OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — JULY 1999 — 31 Curbside T _ 3,, R,,,,,,R,,,,RB,, l \ \ \ l // %;ra,.*IA,I3';,Y,.:r;{::°v- Y we»- \ 4 T“ \/‘/\ WELL, IT'S My Figs-r Kevfimp TIME Put3I.IsHI=.DAND _=_ -. ALL/S0 THAT'S THE ya A MOSTIMPOKTANTTHINGI. our upcoming anthology, Hottest Gay Erotica of 2000... fi We are pleased to inform you that your story, “A Spy in the House of Sex," has been selected for inclusion in //////I // READING l1‘ FoR‘flIE loolh TIME ‘BA BY, IT'S YOUR LIVE IN IT.’ Now, NATHAN, woRI.D, we TUST I WOULDN'T eo -rum’ FAR....,’ BUT I WILL SAY THAT MY $PooF oF so.’ SPY MOVl6S AND 10': Kuuo I’-‘U FLICKS, STARAING STONE ct-IAN, BOY ASS-KlC.l, Ellonc, Aovwrurzes :1 I NO\Al...THE EDITO UKEA GIG SHOT... orhek wrzrraas Your«Ieep.—rI»I;w ME I—l/we NOVELS uI>I.I$HEP BY oLD.....I'vE GoTA Lo-0-ONC7 A WAYTO Go BEFoRE. I‘. aw A<.T /2‘3IJf’7?\T\\ ‘#2) MYN WELL ,1'.'t.L Teci. E\IEK‘(- ll BDVY; How’: THAT '5 ‘UL I STAKT ON 0 61...... REAOMG :1’ FOR THE Iota 1-me Curb side 1"’; ‘DIE;-"fiflug ©,£,‘2;'Y8AY (53357 ..wH A1’ Do THIN 1<— EAIN Is STUDYING Folk H\S NEWEST Ro LE. 1’ w£I. L, EROADWAY DOESN'T c-,0 FOR Boo-Lg . Q) " CI o§'i>"€!" ' % ..—~L—... xx BY Ronxanr K1331: OFVALLEY OFTHE Dons Is A CONCEPT THAT'S BEEN DONE ‘T0 DEA1Y'|'|. RAIN, Sol’-‘AR ? I’ E Y KN GOT IT NAIIYED, Ta21?$H|5cx':L' DONE BY B I-IuH 7 DRAG VERSION DON'T ? ANYINAY C'MON IWANNAGETTHIS OI-\ T 1" F. Scene I>'ow»I..t.’arIs see HERE... \ ’ "A "L B " Now You 651001’ OFMY WAY, I (2o1'A MAN wAI1'w(; For. Ma!" r ToR6E.HE'$ PLAY- ING LYON BURKE. I INVITED HIM To KEAD warn us. AC,TuAI.I_\(, I SHOULD C90, 661' our OF‘ Youtz HAI THR£E'$ X'&1:\_;_—Hh§0€W.'wE‘.z'RE Q 0 OTHE V S 0 IN COMPARISON! PUEM $333325 H6Y,"HEt.EM.”' T HA1"s MISS Mwsou To You. CMON w,I :roI>.<~.e;I-us l5 Kevin. HE-YI$"§‘,’u",, -21 oH,‘J‘usr Fme... YA TRUE,BUT IT §AsI~I'T Beard El. *" Pkooucrrou 60M NA MAKE UM/1'. suess 1 COULD STA‘! A arr i.onsen., PUBLICATIONSV V The Gay Into Line of NH is proud to announce the publica- tion of, Gay Lifeline '99, a brand new, completely up-to-date direc- tory for the sexual minority com- munities of Vermont and New Hampshire. This thoroughly researched and extremely handy volume details the social groups and meeting places where we connect, plus professional ser- vices of interest. Gay AA meet- ings are covered, as are gay and lesbian B & B's, plus New England GLBTQ publications and internet sites. Special sections for bisexuals, transgenders and glbtq youth are also included. Gay Lifeline ‘99 contains a wealth of extremely hard-to-tind info, sure to be of interest to anyone con- nected to the queer community. Because the Gay Into Line wants to get these books out into the community as quickly as possi- ble, we are offering them for only $5 each, plus $3 shipping and handling. As a special incentive to get the community to help us dis- tribute the directories, we will send twelve books out for only $50, and we will pay the shipping ourselves. We will also wholesale 24 or more books to affiliated groups or businesses for only $76 with postage included. Our hope is that individuals and organiza- tions will sell and give away books to their friends and col- leagues distributing the book directly within the queer & allied community. Send check or money order today to the Gay lnto Line, 26 South Main St., Box 181, Concord, NH 03301. The Gay Info Line is a non-profit, all volunteer organiza- tion.