26 — OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — JUNE 1999 \1 O‘\U‘|&I>L»J[\) ‘ROUBLE MAN @ \“°\q_ BY R0321‘ _KlR3Y, M0 __ BARTFNDER?ANoTHEK ROUND 1%: ' Answers to Stonewall Quiz Sources: Stonewall by Martin Duberman, Out in All Directions, ed Lynn Witt, Sherry Thomas, and Eric Marcus. FOR ME AND MY ?AL HE¢.E! GLAD You COULD MAKE \T, R08! /,/ ’ . June 28, 1969 (Friday, June 27, is usually claimed, but the actual events didn't begin until well after midnight — hence, June 28.)‘ . The funeral of Judy Garland . 53 Christopher Street . The Mafia . Police made a raid of the bar . The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, using detectives from the First Division . Deputy Inspector Seymour Pine . Dave Van Ronk Curbside UH HUH, ‘JUST HAhHmN’OUT”. . / "p"L‘2.‘.§é"“' 1' "' / ‘ ! ff // r " 0 / .4 — ’ / 45 L Q / é$‘uRE EEN "" ' HERE *1-I.‘ AWHILE ff‘ ALREAW ’ ‘ "" EH? \* ‘ HEY, WANNA SHOOT soMe Poet? 9. They'd retreat down side streets and_circle around to meet the police from the back 10. A chorus line of singing, high—kicking drag queens 11. A rolled—up newspaper 12. Things had calmed down enough that the call for help to the TPF was cancelled at 3:35am 13. There were six nights of crowd activity in total,although only the first two nights and the last night (Wed., July 2) could actually be called riots 14. The Gay Liberation Front 15. Pride marches and festivals BY ROBERT K1 REY HMPPLYOU USEDTD BE A FUN GUY, RoB.. =‘.’~wHoA, CHELK our THE Twwx ATTH6 Fw- BALL /‘4AcH/IV€..NOULD- NT You LOVE TO [36 HI! BILYLLE 5EA-r_/ /-_ .,~»’ 7 ME?$HooT ?oo\,?You MUST BE UH,wH6RU5 ‘fouk Bo?‘ FRIEND? I Dunno, TH«s l$N'T REALLY HIS Sc ENE, IF You KNow WHAT I ,.BE5lDES,IT‘5 NOT LIKE welke To:N— ED AT THE HIP. AN mwo BYTHAT, Uusfsureaéx, DRINK UP, , AND w/-\rcH _ THE BOYS wxm OK-.-NATH/\I\\,A Ymwc-» You'1> LIKE TO "sHARe"7t;~1ITH ME V 5uRE,You wAMr /women seek ?' yo, BAATENDER. /\/.-T/_:/',\\/__\ ©l‘W1 av Roserzr Kmmr Eluna En-: EATE mom’ AND ouk HEROE5 11; smu, T055|NG Aw THE SUDS... A --IF YOU'RE PLQNNING Tb FooL Aaomqp 35- Hndp DREW: ACK 'E'MTELL may , I BAD'DEAlNAT#AN' I oulT5A YOU'RE Nor us-rEN— So WHAT 7 I'M Nor you Guy, lNCv‘m A wow I'M I1-'5 A mo; LECTUPJNG w ammon- 5"‘“N6: ARE YOU ?? Ass. AND :1‘; You.’ . saws ARE ‘,’,fj‘Cj'RE 5T'L L 1-'°°.K" Nor LELTUR‘ C 30': 1 ?) " sua-1 KNow— AT THAT GUYS ING ME, 11'. ALL$_ _ Ass OVEKTHERE. an-m:_g,__ . DOAPTGETYOUR P NTIES w ANA .'.E’MNoT _ LANNING on A Ynaws. BY ROBERT KIRBY CHALLENGE NoKMs Loo\<, I'M NOT SAYING MoNo— GAMY .15 THE ONLY wAYNTo 4 1:‘ GO,AND LORD KNow$ E HoMo$ ARE ‘[\oNok—Bou;¢DTo new SocxE‘rAL As KNC7 ANY ...BvT You've GoTrF\ TALKTH ROUGH THIS sum: F uzsr. IF I KNONYOU, You HAVEN'T seem Dome THAT. AND W 1: KNov~J DREW, as HASN'T seem Qoesnons. IT'S ALL Bow‘ COMMUNICATION, NATHAN. TRUSTME. I'VE seen THERE... New URL: www.comicazee.com V