Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network :_-_-,-,—,-_-, www.g| ‘U. 3.? Creating Safe Schools for Lesbian and Gay Students: BY MIKI THOMAS P Yoeith Eieidiee, Inc. [of Ipeoisibly loom on the horiion. A Resource Guide for school Staff rovi ence, o ers an on me 1 e your non-gay coun er- . __ . his time of the year, the guide called Creating Safe parts, paying for college can members’t”p°d'c°m/ twood/gmdehtml time when the buses Schools for Lesbian and Gay rove to be a problem. Tcome out of summer Students: A Resource Guide Irilowever, there are financial Public Education Regarding mothballs to bring kids back to for School Staff. This all-in- aid options specifically for Sexual Orientation Nationally Schooi, does not make many one source for educators not GLET students. FinAid, ‘an www_youth_o'.g/loco/PERSONpmiect wax nostaigic for their Own only spells out the problems online listing of scholarships School dayS_ As the recent that GLBT face on a daily and loans, provides informa- _ _ spate of School Shootings and basis, but offers suggestions on tion on such scholarships. ve"m°"t G37/St"3'ght Aulances H°me Page bomb threats prove, the school how to solve them. I The site offers listings in gen—|°°l