14. —Our IN THE MOUNTAINS — Ocrosea 1999 TWENTY SOMETHING BY THOMAS HENNIN the gay community get together and compile a hand- book on gay sex. Now I am not talking the joys of gay sex, which is like saying the joy of cooking — a lot of effort and mess for a few tasty morsels andua couple grams of protein. No, I mean a handbook that can tell someone who may not be well versed in sexual playing field etiquette how to handle cer- tain situations. So, to get us started, I have come up with a few situations thatl would personally like to see addressed, along with my responses to those situations. I propose that the members of What is the proper way of handling a stranger standing directly behind you, trying to come on to you, while you’re at the urinal in a bar? There is no easy way to handle this type of situation, other than just turning around in mid-stream and asking if he is so dim as not to realize he is invading your per- sonal space. This approach may make you seem standofiish or send the mes- sage that you’re into public water sports. Although either message is fine if it accurately depicts you, I would go for a subtler route. You see, now I am talking in general terms, and this may not apply to everyone; gay men are horny little buggers who will do - whatever it takes to make sure they can get their batter into your easy-bake oven, if you know what I am saying. The trick is to turn the tables and make them nervous. I say, while his hot, beer-laden breath makes your neck feel like flypaper on a hot Southern day, that you should casually ask if he thinks you should be concerned about the periwinkle discharge in your urine stream. If he asks what periwinkle is, then you most like- ly have an intoxicated straight boy, and that is a whole other sit- uation. I If he says no, then you have no other choice but to turn around and spell “go home” on his Tommy Hilfigers. What do you do when you’re too shy to ask out someone who has been flirting with you? The simple answer is to go home, make a quilt, and get over yourself. Pumpkins, dating is not like getting a UPS delivery. You can’t just sit home and expect that some cute guy with killer thighs is going to come to your doorstep, in uniform, with a great package. Sweetpeas, I don’t think I know a single queer who hasn’t moaned about not having a date. In fact, all of them, including myself, are too busy moaning to ask. Do us all a favor and buck the trend. What is the most respectful way of han- dling a one-night stand‘! This one really depends on a few environmental variables. If you are in the personis home, you should wait until he brings you breakfast in bed and tells you how last night changed his life forever. If you are at your house, then you should politely wait until he offers to make the two of you breakfast. Either way you should spend at least 20 min- utes of non-sexual time in the morning just to make the event seem civilized. If the person doesn’t sleep over, or you have what I like to call drive-thru sex, just call it what it was and move on. If you want to see him again, then give him a way to get in touch; if you don’t, don’t offer. Lastly, always be kind. Remember, you have been naked together, and he has seen you in your morning glory. How do you know when you are officially dating exclusively? This is tricky. Everyone has his or her own measure. I believe you can be officially classified as exclusive after, and only after: 1) three get-away weekends out of town (two of which he has paid for, 2) you have met the last two exes and they both have new partners, 3) you have met at least one family member, 4) and, of course, he spends time with you in places other than cyber chat rooms. I also would recommend putting him through the movie test. 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I could go on, pumpkins, but my time is up. My point is that it is freakin’ hard to figure out the ins and outs of this crazy life, and . Emilv Post's Worstfliglitmare we all have a different way of going about it. Let’s talk about it with each other more. Let’s get together with people in all kinds of settings and enjoy life and talk about our lives. It’s a small world, and you would be amazed at how much we have in common with each other. V 135 Pearl Street Burlington 802-863-2343 OPEN Mon.-Thurs. 7:30-2:00am Fri.-Sun. 5:00-2:00am MONDAYS Free Pool TUESDAYS HOUSE PARTY Drag Bingo _ w/Lady Zeno DJ Rob Psychotrope Dollar Buds. Dollar Dogs 18+!!!! WEDNESDAYS KARAOKE KAPERS w/Bob Bolyard and Eric Brenner FRIDAY, OCT. 1 Womyn’s Dance 6-10pm, $4 SUNDAY, OCT. 10 Post-Ellen Party THURSDAY, OCT. 14 Zen & the Art of Dancing SUNDAY, OCT. 17 Drag Brunch, 12—3pm Pool Tourney, 6:30pm THURSDAY, OCT. 21 Men's Night, 6-10pm FRIDAY, NOV. 5 Womyn’s Dance PIANO BAR: FRIDAYS & SUNDAYS 6-10pm THE BEST DANCING IN THE STATE FRIDAY: 9pm-2am SAT,URDAY:10pm-1am HALLOWEEN PARTY 10/30/99 All the essentials, close to downtown - Monument Farms Milk 0 Fresh Eggs - Wonderful Produce 0 Local Bread 0 Much, much more 3 minutes by bike, 8 minutes on foot, 2 minutes in a car. Or take the bus! The Onion River Co-op is closer to Downtown Burlington than you think. Sveryone is welcome! onion-'River ’ C0-op Downtown Burlington A community-owned natural market CELEBRATING 27 YEARS 274 North Winooslzi Avenue, Burlington 863-3659 ‘Mon-Sat. 9-9 - Sun. 11-8 Visa/Mastercard/Discover/ATM/EBT Accepted On the busline - the Old North End Loop stops right in front of the store