6 -- ‘Our’. ‘IN T'=Hia.':Mour~iTlAiilr~is 7 ‘June OP-ED _ -.,, -... continued from page four church youth groups, and the Boy Scouts (one could argue that these are cults by the word’s def- inition), they find themselves drawn toward other cults, most often those existing on the fringes and margins. Lacking these, they may create their own, complete with their own systems and codes of behavior. Not all of them are entirely harmless, how- ever, as we can clearly see in the case of the Trenchcoat Mafia. ~ Organizations like Outright Vermont around the state have worked hard to provide young people with safer alternatives, despite protests of the religious right and conservative school administrators. They recognize that coming out in a school envi- ronment is an incredibly chal- lenging thing to do, and that it leaves kids vulnerable to risky behavior such as substance abuse, crime, date rape, unwant- ed pregnancy, and unsafe sexual practices. These groups under- stand that queer youth are often struggling with their own inter- nalized homophobia, trying to overcome those demons at the same time as they are trying to come to terms with their homo- sexual, bisexual, or transgen- dered identities. As a community, GLBT peo- ple need to remember our own confusion and vulnerability early in our coming out processes. We need to recognize that we often made decisions that might have actually reinforced and amplified homophobia’s effects on us. As adults, some of us continue to do just that without fully under- standing the motivations behind our actions. Too ofien, we’re content to blame our behavior (and the reactions it provokes) on the homophobic society at large, and we let our own actions and behavior pass without reflection. Most of our actions and behaviors can withstand that kind of criticism, as we have seen again and again in debates with the religious right. Without such self-analysis, however, our constantly evolving community risks becomingjust another trend or fad, something more like a cult and less like a culture. We risk making mistakes that could have been avoided, and miss opportunities for self-evaluation when they present themselves. The tragedy at Columbine High School is one such opportu- nity. We need to be very present in the ongoing discussions ofthat event, even though some of the details may make us uncomfort- able. We need to process our grief, register our outrage, and work toward solutions that make schools safer for all individuals, no matter how they choose to define or differentiate them- selves. This may very well mean working with groups who have not traditionally been our allies on such matters. It may also mean working with groups, per- haps even our own, who have in some way contributed toward the creation of an environment in which kids like Klebold and Harris could lose their respect for the inherent worth and digni- ty of all life. We need to resist the urge to assign total responsi- bility elsewhere, because in doing so we risk taking a quick trip down the road toward apa- thy. One of the main messages that came from Columbine High School is that we must not assume that these problems don’t exist within our own schools or within our own com- munities. We’re well aware that they do. With that in mind, let’s resist the urge to judge one group or another based on what has just happened in Littleton. Instead, let us consider how both we and they might be judged by our responses and subsequent actions toward pre- venting such tragedies in the future. V I"""'-"""-""'-""""""""""""""""""""""'I Address Phone C] One Year ($20) New Subscriber Name Address I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c ity I I I I I I I I I your dentist, your therapist, Donor Name (or Anonymous) Youlenow who needs“ a subscription to OITM. your neighbor, our out-of-state ' ds your gym, _ “en > YOU? d0Cl0f, our hi h school Y 8 Why not donate one...or two? guidance Counselor, your mom... D 2 Years ($35) [:1 Low Income ($10) State Make checks payable to Mountain Pride Media, and send to: OITM, PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT 05477-1078 V VERMCNVS FORUM FOR LESBIAN.