_ Committee hoto Max Stroud Pride I999 a Success continued from page eleven evening set in folks drified 011‘ in different ‘directions. There were a variety of parties being offered including asubstance free Pride Ball at City Hall and music and dancing at 135 Pearl. All in all a good time and great weather prevailed. Pride member Robert Simpson declared the day a suc- Thanig, greu, cess and praised the speakers and performers. ‘Plans are already in the works for next year and Simpson said a committee “regrouping” would probably take place along with greater involvement from the GLBT community. An enormous amount of time and energy goes into making a successful Pride photo Scot Applegate Day and we in the GLBT com- munity who take partllin and enjoy the festivities of the day must not take that for granted. Show your support, give fe§d- back, get involved, have fun and help make Pride Day 2000 a smashing success! V PY@T39E VEReM{C?NT for a %Gr1’\<»>E«/IT’ (tag-'?‘ 1 exchange messages , We've set up three e-mail listservs to keep you up to date , with everything from the local gossip to national issues. VTPrideNet: an e-mail discussion list. LGBT folks from across Vermont — and the people who love them — can now 1 If you'd rather get your chatter in one neat package instead 1; of individual messages, check out VTPrideNet-digest. l Instead of getting each e-mail separately, you'll get one long OR f message thatcontains all the day’s postings. ' 1 1 For those who_aren’t up for chatter but want to keep up with major newsevent notices and paper deadlines (of course), ; there's VTPrideNet-announce. There’s no discussion on this list ? — just announcements as events warrant. Moo: $30‘ 00$‘ ntocll with the Vermont community between isses or arm. To subscribe to any of the lists, send e-mail to OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — JULY’ 4999 — 27 (left) After the Pride festivities at Waterfront Park, partygoers headed to Contois Auditorium at Burlington City Hall. The chemi- cal-free all-ages Pride Ball kept folks on the dance floor until almost midnight. (below) A Vocal Minority, the Vermont Gay Men's Chorus per- formed a number of selections during the afternoon entertain- ment at the waterfront. The Pride program also included per- i 1 fonnances by the Sisters LeMay, Noel, Cherie Tartt, and others. / / / i'§‘AKtR\‘i; STREET! Come See the New Digs! ° Bridge Street Entrance ( AND 0 Increased Seating C l ' Expanded Menu .. __,, .. . ° Wheelchair Accessible Bakery: Mon—Fri 6-6, Sun 8: Sat 8-1 Breakfast: Mon-Fri 6-11 Brunch: Sun 86 Sat 8-1 3%, WE'RE ON THE 1 Lunch Every Day Extensive Selection Over 200,000 book, music and video titles Over 2,000 periodical: Most Extensive Music selection in Burlington! 30% discount on current New York limes bestsellers MW ‘lam-lltfl l0% discount on most other hardcover: loo far my y-M Over 500 listening station: to preview CD: W .B.S2.'3.B‘§.[3§.' e 29 CHURCH ST ' CHURCH S'l'llE'.El' MARKETPLACE ' 802-B55-271 I majordomo@queernet.org In the body of your e-mail, you should include one of the following lines to specify the list you want to join: subscribe vtpridenet subscribe vtpridenet-digest subscribe vtpridenet-announce If you need assistance, email us at oltm@together.net Join the virtual nlmcommunilv Ilav! E