BY MIKI THOMAS you stuck inside. The intense heat this summer does thejob quite nicely. If an E. coli outbreak puts a damper on your plans to go to a local beach on a sweltering day, cool ofi in an air-conditioned room, plop yourself down in front of a computer, and check out these sites. Two huge sites have come to my attention recently. Livineasy.Com is the brain- child of Barbara McLean, a veteran GLBT activist who has turned her attention to the aging Baby Boomer genera- tion. Her site is based on the premise that Baby Boomers “are in the prime of their life, a time of celebrating accom- plishments and new begin- nings.” To that end, the site is simply exhaustive in its cov- erage of all aspects of life after 50, including health, retirement plans, and travel. Forget about rain keeping ,_ ‘McLean. even offers, a _mjni_,-A course on computers for those who are either completely unfamiliar with them (hear that, Mom?) or have limited knowledge of them. Even youngsters like myself can find something of interest on Livineasy.Com. Membership is free and has several bene- fits, including special dis- counts on different products and advanced computer train- mg. with a History: An Online Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans History. This is the mother of all guides to online infonnation sources about the GLBT com- munity. So far, it has eleven sections covering the dawn of time to the present. And it is not limited to the Western GLBT experience: Africa, Asia, and Latin America are covered at length. Within Section V: North America, for instance, you have a listing of online sources on Native American societies, US and Canadian GLBT history from the Colonial Era to the pre- sent, AIDS, and current GLBT thought. It will take you all day just to read the articles and Web sites linked to Section V. It’ll no doubt take the rest of the month to go through the rest of the sec- tions. People with a History is definitely a one-stop resource for information on the GLBT community. . ..,...A.n§¢!1tia' is DC Magazine, “DC” standing G for “Decent Choices.” It is the hope of Webmaster Robb Tilley that DC Magazine will be an alternative to GLBT sites that are more advertise- ments for XXX sites than any- thing substantial that relates to the day-to-day realities of the GLBT community. As Tilley writes in his Editor’s Note in the July 1999 issue, “We are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people, but we are also more than just a name, more than a label. We’re peo- ple who care about what goes on around us, just like every- one else.” The content is a bit thin right now, considering that it has only two issues under its belt, but Tilley has Livineasy.Com www.| People with a History: The other big site is People itself the “Proud Out Loud Voice of LesBiGay South Florida” and has recently come online. You’ll need the Real Audio player to listen to the shows available (you can download the plug-in from the site). You have your choice of either listening to each show Grapevine is part of the Pink Noise Web ring that offers links to other GLBT radio sites. Check this site out for GLBT radio around the world. Next month l’ll feature Back to School sites (yes, it’s almost that time again). Keep cool till then! V THE HOT LIST An Online Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans History| DC Magazine|ine/DCM/ The Gay Grapevine Radio grapevine-webjumplra.htm Pink Noise web ring /_XO0M/gareth_w/index.html sent out a call for writers. If you would rather listen to the latest GLBT news and entertainment than sit in front of a computer screen and read it, there are sites ofl'ering that alternative. The Gay Grapevine Radio Show calls Show right at the moment or down- loading it so you can listen to it later. The latter option is preferable if you have a slow or poor connection. These shows are not real time broad- casts; however, new ones are added weekly. The Gay always ||0'|'! www.vtnri|Ie.orn qlpsfairs 20 Charming Rooms Peace & Privacy ‘GE ‘Hi blandg ‘Inn P.0. Box 118 Bethlehem, NH 03574 603-869-3978 I-877-LES-B-INN (537-2466) A LESBIAN PARADISE If you want to get it tonight, Get it here this afternoon. Fun Stuff for Under$25 207 Flynn Ave. 2nd floor Burlington - (802) 859-8966 Store Hours Tue-Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 1-5 100 Acres-Pool \ Hot Tub-Trails DANCE T0 LATEST CLUB MUSIC FRIDAY & SATURDAY LEVI-LEATHER LAST SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH www.togethor.I|oII~cattIoco 802-251-9830 RAINBOW CATTLE C0. BRHTTLEBOIIO, V'I' UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT open AT am WEDNESDAY man sunmrr W2 3Y2 PRIDE CENTRAL! A ~ : Peace & Justice Store - »'pride Flags, Creedom rings, _ ndl] prodoc-fs, mulfi-colfwal Children's books. and socially conscious git?-fs! W ‘ 940USRT.5,BE.'I'WEENEXI'I'S3&4OFPI-9l L 21 Church Street Open Seven Days 863-8326 J