Curtis’ life continued from front page cate. His clients included the humble and the powerful, for he gave freely of his talents and his time to all who asked. He was a longtime member of the Vermont Bar Association and was admitted to practice in the states of Tennessee and South Dakota and before the Blackfoot Tribal Court. He was a tireless advocate for civil rights and human rights in Vermont. In 1969, he was lead counsel in the case that struck down Vermont’s law against abortion. He served on the Board of Trustees of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, Dismas House, Lambda CONTRIBUTIONS CAN BE MADE TO: VT 0540I. Burlington, VT 05402. Montpelier, VT 05602 The Umbrella Fund of the Comprehensive Care Clinic at the University Health Care Center, attn: Dr. Christopher Grace, I S. Prospect St. Burlington, .é;??- Samara Foundation of Vermont, P.0. Box I263, The ACLU of Vermont, I I0 E. State St. He served as a longtime member of the Vermont Judicial Nominating Board. For many years, David was active in Vermont politics. He served in the Vermont House of Representatives as the member from the town of Charlotte, 1975 to 1976. He was a candidate for attorney general in 1976. He served as chair for the Burlington City Democratic Committee and was a member of the Vermont Democratic State Committee. In 1996, he was a candidate for the State ‘Senate from’ Chittenden County. In 1997, he became Verrnont’s Democratic National Committeeman and then became the Chair of the Vermont State Democratic Party. He served in this position through the date of his death. ill l||.l .‘ill'.'l|l Ill I11 l in Legal Defense Education Fund in Washington, D.C., Vermont CARES, and the Vennont PWA Coalition. David served as a member of the Burlington Human Rights Council and was a mem- ber of the Vermont Advisory Committee to the United States Civil Rights Commission. He received the Vermont ACLU Lifetime Achievement Award and Civil Liberties Award, and the NAACP Outstanding Service Award in 1990. The Vermont Coalition for Lesbian & Gay Rights recognized David with their Leadership Award. In 1996, he was the first recipient of the David W. Curtis Award, an award given by Vennont CARES for ser- vice to the AIDS community. Among his many accomplish- ments were the co-founding of the Samara Foundation of Vennont, a charitable foundation created to support and strengthen the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered communities of Vermont. He remained vice-pres- ident at the time of his death. He was a founding member of the Vennont Women’s Health Center. David also served on the Board of Trustees of the American Civil Liberties of Vermont, Vermont National Abortion Rights Action League, and the AIDS Action Council in Washington D.C. Services were held on Wednesday, August 11 at 11:00 a.m. at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Burlington on 152 Pearl St. V (802) 862'r04l5 Walter l. Zeichner, MA, l‘lCC, Llcemed Clinical Mentad Health Coumelor Psychotherapy for Individuals, Couples, Families % Massage ~ Body 86 Energy Work Training &’ Consultation ~ Workshops ~ Groups Ceremony and Ritual Wellness Issues ~ l'llV Issues ~ G/L/B/T Issues 269 Pearl St., Burlington, Vt. O54-01 tell them you found it at THAT BOOK STORE... (now on Railroad Street) USED AND ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS BUY 0 Sill 0 TRADE USED AND OUT-O!‘-PRINT BOOKS. ’ POSTCARDS PAPER EPHEMERA ' VT AND NH BOOKS Inlay - Sclvmluy 10:00 - mo, Sunday moo - we 00 ltdml Street, St. Jolubury, Vanna 05819 002 143-1122 - rad: monnnlmnmmcu Iol smmu - DAV! WAIIIII BIKE FOR THE RIGHT TO MARRY Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force BIKE-A-THON 25 or 50 Mile Loops Starting at Kingsland Bay State Park, Ferrisburgh Beginning at 9:00 a.m. Saturday, September I 1, 1999 Rain or Shine! H elp raise money for the Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force! For details and a pledge form call Susan at 877-3165 OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS Change lxow you see. not how you loo ‘ ; 4 Body Posflivc Self-Acceptance Worlohops for Women J. Alison Hilbcr, B.A.,TP 802-658-5 313‘ lcc| In!!!-lfl VIII! ION Hoasepainting 81 Masonny 0;: all types Call Knis Daley 862-9431 Fully Insured 15 yrs. experience free Estimates Reasonable Rates Decorative Painting Tlllng Most Health Conscious Food In Burlington... Wlllélll Till |_ll[Al5 EAI_ Yet People Insist that We Serve the Best Food Too ll Great lccists frorn Tliaiilairicl, Vitrlnmn, Burma, Clsiina, lridcmcsia Five Space Cafe 175 Church St. Burlington 864-4045 Delivery through Menus on the Move - 863-MEAL NEWLY EXPANDED KITCHEN A N D S EATI N G — SEPTEMBER 1999 — 9