OUT. ‘IN THE: MOUNTAINS. 4? June ‘1999 4 23 Stonewall 30: A Brief Quiz Test your knowledge of the Stonewall Riots with these questions. Answers appear on page 26. 1. What date did the Stonewall Riots begin? 2. What event of the previous days is believed to have been a factor in the riots? 3. What was the street address of the Stonewall Inn? 4. What group was associated with the bar's management? 5. What routine action occurred to start the riots? 6. Who staged this action? ' 7. Who was the ranking police officer on the scene? 8. What heterosexual passerby folk singer did police mistakenly arrest for assault? 9. What tactic did the crowd outside the bar use to evade the Tactical Police Force? 10. What memorable sight led the advance against the TPF at one point ? 11. What object was used to hit a police officer, whereupon he fell to the sidewalk and broke his wrist? 12. At what time did the riots finally settle down on the first night? 13. For how many nights did the riots continue? 14. What activist association was born of the riots? 15. What ongoing event commemorates Stonewall across America and around the world? The Mostly Unfabulous Social Life 971“ 7 wAs HAvine nmuak Wm: M}; co- ] Worker‘ Rooney The 8eAr,_who was kiua of BOHNG Me To TeArs wrrh 5Torie$ 0! Ethan Green 3('ex-r Thine I_Kuew I w_As shnrine TM TAbLe wiTh AcTivo&- PAS§_vo, FAMEO HoT- heADED Porn STA:-5. AcTiVo WAS cut-sine By Eric Orner 6LoboJ!AN MiLosevic wAs There; AL$O.. . 1 A_sksv Him How_l-ie cou|.D BE so cRvEL.AcTivo cALLev Hm A v_o(7. PAsivo AGREED. ':/Ascismo is So uumueesv” he saw. 971'? Minv wAuvEr- e& A bit. Afjera whiLe INoT:cE& $1‘/in er ABOUT his WeeKei_dD Ma RAvicAL FAi!'iES RovNeY HADLEFT. ye becAUsE hr SU5PEc'|'S_ThAT Hove PAS- (whmsvsr THAT MEANS)" E'HjNI'CiTY is iRRELEVANT 5N R ETREAT IN TeN»eSSee.. He Mv$1"ve GoT- Iva More. PAs_iva WAS crYm6kThr9ATeN- ThE INFORMATION AGE" M Y5 ____ _ _ 5 Th <_ . Ten Ti~~~ M” 5 ‘ I JUST DoN'_‘\' unner- STAND why :1’ WAS NEc£ssAH 1o mmouncs 1’oN.l. 0}‘ CYBEFSPACG STUFF _ Aaowr out: PersoNAL Ltf-‘e.. Video Hemal CONFIDIENTIAI. With Ethan Green. His on-again-off again boyfriend Doug, And The hateful Todd juvruicuts an CARAQAS V wim Acjravo . g k PA$No"" / —- ' I receiveo _ 'rhA1' "NEwsLeT'rev:" You eA\AlLev D.eTAil.lN(v Your Ex-trA curr1cvLAr5eX- wu. Ac-rivifv wrm JASON CHANG. How Yer‘! GMICHO. PLEASE Inmtvmew RE- MOVE Aw_NAMl=froM V Your MAiLiNeLns'r. . ‘ Jhi LAm;v- N, WAMBY. DADVYB‘ Just Pi(KlN_C-I cm on Mavis“ (Lou? whispsn) ETHAN eszsuzs Acnoss THE srons Ran-ins Act: '7»-- "9" us is N0|N..I’Ll. as HQME I“ a +‘ew..5i<£ss_- You ARE 1hE STAIN DRY Cl.5bNEK5 FEAR m°51'. ericsornen-@ooL -www.s-ronewALLrnN.<°M