OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — SEPTEMBER 1999 — 21 MEN'S HEALTH PROJECT 800 649 2437 a project of Vermont CARES GREEN MOUNTAIN MEN'S RETREAT II WHEN: Sat. Sept. 11-Sun. Sept. 12 ' WHERE: Kahagon Retreat- Hardwick, Vermont WIM T’: HAPPENING: 0 Registration and arrival 9am-11am Sat. Sept 11 1 o 11am-opening circle 0 12 noon — lunch 0 personal activities ( swimming,hiking,boating,etc.) o 2 pm workshop 0 4:00 pm break ' o 4:15 e 5:00 Round table discussions to 6 pm BBQ on the beach . 0 8 pm bonfire closing circle . 0 personal time and sleep over (cabins or tents) o 8 am Sun. Sept. 12 — Continental Breakfast Welcome to the follow-up retreat to Green Mountain Men 1 1!!!! We are very excited to get together again as a group, and hope that all of you will be able to return on Saturday September 11"’ for a day long retreat. This time there will be limited sleeping and we have to have a fee structure this time treat. Food will be included in your fee. We need to know who will be willing to share a bed and if you have someone you want to share it with. - Deadline for registration is Sept. 3, 1999 . A Please call ASAP to guarantee your bed or tent space. Please indi- _ Cate if you will be bringing someone to share your bed, if you don’t mind be- , ing paired with some one in a bed, or if you want to tent. The price structure _ is as follows: 0 One day retreat fee $15.00 (includes lunch & BBQ) 0 Tenting-$25.00 per tent site—total price for site and day 0 Bed in a shared cabin- $30.00-total price for bed & day \ J , 0 Designated HIV Provider, 0 Anon mous Coiinselin I O ‘ O O 8: Testing Sites in Vermont 1 W0 Area AIDS Protect BARRE-MONTPELIER ISLAND POND .IZafI0n) , P031495-67 Mal” 5‘~-4"‘ “-B'3“'eb°’° Berlin Health Center Health Center A - VT05302 - 254-8263 r254~4444 _ 8 Williston, Brattleboro VT 05301 Shem 1 ° 371.4342 723.4300 2544973 ' 5°"°”‘° RD #4, Box 1370 Middle Street State Women’s Network '°h°"9lV° care Clinics Montpelier, VT 05602 lsland Pond, VT 05846 FOB 3, Cavendish vT 05142-0003 Hotlinei (800) 763-2460 220-7307 - Margoc@mai|.tds.net Brattlebomi 257-8860 3ENN|Ne.'roN Mippugguny WWW~d3'1'“°Ulh-ed“/~hiV"9V B“’“"9“?”‘ 5564594 Bennington Family Practice Assoc. Open Door Clinic ,1_,s1,,s,11,111,,,1 ;11i11ar111. 7:47-13:41 7 1 447-1191 388-0137 pt. of Health, Ottice of Minority "5 “N k 140 Hospital Drive PO Box 95 864 2631/8154 2332 '1; "£32437 8og‘;2’;’£437 Bennington, VT 05201 Middlebury. VT 05753 1101105 Anonymous 103 Cheny St, POB 70, Burlington 1°?“ 1 -1°; ‘, ‘ Burlington, 356-4221 - POB 5653 VT 05402 ' 003-7273 3 5500- Or 8013 6 With N05 BRATT|-E3930 , _ NEWPORT 1 Bu,11ng10nVT054o2.ThuL7pm omwomenrs Heanh center (202) 898-0414 _ Comprehensive Care Clinic Northeast Kingdom Health Center 1 St. Paul's Cathedral, Cherry St - 335 Ndnn Ave, 131,,11ngn,n V1 05401 HIV Information Network on .257-8860 1 334-5008 can¢on1,m1_003.a57.4300 % 000.1000 Brattleboro Memorial Hospital 30 Coventry Street 1‘ wed. vzaopm. First congregational http://www.dartmouth.edul~hivnetl E Bellmgnnt A1//enue Newport. VT 05855 N. Main & Washington St. , d county A103 Network ratt e oro, T 05301 Hanover, NH, Thursdays, 6:30pm, _ PUTNEY Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center W,“ D5 SERVICES “’1"“g::E’§" "5 5”‘ BURLINGTON Thomas Hoskins. M.D. ‘ Women only " Community Health Center 387-5581 Keene. .NH. (6031 357-4300 - res "e'"‘°"“°"F‘E5@‘3“”"e‘ 864-6309 Main s1., P.O. Box 247 Sat, 7-3230pfYl. Call iOl' location. 3 Vermom (800) 8822437 POB2i248' Bumngton VT 05402 7 RiVerSide AVe., Suite PUiney, Manchester, NH, Sundays, 7:30pm ' H (800) 7522437 863' 37 °' (800) 6492437 BU1-Hngton VT 05401 W Chum 669 Union 51 1 NY State (800) 541.2437 PO Box 6033, Rutland VT 05601 « RUTLAND ”""“"”"'M°"‘”V"7‘3°P”‘ 1 MA (617) 522-4090 17=i)5i§88:75 M 1- 1,105,001 COLCHESTER Comprehensive Care Clinic Na5“““ ””""”a“ C“”'°“ E ME (300) 851-2437 220.4200 ' Ompeler Family Health Rutland Regional Medical Center "‘P'°he“5iV° W°'“°“'5 ‘ PO Box 503, St. JohnsburyVT 05819 655-2055 747-1831 748-9061 311 Malletts Bay Avenue .. Teen Hotlinet (600) 234-TEEN Living wlHlV AIDS suppon groups: P.0. Box 35 ST. ALBANS 302-363-2437 or 900 649-2437 community Awareness project -Washington County, Melanie 2294560 Colchester, VT 05446 Robert Zelazo, M.D. nd Center (Native American) 15) - F‘""_a"d C°“"lV- Maw KBWV" 7755334 524-9553 POB 1358, Barre St, Montpelier VT 2' poa 5051 s1_ Johnsbury VT 05319 ' B””'”9l°"i Ka'3_353'2437 DANVILLE 2 Crest Road 05001 . 2200501 = 10,1149 - S:-)J°h11:1>11[r)vé5IFc’ 743-9601 ‘l;l§§t|t2l12Center, Inc. St. Albans_ VT 05478 nt ea roiect - 75 POB 172 Brattleboro VT 05302 Box 185, Hill Street 51'. JOHNSBURY 800257-1125 (TTY) 800253-0195/ Danville, VT 05828 Comprehensive Care Clinic lax 257-2013 743.7475 pt. of Health AIDS Program HARDWICK Northeast Vemiont Regional 103 Cheny St, PCB 70, Burlington 05402 Health Center Ho ital St’. 863-7245 472-3300 Hospital Drive _ in People with Alps coamion High Street, P.0. Box 535 St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 POB 11, Montpelier VT 05601 ' 2295754 Hardwick, VT 05843 - s3:2'8:5132|f3; °'l:°°*|‘:1;”(_:7 rvices of Southwestern VT or 3o069vTPwA ' vtpwac@saver.net_ 1 WINDSOR .. 3|’ 0 I5 I3 93 T9 08 Union St. #3, BenningtonVT 06201 wwvv.sover.net/~vtpwatJ Leahy Hitchcock Clinic RR2 Box 3255, Morrisville VT 05661 ngton county AIDS Netwmk 674.2193 888-2858 Melanie at 2294560 ' 4424481 or (300) 3452437 \ because we don ’t have the funding available to cover the entire cost of the re- _' was