letters UITM, P0 Ba 1078, Richmond, UT 05477-1078 or oitm@tonetheI'.net Out in the Mountains welcomes your letters. Although we will withhold names from printing upon request, the letter must be accompanied by a verifiable name and address in order to be considered for publication. We try to print every letter we receive, but reserve the right to edit for space and clarity. Letters are also subject to the editorial policy stated in the masthead. Ferrisburg Area Churches Welcome Newcomers Editor: The Ferrisburg and North Ferrisburg Methodist churches, under the 1 year guidance of Pastor Mari Clark, have started their new church year. New peo- ple are welcome to come to a small church with a woman pas- tor, restarting the volunteer choir twice a month, and a new organ- ist helping the senior organist with the service music at the North Ferrisburg church. These are warm welcoming congrega- tions in either town. Services are Sunday 9:45 a.m. at Ferrisburg, and 11:00 a.m. at North Ferrisburg. Thanks, Sharon Stevens win in more ways than one! I 00 II 00 O0 O0 II 00 00 CI 00 IO 00 O0 00 CI 00 IO 00 00 CI 00 O0 00 00 CI 00 CO O0 O0 O0 00 IO You still have a chance to win tickets to the Moscow City Ballet's production of Cinderella! All new or renewed subscribers will be entered into a drawing to win a pair of tickets to one of the Flynn's hottest selling shows A this fall. Only a few seats remain for sale at the box office, so Pride Vermont Thanks the Rainbow Business 9 Association Editor: I am writing on behalf of the Pride Committee to openly give a thank you to the RBA for their recent contribution to the com- mittee. About two weeks ago the Pride Committee received a thank you letter from them with an open invitation to their recent mixer at Loretta’s in Essex Junction. At the end of the evening we also received a dona- tion from them for $250.00. So we would like to thank the RBA for all their work with the Pride Guide, the invitation to Loretta’s, and the great donation. The members of the Pride Committee don’t wait... Subscribe now and win!- Last month a subscriber won tickets to Gilberto Gil at the Flynn On October 2 we'll pick the winner of tickets to see Ellen DeGeneres at UVM. You could be our next winner! Moscow City Ballet: Cinderella Flynn Theatre, November 3, I999 at 7:30 p.m. “Super|ative...Russian ballet is the best in the world.” (Chichester Observer, England) How do I win? To qualify for the Moscow Ballet tickets subscriptions must be received by October 22, I 999. Editor Asks for Opinions Readers: Lately we have had a shortage of letters to the editor. I sure would like to hear more from you about what is going on in your minds. What are we doing right? What are we doing wrong? What is happening in your area. I know you have opinions. Let us hear from you! Barbara Dozetos OITM Editor Subscribe to Out in the Mountains HOTTEST TICKETS IN TOWN! OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — OCTOBER 1999 — 5 H-'5 money {vial mafiers. Do you ll whaf I say? : Music - SoME ATTITUDE A A REAL ¥ooD &E.I?.$.9,i.I5.s.¢ use church Sfreef 5Urlinfj{'°n 359-3909 Elizabeth Campbell CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT IooooooouooooooooooooIoloaoIlooooooooolooooaooooo 15 E. Washington St, Rutlancl, VT 05701 (802) 773-44030 EIizabet@sover.net Serving the Vermont Community and WIN A PAIR OF THE The Samara Foundation Of Vermont will match each new subscription dollar for dollar up to a $4,000 limit. Please help us meet their generous challenge. name address town state _ zip _: email phone CI 2 years ($35) D I year ($20) Cl low income ($l0) Cl Contribution $ (thanks!) Make checks payable to Mountain Pride Media MOUNTAINS 802.434.6486 ° oitm@together.net ° www.vqaride.org po box I078 - richmond,vt 05477