ms 18 -- OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — Ocroaep. 1999 .FA|TH ® rairn Matters s. coming-out Matters MATTERS BY THE REV. CHRISTINE LESLIE in the summer » of 1969, between my junior and senior year of high school. At the time, I had no names or explanations for what I was feel- ing when I fell in love with anoth- er girl I met at a summer program for “gifted” Georgia teenagers. This eight-week program provid- ed us an opportunity to test-drive going to college. I lefl home a naive girl, who had dabbled in things sexual with two different ‘boys, and returned an awakening young woman filled with confus- ing longings I didn’t know were possible, let alone know how to talk about or manage. What made it really difficult to cope was my folks’ decision to vacation as a family after I came home from the program. I didn’t want to get on an airplane and go to the West Coast for three weeks; all I wanted to do was stay home andtwait for Terry to call and ask me to do something with her. I simply didn’t know I I began my coming-out journey was in love with her. Once we were on the West Coast I was cranky and crabby; I just couldn’t explain what was going on for me to myself, much less to them. When I think about the start of my coming-out process, I ache for us all. All of this made my senior year of high school a mixed bag of shining, public accomplish- ments darkened by my private, inexplicable loneliness, confu- sion,‘and desperation. I even had a nightmare that kept repeating that year: I was inside a coffin with a window over my face. I could see out so I knew I was not dead. However, I was unable to speak, so I had no way of yelling for help. I can still feel the terri- ble constriction in my throat from that dream to this day. My parents were so proud of me when I was accepted to the University of Cincinnati’s College Conservatory of Music on scholarship in the spring of 1970. I never told them I had applied there only because Terry had applied to UC’s ballet pro- gram. When Terry wasn’t accept- ed I was devastated. Ijust didn’t have the courage to tell my folks I didn’t want to go to Cincinnati if Terry wasn’t going, too, especially since my mother had confronted me one night that spring when I was beg- ging for the car so I could go see Terry. Mom was trying to tell me she just didn’t understand what was going on with me when she blurt- ed out, “You treat Terry like a boy treats a girl friend.” I froze inside. I knew what she was saying was true, and that it was something not pleasing to her. I could tell from her anxious voice that she knew something I didn’t, and was afraid to tell me for fear she might be right. I didn’t protest what she had said. In fact, I sat in silence with an explanation for what was happen- ing to me. I wasn’t thrilled but I was relieved. From that point on at least I had an inkling of what I was dealing with, even though I had never heard the word “lesbian.” During my first two years of college, I spent a great deal of time and energy trying to figure out what to do with the informa- tion my mother gave me that I'-"----"'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'I your neighbor, your gym, your doctor, your dentist, your therapist, Donor Name (or Anonymous) Address Phone [I One Year ($20) New Subscriber Name Address City Make checks payable to Mountain Pride Media, and send to: OITM, PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT‘ 05477-1078 You know who needs a subscription to OITM. riends, our out-of-state your high school guidance counselor, your mom... El 2 Years ($35) El Low Income ($iO) VERMONVS FORUM FOR LESBIAN GAY ' UT IN THE MOUNTAINS State l not donate one...or two? Zip BISEXBM. AND TRANSGENDER ISSUES L___—_________________________________J night in the car. When I fell in love with Lori and became lovers with her in the spring of 1972, I finally understood. I had come home to myself, and if it meant I was a lesbian, then so be it. Little did I know at that time it would take me 21 years to come to terms with being lesbian. Although successful in my professional life, I struggled for from failed relationship to failed relationship until, in the summer of 1993, I finally realized I had to stop asking someone else to love me more than I loved myself if I was ever to be happy personally. So I went to work on why I did- n’t love myself — and was that hard work! Once I could embrace all of me, including being les- bian, with love, gratitude, and delight, I could devote myself to being out about who I am, wher- ever I go, to whomever I am with. It’s also made it possible for me to be happily married to Martha Dyson these six years, with many more to come! My parents may not have been able to help me when I was com- ing out, but they had raised me with a positive and loving under- standing of God. Had they not, I just can’t imagine where I might Practice limited to male clientele be today. Coming out and coming to terms with being lesbian was hard enough as it was. I-lad I had to grapple with a damning and hateful God, I probably would have been dead by now. Coming out and coming to tenns with our When I think about the start of my coming-out process, I ache for us all. sexual orientation is the process of internalizing the truth that from love we are made and for love we are meant, “no matter what our plumbing is,” as my dad likes to say. Coming out will matter as much as it does until the day no one has anything to come out about. What I would give to see that day while still on this side of eternity! In the meantime, I will contin- ue to support and encourage those in the coming-out process with a faithfulness that matters as much as the process itself, because from love we were made and for love we are all meant. V Rev. Christine Leslie is founder and director of Triangle Ministries, A Center for Lesbian & Gay Spiritual Development near Burlington. She-can be reached at (802) 860-7106 or revcsI@aol. com. 802-453-6677 fax 802-453-6685 PO Box 42 42 Trillium Lane Starksboro, VT 05487 as Investment Advisor Representative of, and securities offered through Tower Square Securities. Inc.‘ Member NASD/SIPC ‘Not affiliated with Choice Financial Services THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE William Coil, NCMT "802-658-2390 800-830-5025 PRIMARY CARE IN FRANKLIN COUNTY Mara Vijups, M.D. Family Practice Specialist NMC Rural Health Services Caring for Adults & Children Enosburg 933-583 1 Swanton 868-2454 East Fairfield 827-3032