zo — OUT lr-(‘THE MOUNTAINS — JULY 1999 ARTS AND RECREATION MEDIA PouTlcAL gton RU12 community center Like Us (newsletter) boro Area Gays and Lesbians Mike or Don - 8601044 - PO Box 5883 do Brian Dougherty NH AIDS Foundation P08 875, Brattleboro VT 05302 Burlington. VT 05402-5333 1037 Elm St. 0501. P08 59 2545947 ruizcoenterflholrnatlcom Manchester, NH 03105 mo Line of NH hornepageetogether.netI-|erpadInr12Jir11iax.h1n'i 800-639-1122 ' bnannhateaolcom 26 50. Main 3'' Box 18 _ rn Mountain Club - VT Us OUT Concord, NH 03301- (603)224-1636 . :pter(Gay & Lesbian Outdoor Org) P05 235- 3'3‘“°b°'° VT°53°9 ' 2570332 ’ ua Pride =1 Bob Bland, (833) 831-3100 " bland6soVer.net - www.chiltem.orgIohilterrl/ (Bi Men's Reading Group Brattleboro. FMl:Jonalhan (802) 253-2393 or Michael (802) 254-6239 ‘n Mountain Freedom Band I Alliliated wl Lesbian and Gay Bands of America - FMI: Michelle 'Miirr Thomas V POB 5322, Burlington, VT 05402-5322 gossamer@together.net ender Visions Productions, Inc. POB 307- Si. Albarls VT 05478 - 349 2739 www.t0gether.netI-lavender try Workshops — Middlebury David Weinstock, 388-7523 merl/Lesbian Book Group Putney. FMI: Tatiana. (802) 387-2781 or tatianas@sover.net ,istsINaturists Group Tonic Waters - POB 6111 Brattleboro, VT 05302 Samadhi Singers A Sacred Music Chorale tor the GLBT . Community - Burlington. 864-5327 re on a Shoestring F08 1012. Burlington VT 05402 (888) 212-5884 ' into6theatreshoe.oom www.theatreshoe.o0m nt Gay Men's chorus 1-800-750-8434 - lax: (802) 633-2389 _ robnyvesfltogettleltnet ble in Vernlont Arts (VIVA) P08 812. Burlington VT 05402 - 3650385 BlsExuAL ual Network of Vermont POB 8124. Burlington. VT 05602 - 2230112 or 879-7883 - Biwarriorsflaolcom (ENDING VloLENcE - 11 county Women In crisis ; P08 67. MlddleburyVT05753 - 3334205 — Women's Services, inc. POB 828. Montpelier VT 05601 24 Hour Hoilina 223-6855 Lieutenant elll LaWare - 658-7658 na Howard Nichols center Women's domestidsexual violence shelter PO Box 517, Morrisvllle. VT 05661 ' Hotline: (802) 888-5256 Business: (302) 888-2584 x Domestic Violence -- mmlttee (chittenden County Domestic Violence Task Force) - 31 EImwood‘Ave Burlington. VT 05401 Back the Trails . _ Local Contact Mel (603) 5401700 _ www.prinoetolLedu/~rcurtisIeeetrail.htrnl nt Network Against Domestic lance and Sexual Assault www.vnadvsatogether.com 24hour hotils ' Domestic Vlolerlce 1-800-228-7395 Sexual Assault 1-800-489-7273 n's Crisis center POB 933. Brattleboro VT 05302 - 257-7364 24 Hour Hotiirle: 2546954 n Helping Battered Women POB 1535, Burington VT 05402 - 658-1896 n's Rape Crisis center 9 POB 92, Burlington VT 05402 - 864-0555 HEALTH See Healthsource LEGAL ’rican Civil Liberties n(ACLU)1 ' 10 E. State St.. Montpelier VT 05602 2236304 - aoluvteaolcom http1Imembers.aol.con1/acluvt/home.himl ILesbianlBisexual Legal iation do Blackwood and Kraynak - POB 875 Burlington 05402 - 863-2517 ont Human Rights Commission 133 State Si.. Montpelier VT 05633-6301 _ (802) 3202430 or (300) 416-2010 ‘ntain Pride Media, inc. .. F08 1073, Richmond VT 05477 in the Mountains POB 1078, Richmond VT 05477 - 434olTM oitmfltogethernet - www.vtpride.org : Prism Newsletter (Northern NY) P08 307, Potsdam. NY 13676 (315) 265-3605 - www.northnet.orgIprism hing Out (Outright Youth Zine) F08 5235, Burlington VT 05402 865-9677 - 0utrightVT@aol.com Vermont Rainbow connection (TV program) do lavender visions productions. POB 307 St. Albans VT 05473 Iavenderfltogetheltnet MEN hire Bears NewEnglandand Eastern Upstate NewYotk 1 http'JIgeooities.oom/westhollywo0dI2081 ‘ and Bisexual Men's Group Berlrlingtorl County and area FMI: Daniel. 447-8007; amazurfisovernat . Fathers Support Group 50 Mechanic St. Pitslorrl. VT 05763-9317 Bob.-1836739 Guy Get Togethers in SE VT Carey. 2548263 Men's Ritual Group 862-8646 - Gay Men's Support Group (800) 639-7903 - Keene. NH Alivel , POB 423, Burlirlgton VT 054021 3652247 taurs Brotherhood Club . ._ (Leather 3. Levi's Club) - F08 2141 Concord. NH 03302-2141 _ 9 MinotaurBCOaol.oom - (603) 753-9059 adnock Gay Men (MGM) : POB 1124, Keene NH 03431 7 (603)357-5544 - MonadGay6aol.oom - http'JImernbers.aol.cornlmonadgayI in Ten Project ‘ Discussion/social group. Claremont, NH _ Brian. 8006307903 ical Faeries ‘ Yolanda. POB 312, Burlington VT 05402 Gabriel. P08 224. Brattleboro VT 05302 ;_ (802)257-4871 M (Mature Gay Men) _ 3601310 9 ont Gay Social Alternatives . A) POB 237, Burlington VT 05402-0237 8653734 - vtvgsaflaoloom 0 www.VGSAoom MULTICULTURAL - NA (African, Latino, Asian, Native lcan) Community Program 8 Williston St, Brattleboro VT 05301 2542972 zaa . P08 533, Burlington VT 05402-0583 men 01 Color Alliance POB 1534, Burlington VT 05402 (302) 6600606 PHILANTHROPIES ra Foundation PO Box 541, Hinesburg. VT 05461 Bill i.ippert. 482-5838 samaraétogettlennet 4233 Amherst St. Suite 113 -Nashua, NH 03063 - Gil (603) 381-9522 -Citizens’ Alliance for Gay and P08 730, Concord NH 03302 (603) 224-1686 - and Justice Center 21 Church 31., Burlington VT 05401 863-8326 - Vermont committee F08 5113, Burlington VT 05402-5113 \ 864-3455 - plidevtéaoloom ’ http'J/mernbers.spree.com/thearts/ . dspesivrprlitehtmi nt coalition for Lesbian and Rights (VCLGR) _ POB 1125, Montpelier VT 05602 I-Wglnia Rerlirew, 496-4333 Keith Goslanl. 4543552 _ ont Freedom to Marry Task -1 P0311312, Middlebury VT 05753 386,-6356. Brattleboro area: Bari Shamas. - 337-5738 . PROFESSIONAL Mary Alice Sctlaizle 769 4835 _ maschatzOus.lbm.o0m - Jim Leavens, , pdcarey.p0icibm.comIEAGLE!ea_glehtrnl V esbianlstralght Educators N) Southern Vermont _ bow Business Association GBLT businesses & professionals organization f POB 8335, Burlington VT 05402 878-7037 - RBAvtO aol.o0m 'ont-NEA GLB Educators eir Allies Bill Cavanaugh, 645-8630 - POB 156 West Pawtet VT 05775 SPIRITUAL/RELIGIOUS Brattleboro - 259-9377 1 Vermont Sangha (Tibetan Buddhist) - POB 517, Montpelier 05601 - 426-4111 or 5332527 plain Valley Unitarian An official welcoming congregation P08 857. Middlebury, VT 05753 - 388-8080 t Church Presbyterian-More Across item the YMCA in Burlington Open and aiflnning - 864-7704 . titty Vermont PO BOX 61 Vlfinooski VT 05404 - 655 6706 lty New Hampshire P08 7, Marlchester NH 03105-0007 6006470206 - DignityNHoaol.oom - Camp Destiny POB 1492, Brattleboro, VT 05302 453-5760 - lcdepopstaroom www.sover.net/-mat1bucy/tod/ Universalist Parish (UU) y Line, VT 873-3563 or 754-8780 _ rweave (Unitarian Universalist) 152 Pearl St, Burlington VT 05401 John Byer, 802-863-1818 rian Church of Montpelier REA COMMUNITY RESOURCES - 888-825-4989 - Liaisons to the govemmenh A 130 Malrl St, Montpelier VT 05602 223-7861 nt Gay Men's Spiritual Support therhood 5 Raymond Pl., Burlington VT 05401 am Open Circle of Wicca & do Draw, POB 942. Middlebury VT 05753 388-6457 - VTOpenClrole@hotmail.c0m www.geocities.oom/raintorestl1258 ' rnont Organization for Weddings ‘ g e Same Gender (VOWS) - K Rev. Brendan Hadash, RR 3, Box 134B 3-1 West Glover VT 05875 - 525-3875 geocities.c0m/WestHo||ywood/Heights/ 3936 itarian Universalist Congregation e Upper Valley Nancy Crumbine - 6498828 - Box 1110 Norwich VT 05055 - uucuvédartmouthedu STUDENT i'cs’A (Lyndon State college Straight Alliance) Lyndon State C0ll999.. LSC Box 7335 -~ www.geocities.comIwesthollywoodI , stonewalV9786 - (Dartmouth Rainbow Alliance) Hanover NH 03755 0 (603) 646-3636 0 Be: GLBTA at UVM Free To Ba:.Gl.BTA Otiice - B-163 Billings 656-0699 - free2b6zoo.uVm.edu 0 Faculty Adviser". 656-2058 : rd GayILesblanIBisexuai O8 . , . *3 College. Plainlield VT 05667 ' ~ State_College LBG Alliance Keene State College. Keene NH 03431 rtson state College GSA ” GLBQAA, do Student Association. Johnson, VT 056560 thompsoaObadger.)sc.vsc.edu - H00. .3 , ’ ' ' Landmark College, Putney VT 05346 387-6752 a-(Middlebury Open Queer nce) ' Drawer 8, mddlebury College Middlebury. VT 09536033 moqa@panther.middlebury.edu www.midd|ebu'ry.edu/-moqa n Ten (castleton State College) _ Castleton VT 05735 - 468-5611 X392 ' ichae|'s College ALLY Group Student Resource Center. Wlnooski Park, Colchester 05446 0 Linda Hollingdale, ( 654-2546 - or Laura Crein 654-2388 lty College GLBA Mercy Hall, Burlington VT 05401 - 864-7528 - kslora@charity.trinityVt.edu ’ Alliance at VT Law School S0u_tl't Floyalton VT 05068 - Michael Mercer. 763-8498 - www.verrnontlaw.edu/~al|ianoe ont Technical College - Lambda Mary Mulhem, VTC Randolph Center. VT 05061 - httpJIwww.vtc.vsc.eduIclubs/lambda SUPPORT ,y & Bisexual Men's Support Group Guys Like Us - Brian Dougharty, NH AIDS Foundation, 1087 Elm St. #501, P08 59, 9 Manchester, NH 03105 - 800-639-1122 briannhalflaoloom & Bisexual Men's Support Group ' Keene. NH - Shawn, 800-6397903 nections - Support group for OT Adults Beth El Congregation Synagogue 225 North St. Bennington, VT at Last = F08 6111, Brattleboro VT 05302 - s in Adoption 44 South St. POB 128. Middletown Springs, _ ,3 VT 05757 - 2352373 Parents and Friends of Lesbians ~ Gays (P-FLAG) - Brattleboro Area, J. Cram - 409 Hillsinds, — Brattleboro 05301, 257-5409 &ntraiVT.3tdSundays.1prn-UUCl1urch. '. Support/Counseling lor excult/cult members Montpelier (School St. entrance) Lake Champlain, Lil Venner - 23 Birchwood Burlington VT 05401 - 8634285 Manchester Area, Mae and Jay Morrow P08 92, Manchester VT 05254 - 3624400 Hutiand Area, Julie and Peter Cooper 11 North St.. Ruttand VT 05701 ~ 7737601 Parents and Friends of Lesbians Gays (P-FLAG) North country chapter- P08 3 Jelierson NH 03583 0 603-536-5522 in NH 8007502524 Silelbume Falls, MA - Jane Harris 413- 625-6033 0 aharris@va|inet.com Keene, NH - Lucinda Nightingale 603-352-8337 rmont Lesbian and Gay Parents Meeting info: 802-658-6045 TRANSGENDER §fRANS (Transgender Radical Action, tworking, & Support) POB 5687. Burlington VT 05402 - 472-3115 . lransvt2@aol.com WOMEN Ve Lesbians oi the Monadnock tea (ALMA) * POB 6345, Keene NH 03431 6033634961 ,1 lia Earhart 1 POB 746. Lebanon NH 03766 ttleboro Area Dykes (BAD Grrrls) ' 2547721 ington Women's Council POB 0533. Burlington VT 05402-0533 Women's discussion group Wendy. 802-877-3658 Green Tomatoes (Norttlem VT Wlmmln’s Social Group) RR 1, Box 6845. Morrisville VT 05661 888-7118 (Lesbian Contact Publication) - P08 65 Flichlord VT 05476-0065 - 343-7037 goldentredfiaoloom _, ritlngton Open Worrien’s Land . . L) Camping, events, day hikes. Intentional community. - 434-3953 an Sociall_Support group for n 40 and older Brattleboro - 254-7345 Beginnings Women's Support 5 Mairl St. Springfield VT 05156 - 8352363 24 Hr. Hotline: 885-2050 at Feminist Study Group Readings and discussion ' A Crow, 802-655-3766 3 ,brella Wonlen's Center 16 Main St. St. Johnsbury VT 05819 7438645 man Center 5 School Ave. Montpelier VT 05602 229-6202 men's Information Service (WISE) 79 Hanover St. Lebanon NH 03766 603443-5922 - 24 hr. hotline: 6034465525 men of the Woods (WOW) RFD 1 Box 5260. Worcester VT 05682 2200109 YouTH tral Vermont OUTRIGHT Weekly meetings in Montpelier (800) GLB-CHAT or 452-2428 (School students Mt. Anthony Union High School, Bennington Use Moore 447-7511 arn (GayILesblan Education Resource Network) do Upper Valley Outright Vermont P08 27, Norwich VT ' 649-5297 or 802-296-3858 - newvic@a0|.oom 'ght Vermont (youth 22 and ,_ POB 5235, Burlington VT 05402 - 8659677 - OutlightVT@aDl.com http'J/members.ao|.corrVoutrightvtl . Youth Hotline: 800-GLB-CHAT (452-2428) in, at Brattleboro U.H.S. Andrea Carlson. Youth Services, 2570361 Tracy Binet. 2570356 stock Area Gaylstraight th Alliance ' 9 FMI: Outright Vermont at 800GLB-CHAT uth Aware of Addison County ’ do POB 646, Middlebury VT 05753 800452-2428 (Outright VT) www.ange|fire.comIVtIyouthaware Youtmwareeusanet