1o — OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — JULY 1999 Vermont’s Pride 1999 BY TIM EVANS n June 19, the eve of the summer 0 solstice, Pride Vermont ‘99 took place under a spectacular sun- washed sky. Truly, one could not have asked for a better day. Hot sun (but low humidity), an azure sky, and white puffy clouds in the distance mixed with rainbow flags, balloons, and a large spirited crowd of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and allied revelers at Burlington’s Waterfront Park. From early Saturday morning until well into the evening, the GLBT community of Vermont came together to celebrate strides made in recent years and to hear about the challenges facing the future. At llam, a rally began with the reading of President Clinton’s proclamation nam- ing June Gay Pride Month. Keith Goslant of the Vermont Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Rights made note of the chasms that have developed between gay and race issues and between men’s and women’s health issues, and issued a plea for us all to \‘ ‘ U photo ScotAppegate THE PRIDE VT. '99 COMMITTEE - Clockwide from left: -The vendor tent at Waterfront Park in Burlington -Cherie Tartt later thanked Jay Schuster for helping her realize a lifelong dream ofbeing a “biker bitch. " -Pride Vermont 1 999 stafl work together whether fighting AIDS or breast cancer. Mike Bensel and Anne Moore of the Burlington RUIZ? Community Center project spoke of the importance of building and maintaining community; attorney Beth Robinson spoke on the freedom to marry cause; US senato- rial candidate Ed Flanagan related a touch- ing experience of how he met resistance for speaking at a Vermont high school and seemed to touch his harshest critics by the end of his talk. phto ax Stroud ' LUOULO LIKE TO THPNK ‘ ' 0 EVER'=lONE ' ' F"'ROlv1 PLPNNINEI. ' ' ° TO SUPPORT. ' TO VOLUNTEERS. ' ° TD nu. IN r-=aTTsNDnNc:s j _ FDR HELPINE Mr=u