’-To-5-.' 1 r <' i. 4. r. w ‘re 22 — OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — SEPTEMBER 1999 Arrrs AND RECREATION MEDIA ‘gton n.u_.122 Community center Like Us (newsletter) 5501044 -PO Box 5003 5c/o Brian Dougherty NH AIDS Foundation urlington, VT 05402-0209 .1007 Elm St #501. P08 59 12ooenter0bigheaVyw0rld com Manchester. NH 03105 omepagestogether.ner/-lerpad/ru12/ 800639-1122 -briannhal@a0|.oom : dex.html 1,, gm- m Mountain club - VT P00 205. Brattleboro VT 05302 -2570332 ier(cay 0 Lesbian Outdoor Org) . www.ohiltem.orgIchiltern/ I Men's Reading Group ' Brettleboro. FMl:Jonathan (802) 258-2693 America -FMI: Michelle "Miki"Thomas 3 P08 5322, Burlington, VT 05402-5322 ‘ ossamerfl togethernet der Visions Productions, Inc. 3. POB 307-st. Albars VT 05470 -040 2739 -'www.together.ner/-lavender I ‘ Workshops — Middlebury f David Weinstock, 388-7523 n/Lesbian Book Group Sacred Music Chorale tor the GLBT Community -Burlington, 864-5327 re on a Shoestring O8 1012, Burlington VT 05402 888) 212-5884 -inlofltheatreshoecom www.theatreshoe.oom nt Gay Men's chorus 0007500434 -tax: (002) 033-2309 - _ bnyvesfltogethernet e in Vermont Arts (VWA) P08 812.Bur1Ington VT 05402 -865-0385 BrsExuAL at Network of Vermont POB 8124. Burlington,VT 05602 - iwarrlorseaoloom ENDING VroLENcE Domestic Violence 1-8002287395 Sexual Assault 1-8004807273 POB 1535,Bur1ington VT 05402 6581996 n's Rape Crisis center POB 92, Burlington VT 05402 -0540555 HEALTH See Healthsaurce LEGAL can Civil Liberties Union(AcLU) 110 E. State St., Montpe|i0rVT 05602 223-6304 -acluvt@ao|.com httpJlmembers.ao|.c0mlac|uv1/homehtml do Blackwood and Kraynak -POB 875 Burlington 05402 -863-2517 nt Human Rights Commission 133 State St, Montpe|ierVT 05633-6301 (802) 828-2480 or (800) 416-2010 tain Pride Media, Inc. POB 1078, Richmond VT 05477 the Mountains EPOB 1078, Richmond VT 05477 - ’434-OlTM oitrn@ togethernet -www.vtpride.org ‘ ism Newsletter (Northern NY) POB 007. Potsdam, NY 13075 15) 265-3605 -www.nor1hnet.orgIprEm mg Out (Outright Youth Zine) B 5235, Burlington VT 05402 0559577 -0utrightVTOao|.com , rmont Rainbow connection "(TV program) do lavender visions roductions, P08 307 St Albans VT 05470 . lavenderétogethernet MEN f ire Bears : New England and Estem Upstab ewYork . ttp-1/geooiueeoorrvvresurorrywoodrzoat ' Bisexual Men's Group Bennington County and area. . I: Daniel. 447-8107; arnezurasovemet. Fathers Support Group Medtanic st. Pitts1ord,VTl’ 057539017 8 Williston St. Brattleboro VT 05301 254-2972 F08 1534, Burlington VT 05402 (802) 660-0606 PHILANTHROPIES PO Box 541, Hinesburg, VT 05461 Bill Llppert, 8606236 samaraétogethernet PouTrcAL boro Area Gays and Lesbians P08 075. Brattleboro VT 05302 254-5947 26 So. Main St, Box 18 (Concord, NH 033014603) 224-1686 _ 33 Amherst St. Suite 113 ‘Nashua. NH 03063 -Gil (603)881-9522 "n Rights ;21 Church St, Burlington VT 05401 863-8326 -3455 -Vtpride@_hotrnar'|.com - ‘I/www.geocities.corn/WestHollywoodI int coalition for Lesbian and 1 hrs (VCLGR " ill cavanaugrr,0459030 -POB 155 .west Pawret VT 05775 ‘ SPIRITUAL/RELIGIOUS ls Church Unitarian Vermont Sangha ibelan Buddhist) -POB 517, Montpelier 5501 -4204111 or 533-2527 UVM -Burlington VT 05401 -052-1090 Street Congregational Church Across lrom the YMCA in Burlington pen and aftirming -864-7704 Vermont 0 BOX 51 Wmooski VT 05404 -555 5705 ity New Hampshire P08 7. Manchester NH 03105-0007 503547-0205 -DignityNH@a0l.c0m Camp Destiny P08 1492. Brattleboro, VT 05302 53-5760 -lodepopstarcom www.s0ver.net/—mattbucyllcdI niversalist Parish (UU) Line, VT 073-3553 or 75443700 ave (Unitarian Universalist) 152 Pearl st, Burlington VT 05401 John Byer, 802-863-1818 5 Raymond PL, Burlington VT 05401 nt Open Circle of Wicca & do Drew. POB 942. Midd|eburyVT 05753 3005457 -VTOpenCircle@hotmail.com www.ge0cities.comIrainlorestl1258 nt Organization for Weddings Same Gender (VOWS) Rev. Brendan Hadash, RR 3, Box 134B Upper Valley Nancy Cmmbine -6498828 -Box 1110 Norwich VT 05055 -uucuv@dartmouth.edu Lyndonville VT 05851 -626-6363 -LSCGSA@hotmaiI.com www.geocities.cornIwesth0llywood/ stonewallI9786 Dartmouth Rainbow Alliance) Hanover NH 03755 -(603) 646-3636 Be: GLBTA at UVM Free To Be: GLBTA Office -B-163 Billings 656-0699 -lree2b@zoo.uvm.edu ' Faculty Advisor: 656-2058 . rd GayILesbianIBisexual DB ‘Goddard College. Plainfield VT 05667 State college LBG Alliance Keene State College, Keene NH 03431 oqae panth0r.middlebury.edu www.middlebury.edu/-moqa _ Ten (Castleton State College) . Castleton VT 05735 -468-5611 x392 _hae|'s College ALLY Group ' tudent Resource Center, Vlfinooski Park, Colchester 05446 -Linda Hollingdale. . 54-2546 -or Laura Crain 654-2388 _ College GLBA ercy Hall, Burlington VT 05401 |ora@charity.trinityvt.edu llrance at VT Law School outh Fioyalton VT 05068 -Michael Mercer, = httpJlwww.Vtc.vsc.edu/clubs/lambda SUPPORT anchester. NH 03105 -800639-1122 riannhal@aol.com ManchestlerArea, Mae and Jay Morrow P08 92. Manchestervl’ 05254 -3624400 RutIandArea, Julie and Peter Cooper 11 North St., Rutland VT 05701 -773-7601 Southwest VTArea 2nd Sundays, 2pm - Hrst Congregational Church UCC, Williamstown, MA (side entrance) Jellerson NH 03583 0603-536-5522 Shelbume Falls, MA -Jane Harris 413- 6256033 -aharris@valinet.c0m ‘Keene, NH -Lucinda Nightingale 603-352-9337 nt Lesbian and Gay Parents Meeting inlo: 802-658-6045 TRANSGENDER S (Transgender Radical Action, rking, & Support) POB 5007. Burlington VT 05402 -472-5115 ,transv12@ao|.com . WOMEN Lesbians or the Monadnock ALMA) POB 6345. Keene NH 03431 603-363-1961 PCB 746. Lebanon NH 03766 ‘ boro Area Dykes (BAD Grrrls) 254-7721 gton Women's Council FOB 0583, Burlington VT 05402-0583 ES (For women over 40) 3 Rollin lrish Fld. Milton VT 05468 TALK ,Women's discussion group §Wendy, 802-877-3653 Green Tomatoes orthem VTWrmmin's Social Group) _RR 1, Box 6845. Morrisville VT 05661 4888-7118 n Threads esblan Contact Publication) -POB 65 chlord VT 054760065 -848-7037 Main St,Spring1ield VT 05156 1885-2368 Hr. Hotline: 885-2050 Center of the Woods (WOW) FD 1 Box 5260. Worcester VT 05682 eekly meetings in Montpelier 1. Anthony Union High School. ennington isa Moore 447-7511 (Gay/Lesbian Education T 802-296-3858 -newvic@aol.com tVermont (youth 22 and ' POB 5235. Burlington VT 05402 65-9677 -Outn'ghtVT@ao|.corn ttpllmemberseaolcorriloutrightvil outh Hotline: 800GLB-CHAT (452-2428) at Brattleboro U.H.S. ndrea Carlson, Youth Services. 257-0361 racy Binet, 2570355 FMI: Outright Vermont at 800-GLB-CHAT "Aware of Addison County do P08 646, Middlebury VT 05753 000452-2420 (Outright VT) www.angelfire.corrrIVt/youthaware outhAware@usa.net