internet. One par- ticipant observed that with a gift subscription given to a sibling, no fewer than six people read that single copy of OITM. The October mixer will be on October 13 from 6:30 to 8:30 in St. Albans at Jeff’s Maine Seafood, Rep. Bill Lippert will speak about domestic partner benefits. VVERMONT FREEDOM TO MARRY TASK FORCE The Task Force continues to focus on education. Thanks to the Samara Foundation, we have two new table-top displays that can go anywhere in the state. In October we A will be at the Brattleboro Commons Stop the Hate! vigil,the Putney School A Harvest Festival, the South Hero Applefest, the Manchester Farm and Food Fair, the New England Young Women’s Conference at Vermont Technical College, and several other events still in the works. If you know of an upcom- ing event where the Task Force might be able to have a display table, let us know! We are also setting up speak- ing engagements and special events. Coming in early November is a panel, Area Clergy Speak About Love, Marriage and Same Gender Relationships, in Bellows Falls, moderated by Rev. Anthony Acheson. Do you know of a church, civic or social organiza- tion that might be interested in learning about the same-gender marriage issue? As always, there is no short- age of things to do. Please call us at 388-2633, and we’ll put you in touch with the regional coordina- tor for your area. V /’ /0/V HE T.V. SHOW BY, FOR AND ABOUT VERMONT’ L/6/B/T COMMUNITY ANDOUR SUPPORTERS! Sit back and enjoy our October program filled with news, resources and an informative interview with Focus On: Golden Threads, a lesbian contact group/publication Footage produced by City TV — PROGRAM SCHEDULE and VIEWING INFO Adelphia (CH. 13) (Lud|ow, Plymouth, Woodstock) Fri 9pm- Adelphia (CH. 15) (Greater Burlington area) Fri 9pm Adelphia (CH. 15) (Montpelier, Waterbury, Randolph) 2nd & 4th Fri 7:30pm Lake Champlain (CH. 2) 1st & 2nd Mon 11pm and 1st & 2nd Wed. 10pm Helicon (CH. 7) (Barre) 2nd & 4th Mon 8:30pm BCTV (CH. 8) (Brattleboro) call 257-0888 for air days/time MCTV (Middlebury, E. Middlebury, Weybridge) 388-3062 for airtimes MMCTV (C H. 3)(Richmond, Jericho, Underhill) call 434-2550 for air days/time WENO (CH.].5) (Enosburg, Berkshire, Richford) 1st & 3rd Sun at 8pm CA-TV (Bennlngton, Pownal, Shaftsbury, Woodford, Hoosick Falls) call 442-8868 for air days/time