18 — out IN THE MOUNTAINS — JULY 199o Queer Wars continued from page seven of the Third Reich. And conversely, the Old Republic needs to be portrayed, for all its ineffectiveness, as a tol- erant and generally well inten- tioned govemment. After all, the Weimar Republic was such an entity, from what I’ve read about it, with considerable freedom of expression and a bustling gay nightlife in Berlin. You need to send the message that some gov- ernmental ineffectiveness is an unavoidable byproduct of democ- racy, and a small price to pay for freedom and equality. The Old Republic, and the Jedi Order, both need to be painted as organiza- tions that encouraged tolerance and diversity. . And that is why, George, we must have Queer Jedi. I know, I know, you’re already worried about your sponsors pulling out. Plus, these are, after all, chil- dren’s movies, and pulling off the conception of Luke and Leia is going to be pushing the envelope as it is. But I think you can pull this off as well. Here’s how. First, the woman character I’m thinking of doesn’t have to mani- fest an obvious sexual interest in women — I just want to see one strong female who is not com- pletely obsessed with or depen- dent upon men. And I’m not talk- ing about some Yoda clone with a fake-looking wig sitting on her ass in the Jedi _Council chambers, either. I’m talking about a shit- kicking, ball-busting, saber- swinging Jedi Bitch from Hell. And we only need her on the screen for about 10 minutes. Picture this: Obi-Wan sets up a sparring match between this woman (let’s call her “Lesbi- Wan”) and his protege, Anakin. Anakin makes some sexist com- Flanagan continued from front page eamed tax dollars and champions their common-sense progressive values.” As a senator, Flanagan plans to continue to advocate health care refonn and retirement security. He is strongly committed to strength- ening Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid for the growing number of America’s senior citi- zens; boosting the minimum wage to keep pace with the increasing cost of living; toughening enforce- ment of laws to guarantee equal pay for.equal work; passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act to protect Americans from job discrimination based on sexual ori- entation; and ensuring implementa- tion of sound, strong public health policies to combat the AIDS epi- demic and meet women’s health needs. “On a wide range of issues, I am committed to championing the val- ues we Vermonters hold dear — while holding our government to the highest standards of fiscal and ethical accountability,” added Flanagan. “This is what I have done in Vermont, and this is what I will do for Vermonters in Washington. I am grateful for the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund’s endorsement, and I intend to make my candidacy worthy of the trust and early confidence that the Victory Fund and its civic-minded supporters have placed in me.” “The time has finally come for at least one of the 100 seats in the US Senate to be held by an out- standing openly gay or lesbian public servant,” added Bond. “Ed Flanagan’s election would not only be important for the hard-working families of Vennont; it would also be a great leap forward for all Americans, gay and straight alike.” “The Victory Fund is here to let our community know when there are viable gay and lesbian candi- dates out there that need early financial and volunteer support to help meet the special challenges they ofien face,” noted Bond. “Our community can help Ed Flanagan make history — but we must start helping now. As an incumbent, Jim Jeffords has had the luxury of rais- ing money for the past four and a half years. It’s now up to us to help level the playing field.” In addition to the Victory Fund’s support, Flanagan has already earned the strong backing of U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D- Mass), Vermont state House Speaker Michael Obuchowski, and many other Vermont legislative leaders. V mentor is otherwise acting gener- ally cocky, so Lesbi-Wan spends the next 10 minutes parrying his thrusts and generally kicking his adolescent ass. Lucy Lawless would be the most obvious casting choice for such a role, but there are certainly a number of other possibilities. I’m thinking Linda Hamilton, Sigoumey Weaver, that hot babe from The Matrix (you know...“Trinity?”)...or better yet, Michelle Yeoh, the kung fu master from that James Bond flick (ooh, a real live Asian person in a Star Wars movie — what a concept). Now, the Queer Jedi boys I’m thinking of probably need to be a little more overt, because your gay male Jedis are not going to stereo- typically run around arranging flo- ral patterns and telling Queen Amidala that she looks fabulous. I want big, buff, manly men whose warrior companions just happen to be their lovers — something in . the ancient Greek or Babylonian traditions. And all we need is a fleeting glimpse of these guys — nothing sexual, no spoken lines, just a brief shot of an arm around a waist or shoulder, or a loving pat on the face. Just enough to tell the audience that Don-Wan loves Steve-Gon Jinn, and hey, that’s just fine with the Jedi Council as long as they do their jobs. Transgenderism raises such a plethora of possibilities that I’m surprised you haven’t already thought of it. In your never-ending quest to create new, eye-popping life forms, why have you never thought of creating a being who can change hir gender at will? Think of it: a whole planet, an entire race of people who have no prescribed gender roles whatsoev- er, who live and love however they like and act either masculine or feminine according to their whims? How cool would that be? Is this too much to ask of you, George? Am I unfair to import ‘90s concepts of political correct- ness and impose them on a culture that, after all, existed a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away? I don’t think so. The bottom line for me is, if the Old Republic and the Jedi DON’T stand for tolerance and diversity, I just don’t under- stand what makes them so much better than the Sith Lords and the Empire. If the Jedi are only a bunch of testosterone-charged white males doing their “guy thing,” what is really the big dif- ference between the Light Side and the Dark Side? And if the Old Republic was just as oppressive and dismissive of women and minorities as anything Palpatine can dish out, then let it get destroyed by the Empire. I give a shit. I know you’ll probably never read this, George, and since we Queers are such a small minority, I doubt you’ll ever see a need to make us feel more included in your galactic dynasty. But maybe one day you’ll realize that toler- ance of Queers is about more than gay rights, or God forbid, the gay “agenda.” Teaching children toler- ance of people different from themselves would be a worth- while goal ‘easily accomplished through these movies, through the teachings of the Jedi -— and it is a goal I think you would find more satisfying, in the long run, than the goal of lining your own coffers with cash. I can’t expect that you will one day see things my way, but I can always hope. V MEN'S HEALTH PROJECT YOUR GAY MEN'S HEALTH PROJECT AT WORK FOR YOU Hepatitis Clinic July l0 @Vt.CARES office —noon. I 3631 Pearl St Burlington. Get vaccinated for Hep A or Hep B. Call Yolanda for details 802-863-2437 * Of 800 649 2437 a project of Vermont CARES