WWW.VIIlI' JUNE 2 V WGIIIIGSIIBV ‘PRIDE COMMITTEE - 7 pm. The Pride com- mittee meets every Wednesday until Pride at various locations. FMI or directions: Tracy, 802- 864-3455 or Donald, 802-863-2343. 3 V Thursday MIDDLEBURY - Free 3-hour poetry workshop and open mike. 1 pm. A weekly series at the llsley Public Library. Newcomers and drop-ins welcome. FMI: David Weinstock, 802-388- 7523. 4 V Friday BRATTLEBORO - Hooker-Dunham Arts Center reception “One Happy Day In June” 5- 8 pm. Photographs by Vaune Trachtman docu- ment three annual gay pride marches in- Seattle. 10% of proceeds from the sale of pho tos go to the Brattleboro AIDS Project. Gallery hours M-F, 10-4. Runs through 6/27 139 Main St. FMI: 802-254-9276. VERGENNES - Hospice Volunteer Services Annual Art Auction. 4:30-9 pm. More than 170 works by local artists and craftspersons. Preview and silent auction; light buffet supper 57 pm. Art demonstrations, live music and cash bar; HC accessible. $10 donation. Basin Harbor Club. FMI: 802-388-4111. 5 V Saturday BRATTLEBORO - 12th annual “Walk for Life," Brattleboro Area AIDS Project. 11 am. Walkers gather pledges in support of HIV/AIDS ser- vices and education.‘ Proceeds provide direct services to people with HIV/AIDS and support education programs. Prizes for top pledges. Pledge sheets available at the Project office at 67 Main St. FMI: (802) 254-4444. BURLINGTON - The Burlington RU12? Community Center, 7:30-11 pm, presents another substance-free, Open Mic, coffee- house event at Penny Cluse Cafe at S. Winooski 8. Cherry. Hostess‘ with the mostess' are Cherie Tartt and Yolanda. Cathy Resmer, poet, MC's. Cosponsored by Outright Vennont, Men’s Health Project and Mountain Pride Media. ALL AGES. Admission $5 (more or less). FMI: Mike, 802-860-1044 or email ru12ccenter@hotmai|.com. BURUNGTON - The Burlington Slam, 9 pm.A monthly poetry slam at Rhombus Gallery. Come watch, read, or judge this verbal spar- ring match. $100 to the best poets. 8:30 sign- up for poets. 186 College St. (2nd floor). _ Admission $3-$6. FMI: Shannon, 602-862- 6536. BURUNGTON - Katherine Quinn, 9:30 -11»- pm. Playing UVM orientation and hosting an open mike. Billings Lounge. guinnykq@yahoo.com PUTNEY - Gender. Role-Free Contradance,8 pm, Putney Community Center. FMI: Howie, 603-256-6995. 6 V sundatl BURUNGTON - 3 pm: The Samadhi Singers, A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community, perfonn a concert of spirited choral music at St. Paul's Episcopal ‘Cathedral in Burlington to benefit "’ Outright VT. FMI: 8028607106 or email 0 revcsI@aol.com . FMI: ' I V TIIBSIIIIV VT PUBUC TELEVISION - 10:50 pm, Golden Threads founder Christine Bunon, interviewed at 90 years old. serves as spiritual guide for filmmakers Lucy Winer and Karen Eaton as they probe mid-life crisis and the fear of aging. At age 80, Bunon founded Golden Threads, an international network, based in Berkshire, Vt., for older gay women. (CC) (Also 6/12, 4 am). ide.oruIeuents required. VERMONT CHAMP RIDE - 1st Annual. Help raise money for AIDS services in Vermont while pedaling your way through beautiful country landscapes, lakeside back roads, and picturesque Lake Champlain villages. FMI: Contact Vermont CARES 802-863-2437 9 V WBIIHBSIIBV BURLINGTON - National poetry s|am‘champi- on Alix Olson reads at Rhombus Gallery, 8 pm. Member of the national champion Nuyorican Poet's Cafe slam team, and winner of the 1999 Outwrite National Slam, Alix was recently fea- tured in The Advocate and Girlfriend's maga- zine. Admission is $3-$6. 186 College St. (2nd floor). FMI: Shannon, 802-862-6536. BURUNGTON - Katherine Quinn at 135 Pearl with NY slam poets. FMI: guinnykq@yahoo.com PRIDE COMMITTEE - 7 pm. The Pride com- mittee meets every Wednesday until Pride at various locations. FMI or directions: Tracy, 802- 884-3455 or Donald, 802-863-2343. WATERBURY - Rainbow Business Association June professional mixer 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Moose Meadow Lodge. Speaker: Amy Hoffman, computer consultant. Hors d’oeuvres. 10 V Thursday BURLINGTON - Katherine Quinn, 9230 - 11 pm. Playing UVM orientation and hosting an open mike. Billings Lounge. FMI: guinnykq@yahoo.com CORNWALL - Addison County Social, 6 pm, potluck barbecue at Donovan Andrews‘ house. All welcome; all ages. Bring drinks, something for the grill, and a dish to share. There's talk of volleyball and croquet! FMI or directions: Donovan, 802-462-2443; email jrabbit@sover.net or Barb, 802-388-8298; email, beegevt@aol.com. MIDDLEBURY - Soul-Naked Writing, free poetry workshop. 1:00 pm. llsley Public Library, Main St. Open to all. Bring a poem or two to share. FMI: David Weinstock, 802-388-7523. 11 V Friday BURLINGTON - Nuyorican poetry slam champ Alix Olson and Bur|ington's Katherine Quinn share the stage at 135 Pearl, 8 pm. FMI: 802-863-2343. 12 V Saturday BURUNGTON - Katherine Quinn, 10 pm- 12:30 am. Manhattan Pizza, Church St. FMI: guinnykq@yahoo.com BURUNGTON - Movie Matinee at Xando, 2:00-3:30 pm (Outright Vermont's youth space). Lillian Mediero screens her film Both Ways, a documentary on the struggles and tri- umphs of bisexual women. Lillian presents the film and be available afterwards for questions and discussion. Open to young women and men ages 22 and under. Refreshments. FMI: 800-GLB-CHAT or e-mail Outrightvt@ao|.com. VT PUBLIC TELEVISIONV - 5:00 am. Out of ' the Past. The emergence of gay men and les- bians ‘n America, as presented through the — eyes of Kelli Peterson, a Utah teenager who met resistance when she tried to fonn a Gay- Straight Alliance at her high school. (cc) (Also 6/14, 3 am). HAVERHILL, NH - WOW Gay Girls‘ Golf Gala 10 am. Black Mount Country Club. All levels welcome! Potluck barbecue ‘It Coritth after- ward. BYO drinks and grillables, a dish to share, and something to park your buns on. FMI: Nancy, (802) 4396519. Reservations 13 V sundatl BURLINGTON - Katherine Quinn, 9:30-11 pm. Playing UVM orientation and hosting an open mike. Billings Lounge. FMI: guinnykq@yahoo.com BURUNGTON - UU Circle: Pagan Film Series and Potluck Fellowship. Join us for a feast and film. Potluck at 5:30 pm, showing of the film Full Circle at 7 pm. First UU Society of Burlington, 152 Pearl St.. Donations. Info, 658- 9689 BURLINGTON - The Samadhi Singers, A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsal, 6-8 pm; Christ Church Presbyterian. UVM Redstone Campus. Anyone who loves to sing sacred to spirited choral music is invited. FMI: Peter Frechette, 864-5327CLAY POINT - VGSA Sunday Potluck Brunch. FMI: Dave, 893-2104. PUTNEY - Vermont premiere: “After Stonewall." Sequel to the Emmy award-win- ning film “Before Stonewall." Landmark College Admin Building auditorium. Benefit for the Brattleboro Area AIDS Project. Admission and post-screening reception at "Rainbow Cattle Company $15. FMI: 802-254-8263. ST. JOHNSBURY - MHP Pot-luck at the UU Church. A kickoff for Gay Pride Week FMI: robertl @vtcares.org or robnyves @together.net. 14 V Monday BURLINGTON - RU12? Community Center‘s monthly potluck 6-8 pm, Rhombus Gallery, cor- ner of College & Church St. Please bring food or a non-alcoholic beverage. All are encour- aged to share a meal with the GLBTA commu- nity. FMI: Mike, 802-860-1044 or email ru12ccenter@hotmail.com. 15 V TIIESIIEIV BURLINGTON - VGSA Movie Night. FMI: Larry, 985-4927. RICHMOND - OITM Community Compass Deadline. In 200 words or less, tell us what your organization is doing and planning for the current month. Submit by email to oitm@together.net. Be sure to send calendar items by email to calendar@vtpride.org. 15 V WBIIIIESIIEV HINESBURG - Katherine Quinn, 7:30-9 pm. Good 1”imes Cafe, Rt. 116. FMI: guinnykq@yahoo.com NEWFANE - GayIBi Men’s Movie & Pizza Night, 7 pm, at Jonathan Field's. FMI: Jonathan, B02-365-4007 PRIDE COMMITTEE - 7 pm. The Pride corn- mittee meets every Wednesday until Pride at various locations. FMI or directions: Tracy, 802- 864-3455 or Donald, 802-863-2343. 17 V TIIIIISIIIIV MIDDLEBURY - Publishing Strategies; free poetry workshop. 1 pm. Drop-in workshop otters feedback, encouragement, and optional assignments llsley Public Lbrary, Main St. Br'ngapoemortwotoshare.FM|:David We'nstock,802-388-7523. ‘ To amounce your event for 0IIM’s monthly calendar emai [calendar-@vtnride.or9]. or write [Po Box 1078, ltichmond, IIT 05477] by the 20th of the month prior to publication. 18 V Friday BURLINGTON - Katherine Quinn, 9:30-11 pm. Playing UVM orientation and hosting an open mike. Billings Lounge. FMI: guinnykq@yahoo.com BURLINGTON - VGSA Sunset Cruise aboard the Essex. Meet at King St. Ferry Dock. Cruise from 8-10:30 pm. Tickets $20. FMI: Randy, 863-3669. Vermont's annual GLBT Pride Celebration wouldn't be as fabulous without it. Dancing, cash bar, and spectacular Adirondack sunset views! 19 V VT GIBT PIIIIIE BURLINGTON - Pride Day. Waterfront Park. 10:00 am. Pre-parade rally. Vendors, entertain- ment,Tea Dance. BURLINGTON - Speak-out, chant, & march with GLBTQA youth and their supporters: A large group of youth, their supporters, and their friends and family will march together behind the “Youth for Pride & Pride for Youth” banner. We will meet and gather at the pre-march rally. FMI: 800-GLB-CHAT or e-mail Outrightvt@ao|.com BURLINGTON Unitarian Universalist Meeting House: The Samadhi Singers & Interfaith Pride Worship Service. 152 Pearl St. The chorale begins at 9 am, followed by the Interfaith Pride Service at 10:00. The theme is Strength Through Diversity. All are welcome. FMI: John Byer, 802-863-1818 or email john- markb@msn.com. BURUNGTON - Pride Ball at City Hall, 7:30-11 pm. Come as you are; all ages, alcohol/drug free dance party. Live DJ’s, local performers including Cherie Tartt, cool refreshments; door prizes. Contois Auditorium, $5 admission. Co- sponsored by Outright Vermont, RU12? Community Center, and others. FMI: 800-GLB- CHAT or e-mail Outrightvt@ao|.com. NORTHFIELD - WOW Wine Tasting 7pm. Helen and Terri's place. Bring an appetizer and a bottle of California Chardonnay (price range $8-$15). FMI or directions, call 485-8029.- NORTHHAMPTON, MA - Katherine Quinn, 8 pm. Fire & Water. FMI: guinnykq@yahoo.com 20 V Sunday HANOVER, NH - AMELIA: Brunch @ Barb's 10am. FMI: (802) 296-5893 or email vtbarb@netscape.net 21 V MIIIIIIIIV BURUNGTON - Katherine Quinn, 9:30-11 pm. Playing UVM orientation and hosting an open mike. Billings Lounge. FMI: guinnykq@yahoo.com LANCASTER, NH - North Country Chapter of PFLAG-NH. 7-9 pm. Congregational UCC Church, 142 Main, St. (Meets every 3rd Monday.) FMI: 603-536-5522'or in NH soo- 750-2524. » ' 226V TIIBSIIIIV ‘ LEBANON, NH - AMELIA: Spring Road Cleanup. Meet 10 am at the Lebanon Picnic Area, north side of Rt 4, 1/2 mile up the hill from Interstate Tue. Afterwards, join the crew at the Baited Hook. Rain date 23rd. FMI: 603- 632-7480 or email, Mlouflquest-net.com. ‘Nr-:w aeosono, MA - Katherite Quinn, 9 pm. The New Wave Cafe, N. Front St. FMI: guit- nykqflyahoocom - . 23 V Illlednesdatl VT PUBLIC TELEVISION - 9:00 pm. After Stonewall: From the Riots to the Millennium. Chronicles the history of lesbian and gay life, from the riots at the Stonewall Bar in Greenwich Village in 1969 to the end of the 20th century. (CC) (Also 4 am and 6/26, 11:30 pm)- 24 V Thursday MIDDLEBURY - Poetry Workshop: Writing About Secrets,1 pm. A free afternoon drop-in workshop for poets. llsley Public Library, Main St. Bring a poem or two to share. FMI: David Weinstock, 802-388-7523. PROVINCETOWN, MA - (June 24-27) 13th Annual GOLDEN THREADS Lesbian Celebration, Provincetown Inn. Focus on the Joy of being Lesbian, make friends, play, dance, laugh and share this weekend of empowerment. GOLDEN THREADS film to be presented by director, Lucy Winer. Susan Murray conducts one of many workshops! FMI: Joy, 802-848-7037 25 V Friday BURLINGTON - VGSA Sip and Dine. Meet at 135 Pearl at 7 pm to get together and enjoy dinner on the Marketplace. BURLINGTON - Piercing 101, 7-8:30 pm, Dan Bems of “A Different Stroke"Tatooing and Body Piercing leads discussion on why people get pierced and some of the safety issues involved. Outright Vermont Friday Night Social/Support Group, for young women & men ages 22 & under. Xando. FMI: 800-GLB- CHAT or e-mail Outrightvt@ao|.com. DUMMERSTON - 5th Annual GayIBi Men's HOT for Life Retreat, Through June 27. FMI: Carey 802-254-4444. PROVINCETOWN, MA - The 13th Annual GOLDEN THREADS Celebration at the P- Town Inn! Through June 27 Karen Williams and Suede are performing, Banquet/dinner/dance. FMI: 802-848-7037 21 V Sunday BURLINGTON - UU Circle: Full Moon and Summer Solstice ritual, potluck, and meeting. All who support the Covenant of UU Pagans‘ mission are welcome. Garb if you like. Bring something for feast, a musical instrument, and a cushion to sit on. HC accessible. First UU Society of Burlington, 152 Pearl St., 6 p.m.. Donations. Info, 658-9689. MONTPELIER - Annual Central Vermont Potluck Picnic. 12 noon-4 pm. For gay and les- bian parents and their children; bring food, drink, and activities to share. At the ‘old shel- fer" in Hubbard Park. FMI: Roberta, 802-223- 7620. 29 v Tuesdatl BURLINGTON - VGSA Newsletter stuffing at 135 Pearl. 7:30 pm. 30 V wednesrlatl READSBORO - North Hill Garden Tour, 9 am- 3 pm. Joe Eck and Wayne Winterrowd, pan- ners in North Hill, open their extensive garden this summer to benefit the Brattleboro Area AIDS Donations accepted at the gar- den entrance. To tour North I-Iil|,'send requests ‘at writing to North Hill, Brattleboro Area AIDS Project, PO Box 1486. Brattleboro, VT.05302. ._ Indicate choice of tour date and time: Wed, 6/30; Sat, 7/31; or Tue, 8/31. Tours on the_half- hour ('nclude 1st and 2nd choice). Please include a salt-addressed stamped envelope.