wAMI_.IEND OCTOBER 1 V Friday BELLOWS FALLS - Vt. Freedom to Marry Task Force: A panel of clergy will discuss same gender marriage. FMI and location: 388- 2633 or www.vtfreetomarry.org. BURLINGTON - VGSA Dinner Out. Join VGSA and friends to get together and dine out. Restaurant to be determined. FMI: Tyce, 879- 1946. ilIB.0I'!I/BIIBIIIS Rights in Ireland." Public lecture at UVM by one of Ireland's most prominent feministlles- bian activist/scholars, Prof. Ailbhe Smyth. 12:15 pm, John Dewey Lounge, Old Mill. FMI: Joni Seager, 656-2091. MONTPELIER - Y2 K-12 Safe Schools for the New Millennium. Educators, community mem- bers and youth are invited to a conference on making schools safe for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth and their allies at the Capital Plaza from 8:30-4 pm. FMI: Shaun Donahue, 828-5877. SO. BURLINGTON - Cherie and Yolanda Show. Live taping, 10 pm, Adelphia Cable Studio. FMI: 651-8535. 2 V Saturday MCINDOE FALLS - Mountain Pride Media Green Mountain Tour visits the Northeast Kingdom (St.Johnsbury I Lyndonville area). Writing for print media workshop, at-3 pm. Dessert reception, 5-7 pm. Meet MPM board members and OITM staff. FMI: 434-6486 or oitm@together.net. MIDDLEBURY - Addison County Women in Crisis training for new volunteers (Saturday and Sunday). Help better serve survivors of domestic and sexual violence in Addison County. Opportunities include: 24-hour hotline, newsletter, court advocacy, suppon group co- facilitators, childcare, clerical, public aware- ness, and fundraisers. FMI: 388-4205. PUTNEY - Gender-Role-Free Contra Dance, 8-11 pm. Putney Community Center. All GLBTA's welcome! Live music. Ruth Sylvester calling. Adm $6-$8. sliding. Beginners’ intro at 8 pm. No partner or experience necessary. FMI: Howie, (603) -256-6995 or Alex, 257- 8571. 3 V Sunday BRATTLEBORO - Brattleboro Area AIDS Project Men’s Program "Brainstorming Get- together‘ for Gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. 6:30 pm, Collected Works Bookstore (Cafe Beyond) on High St. Help plan new events, evaluate existing ones, and have fun! Make a difference in the gay and bi men's community. FMI: Torn Ziniti, 254-8263. BURLINGTON - The Samadhi Singers, A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsal, 6-8 pm; Christ Church Presbyterian. UVM Redstone Campus. Anyone who loves to sing sacred to spirited choral music is invited. FMI: Peter Frechette, 864-5327. UNDERHILL - VGSA Hike to the top of Mt. Mansfield. Meet 11 :30 am sharp in the parking lot of 135 Pearl (Burlington). Bring something to eat for the tailgate party at the top of the mountain. FMI: Dan, 864-0970. 4 V Monday BURLINGTON - “Lesbians Negotiating Urban Space: The Dublin Sexuality & Space Survey." Public lecture at UVM by one of Ireland's most prominent feminist/lesbian activist/scholars, Prof. Ailbhe Smyth. 4 pm, Room 111 Lafayette (Old Mill complex). FMI: Joni Seager, 656- 2091. BURLINGTON - VGSA Video Night, 7 pm, McClure Multigenerational Center. Join VGSA members and friends to watch “Beautiful Thing." Snacks provided; donations appreciat- ed. FMI: Thorn, 655-6706. 5 V TIIBSIIBV BURLINGTON - “Not a Right Nor a Choice, Just Desperation: Feminism and Reproductive 6 V WBIIIIBSIIBV BURLINGTON - Pride 2000 planning meeting, 6:30-8:30 pm, Vennont Floral, 668 Pine St. The Pride Committee seeks volunteers and representatives from many different organiza- tions to discuss planning, the committee's future, and how it will proceed. FMI: Sarah Harrington, 482-2995. TV TIIIIISIIEV MIDDLEBURY - “Who is a Bigot?" A talk by Andrew Sullivan, author, columnist, and for- mer editor-in-chief of The New Republic. 7:30 pm, Middlebury College's Mead Chapel (Hepburn Rd. off College Stl Rte 125). Free. FMI: Leroy Nesbitt, 443-3166. MONTPEUER - "Same Sex Marriage and the Constitution,” a legal education seminar for attomeys, as well as lay people interested in , the constitutional arguments surrounding the issue of same sex marriage. 8:30 am - 4 pm. Speakers include: Mary Bonauto, Susan Murray, and Beth Robinson (co-counsels in Baker v. State) —' and many other experienced legal advocates. Pre-register by Tue. 10/5. FMI: ACILU-Vt., 223-6304. Degeneres, 7 pm, UVM Patrick Gymnasium. Opening: The Samadhi Singers. General Adm: $16; students $15. T'rckets: Flynn Theater, 86- FLYNN or UVM Ticket Office. 656-3085. FMI: Jill Hoppenjans, jhoppenj@zoo.uvm.edu. HANOVER, NH - Indigo Girls in concert. 8 pm, Leede Arena. FMI: Dartmouth concert infolinez (603) 646-0467. 11V Illondatl BURLINGTON - “Revenge of the Women’s Studies Professor," a one-act play written and performed by Dr. Bonnie Morris, comedienne and faculty at Georgetown Univ. UVM Billings North Lounge. FMI: Rhonda Factor, rfac- tor@zoo.uvm.edu. BURLINGTON - R.U.1.2.? Good Cookin' Community Potluck. 6-8 pm. Join the folks from the R.U.1.2.’? Community Center for a delicious potluck supper at the Rhombus Gallery (on the comer of College and Church). Meet new folks and join in good conversation. All ages welcome. Bring your friends and food or beverages. FMI: ru12ccenter@bigheavy- world.com, 860-1044, http://homepages. together.net/-lerpadlrut2.htmI 12 V Tuesday BURLINGTON - "Celebrating Our Reserachers,” 4 pm, UVM Billings North Lounge. With Annie Stevens (Ph.D), John Sama (M.Ed.), and Erika Nestor (M.A.). HANOVER, NH - ‘It's Elementary‘ An inspiring film about bringing gay and lesbian issues into the classroom. 7:30 pm, Loew's Theater I Dartmouth College. Sponsored by G/LEARN (GayILesbian Education and Resource Network), the Dartmouth Film Society, and others. Producer Helen Cohen introduces the film. Teen panel and questions altenuards. FMI: New Wctoria Publishers, 649-5297 or newvic@aol.com. 8 V Frill!!! BURLINGTON - Celebration — 5:30 pm: “Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are." Community members share their coming out stories during a speak-out on the steps of City Hall. 6:30 pm: “Ease on Down the Road" Candle light march and vigil to acknowledge those in our community who for whatever reason can- not come out. 8 pm -12 am: “Emerald City Bal|" Substance Free, All ages dance party at Contois Auditorium. Come dressed as your favorite Wizard of Oz character or just wear Oz-green. Pride benefit: $5. Co-sponsors include: Outright VT, VGSA, Free-2-Be:GLBTA at UVM. City of Burlington Community and Economic Development Office, Cooperative Christian Ministries, Vennont CARES, and Burlington R.U.1.2?. FMI: Mike 865-9677, OutrightVt @aol.com. Coming Out Week 9 V Saturday MIDDLEBURY - Middlebury Open Queer Alliance (MOQA) Drag Ball, 8 pm, McCullough Social Space. Featuring Yolanda and the Plastic Family, Mildred “Dred" Gerestant — 1996 Drag King of Manhattan and amateur drag performance by Midd|ebury's best. Drag King and Drag Queen contest. Prizes. Workshop at 3 pm in Mitchell Green Lounge with Dred on male impersonation. FMI: vcglbtc@together.net or cumberba@middle- bury.edu. 10 V Sunday BURLINGTON - An Evening with Ellen 13 V Wednesday BURLINGTON - “Blue Jeans Day" - UVM Speak-Out, 12-noon. Steps of Bailey-Howe Library. Sponsored by Free-2-Be:GLBTA. FMI: Jen Ellis. jsellis@zoo.uvm.edu: BURLINGTON - UVM Coffeehouse, 8 pm, Billings North Lounge. Yolanda (MC) with Craig Mitchell, Cherie Tartt, Katherine Quinn, performer Kevin 0. Spencer, poet local theater presenters I/b/a. FMI: emina.burak@uvm.edu. ST. ALBANS - Rainbow Business Association mixer, 6:30-8:30 pm, Jeff's Maine Seafood. Hors d’oeuvres, cash bar. $10, members; $12, non-members. Speaker: Rep. Bill Lippert, Domestic Partner Benefits. THETFORD - Ame|ia’s Book Group. 7:30 pm. First meeting. FMI: Nancy, 785-2612 or Marie 785-4606. - 14 V Thursday BURLINGTON - Newyorican Poet ,A|ix Olson, 7 pm. National Poetry Slam Champion, National LGBT Slam Champion. The Hidden Bean (Redstone Campus). FMI: Jaime Coan, jcoan@zoo.uvm.edu. BURLINGTON - Alix Dobkin, performer/activist. 8:30 pm, The Hidden Bean (Redstone Campus). FMI: Paij Wadley-Bailey, pwadleyb@zoo.uvm.edu. VT PUBLIC TELEVISION - lt's Elementary: Talking About Gay Issues in School. 10 pm. An award-winning documentary that shows what happens when elementary school teachers discuss lesbian and gay issues with their stu- dents, and how all kids, regardless of sexual orientation, are affected by anti-gay prejudice and name calling as early as first and second grade. FMI: http://www.vpt.org. 15 V Friday BURLINGTON - Legacy Project focus group and free pizza. 5:30-7 pm. XandO (Outright VT’s youth space). The Legacy Project needs your opinions about what you want the future to look like in Burlington. Youth input is espe- cially being sought. FMI: 865-9677 or OutrightVt@ao|.com. BURLINGTON - VGSA Sip 8. Dine. Meet at 135 Pearl around 6 pm and decide on a restaurant over a drink or two. PLAINFIELD - Renowned lesbian poet Olga Broumas reads from her works 7:30 pm, Goddard College Haybam Theater. FMI: 476- 9948 noram@earth.goddard.edu or Maike Haaland 454-8311 x204-maikeh@eanh.god- dard.edu . ' PLAINFIELD - Yolanda and the Plastic Family, 9 pm. Goddard College, Design Center. 15 V Saturday CLAREMONT, NH - One In Ten, Gay and Bisexual Men's Discussion Group, 7 pm. FMI: Chris Holman, HIV Prevention Coordinator for AIDS Services for the Monadncck Region, (800) 639-7903 or (603) 357-6855. PLATTSBURGH - Yolanda and the Plastic Family, 9 pm. Blairs. 30 Marion St. $5. RANDOLPH - The Northern New England Young Women’s Conference: LEAD (Leadership Education Action Diversity) at Vennont Technical College. Presented by Prochoioe Vt. Foundation/VT NARAL, VT & NH NOW, and the Maine Women’s Lobby. Workshops, dynamic speakers, networking, and music by Vt. singer/songwriter, Lisa Mcconnick. FMI: Virginia Renfrew, 223-6241 or renfrew@sover.net. 17 V Sllnllfl BURUNGTON - The Samadhi Singers, A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsal, 6-8 pm; Christ Church Presbyterian. UVM Redstone Campus. FMI: Peter Frechette. 864-5327. BURUNGTON - VGSA Brunch at Mona's. Join VGSA and friends for a Sunday brunch. RSVP by Friday, 10/15 to Jason 654-7735 or Randy 863-3669. WALTHAM, MA - Jewish Women lntemational and Hadassah. DIALOGUE II for JEWISH LESBIANS, their grandmothers. mothers, sis- ters, daughters, partners, and friends. Brandeis University. Pre-registration required: (800) 232-2624, (413) 774-2256, or KLMDri@aol.com. 19 V Tuesday S0. BURUNGTON - Cherie and Yolanda Show. Live taping, 10 pm, Adelphia Cable Studio. FMI: 651-8535. VT PUBLIC TELEVISION - Independent Lens '‘I Can't Believe I Married a Lesbian." 11 pm. FMI: http://www.vpt.org. 22 V Friday BURLINGTON - VGSA Sip & Dine. Meet at 135 Pearl around 6 pm and decide on a restaurant over a drink or two. 23 V Saturday BRATTLEBORO Gender-Role-Free OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — OCTOBER 1999 — 21 To announce your event for WM’: muddy calenda- emajl [calendar-@vtpride.org], or write [P0 Box-1078, Richmond, IIT 05477] by the 20th of the month prior to publication. Ballroom Dancing Samplerl Waltz, Swing, Foxtrot and Tango. 7:30-10:30 pm. Brattleboro School of Dance, 17 Elliot St. No experience or partner necessary. Sliding $6-$8. FMI: 722- 3388 or movement@sover.net. DURHAM, NH - Rainbow Families Halloween Hayride at Emery Farm. 2 pm. Come and pick out a pumpkin! FMI: (603) 740-4908. 24 V Sunday BURLINGTON - UU Circle: Full Moon and Samhain ritual, potluck, and meeting. All who i suppon the Covenant of UU Pagans’ mission are welcome. Wear garb if you like, and bring ' something for least, a musical instrument, and a cushion to sit on. HC accessible. First UU Society of Burlington, 152 Pearl St., 6 pm. FMI: 658-9689. BURLINGTON - The Samadhi Singers. A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsal. 6-8 pm; Christ Church Presbyterian. UVM Redstone Campus. FMI: Peter Frechette, 864-5327. 25 V TIIESIIEV ’ BURLINGTON - Vt. Freedom to Marry Task Force Chittenden County volunteer meeting, 9148 North Ave, 6 pm dinner (providedl). 7 pm meeting. First we’Il eat and socialize, then we'll talk about the status of same-gender marriage and what needs doing. All welcome! RSVP appreciated but not required. FMI: Mark Larson, 862-7596. ‘ 28 V Thursday RICHMOND — Distribution of the November issue of OIT M. Help of all kinds needed. Drop by any time 10 am — 7 pm to lend a hand in getting our community's newspaper out on the streets. 29 V Friday BURUNGTON - VGSA Sip & Dine. Meet at 135 Pearl around 6 pm and decide on a restaurant over a drink or two. 30 V Saturday BRATTLEBORO - The New England Chapter of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association is meeting at the home of John Scagliotti. Time TBA. Contact Barb at GLCaucus@aol.com, 434-6486 or Fred Kuhr at fkuhr@aol.com MIDDLEBURY - “Cinematic Representations of Sexuality and Sexualities," Middlebury College, 3 pm, Dana Auditorium, Middlebury College. A panel of Middlebury professors, including David Castronuovo and Kevin Moss, present and comment upon favorite film clips. Discussion follows. All invited. Some material may not be suitable for children under 18. MIDDLEBURY - “Gods and Monsters," a film with Ian Mc Kellan, Brendan Fraser and Lynn Redgrave. 8 pm, Dana Auditorium. Middlebury College. 31 V Sunday BURLINGTON - The Samadhi Singers, A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends 8 Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsal. 6-8 pm; Christ Church Presbyterian. UVM Redstone Campus. FMI: Peter Frechette, 864-5327.