28 — OUT IN Tl-IE MOUNTAINS v— MAY 1999’ ALEND www.vttIride.ordlevents M A Y 1V Saturday BURLINGTON - May Day Community Movement Jam, 3-5 pm, Memorial Auditorium Loft. Bring your bodies, souls, voices, and instruments for a communal expression of release from winter and opening to spring! All welcome. $5 donation. more or less. FMI: 878- 6373; dragcarr@ix.netcom.com. KILLINGTON - GLTB Christian retreat, Church of Our Saviour-Mission Farm. Workshops by Rev. Christine Leslie, Rev. Miki Thomas, and K.L. Henne. Enjoy over 125 acres of beautiful land, worship, network and community build. $5-$8 payable at the retreat. All welcome. FMI: allsaintsvt@yahoo.com or Retreat, PO Box 157, Rutland, VT 05702- 0157. PUTNEY - Gender Role-Free Contradance, 8 pm, Pulney Community Center. FMI: Howie (603) 256-6995. SOUTH BURLINGTON - AIDS Ride 5: Registration & Informational Meeting 12 pmat ' Climb High. The AIDS Ride, a bicycle ride of. ‘275 miles from Boston to New York in 3 days, takes place in September. FMI: 802-644-2937. 2 V Sunday BURLINGTON - UU Circle: Full Moon and Beltane ritual, potluck, and meeting. All who support the Covenant of UU Pagans’ mission are welcome. Wear garb if you like, and bring something for least, a musical instrument, and a cushion to sit on. HC accessible. First UU Society of Burlington, 152 Pearl St., 6 p.m.. Donations. Info, 658-9689. eununcron - The Samadhi Singers, A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community.'Rehearsa|, 6-8 pm; Christ Church Presbyterian. UVM Redstone ‘ Campus. FMI: Peter Frechette, 864-5327. HANOVER,.NH - Love Makes a Family, Opening from- 5-7 pm,hosted by Dorothy Allison, author of “ Bastard Out of Carolina" and other acclaimed works. Exhibit runs through Sunday, May 9 at Collis Center, Dartmouth College. HYDE PARK - Fried Green Tomatoes. One hole golf tournament and jam session. 12- noon. Bring a dish to share and your instru- ment of choice. FMI: 802-888-7118. KEENE, NH - 8:30 am 4th Annual 5K Road Race to benefit AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region. FMI: 800-639-7903. MONTPELIER - Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus: Rehearsal 3-5 pm. UU church. FMI: 802-633- 2389 or robnyves @together.net. THETFORD - AMELIA: “Adult” Toy Party, 12:30. FMI: 802-296-5893 or Virgodyk@aol.com. 4 V TIIBSIIBV HANOVER, NH - Dorothy Allison, author of “Bastard Out of Carolina” 7 pm. Dramatic pre- sentation from her book “Two or Three Things I Know for Sure.” Brace Commons. Reception to follow. 5 V Wednesday HANOVER, NH - Dorothy Allison, author of "Bastard Out of Carolina," reading from "Cavedweller.' 4 pm. 105 Dartmouth Hall. Reception following. INTERNET - OITMI Queer Vermont Writers" Chat. Socialize and chat about writing every Wednesday evening, 6-10 pm. Open to all. Go to http://www.gay.corn/pages/qink.htmI. Log- in, click ‘enter’ to reach the Q'lnk chat room. FMI: Barb at oitm @together.net. MONTPEUER - Men’s Health Project, VT CARES office, 73 Main St. 7 pm. Informal organizationavpizza party. FMI: 229-4560; vtp- wac@sover.net or www.vtpwac.org. Ii V Thursday BRATTLEBORO - Gay/Bi Men’s Foreign Film Night, 7 pm, at Franklin 0rosco's, 100 Morningside Commons. FMI: Franklin (802) 254-3863. 1V Friday BURLINGTON - VGSA: Monthly dining out event. FMI: 802-985-4937 or Larry@VGSA.com. 1-9 V Friday-Sunday? FAIRLEE - Green Mountain Men: weekend - retreat at the Hulbert Center‘ on Lake Morey. Free. FMI and registration: (802) 254-4444, careymsm@sover.net. ’ Saturday . ‘WOODSTOCK - The 8th Annual Covered Bridges Half Marathon. (Pre-registration dead- line was April 21.) FMI: (802) 457-5822 or : www.cbhm.com. .39 V Sunday BURLINGTON - The Samadhi Singers, A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsal, 6-8 pm; Christ Church Presbyterian. UVM Redstone Campus. FMI: Peter Frechette, 864-5327. MONTPEUER - Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus: Mom's Day Rehearsal. TBA. UU Church. FMI: A robnyves@together.net. ST. JOHNSBURY - Men’s Health Project Potluck. UU Church (at Eastern and Cherry). FMI: 748-9061 or vtpwac@sover.net', www.vtpwac.org. 10 V Monday BURLINGTON - RU12? Community Potluck. 6-8 pm. Rhombus Gallery (comer of Cherry & Church). Join our monthly GLBTA community potluck and discuss the future of the Burlington RU12? Community Center. All wel- come. Bring enthusiasm, ideas, and a dish or beverage to share. Free. FMI: 860-1044 or ru12ccenter@hotmai|.com. HARTLAND; Gay/Bi Men’s Potluck, 7 pm, at Clyde Jenne‘s. FMI: Clyde (802)436-2104. ST. ALBANS - Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force, 6 pm. Jeff's Maine Seafood Restaurant. 11 V TIIBSIIEIV BURLINGTON - VGSA: Movie Night. Join us for a night at the movies. FMI: Larry, 802-985- 4937 or email Larry@VGSA.com. . 12 V Wednesday DERBY LINE - Vennont Freedom to Marry Task Force, 7pm. First Universalist Parish, Main St. INTERNET - OITM / Queer Vennont Writers’ Chat. Socialize and chat about writing every Wednesday evening, 8-10 pm. Open to all. Go to http://www.gay.com/pages/qink.htm|. Log- n. in, click ‘enter’ to reach the Q'|nk chat room. FMI: Barb at oitm@together.net. ST. ALBANS - Rainbow Business Association Networking Mixer, 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Jeff's Maine Seafood. $10/members; $12/non-mem- bers. Hors d’oeuvres, cash bar. Speakers: Rebecca Riley and Diane Rodgers, Certified Rollers. Raffle, door prizes, business and pro fessional networking. 14 V TIIIIISIIEIV BURLINGTON - VGSA: Sip and Dine, 7pm. We'll gather at 135 Pearl and then head out for dinner somewhere in Burlington. All welcome. FMI: _ Donald, 863-2343 or Dona|d@VGSA.com. MIDDLEBURY - Pizza Night Returns! - 6:30 at Neil and Otto's Pizza Cellar on Merchant’s Row, across from the Green. Socializing in Addison County - everyone welcome. FMI: beegevt@ao|.com or 388-8298 PLAINFIELD - Folk singer, Lisa McCormick, at Goddard College Design Center. Song writing workshop, 7:30 pm. Concert, 9 pm. $3-$5 at the door. FMI: Prrthead78@ao|.com. 15 V Saturday BENNINGTON - Gay/Bi Men's BBQ Potluck, 5 pm, at John & Zack's. FMI: Justin (802) 447- 8007. BOSTON, MA - Vermont People with AIDS Coalition benefit performance of Howard Crabtree’s “When Pigs Fly’ at Lyric Stage. FMI: vtpwac‘@sover.het or www.vtpwac.org. ' RICHMOND - Deadline for Community Compass for the next Issue of OITM. In 200 words or less, tell us what your organization is doing and planning for the current month. Submit by email to oitm@together.net. Be sure to send calendar items . to ’calendar@vtpride.org. ST. JOHNSBURY - Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force, 1:30 pm, UU Church (cor- ner of Eastern and Cherry). WILLIAMSTOWN - WOW (Women of the Woods) Traditional Start of Summer BBQ, 2 pm. Cross-country croquet and potluck barbe- cue. Bring drinks, grillables, a dish to share. and something to park your buns on. Rain date is 5/16. FMI: See WOW Source listing. 16 V Sunday BURLINGTON - The Green Mountain Freedom Band’s first fund-raiser/concert. UU Church, 3 pm. Suggested donation: $5. FMI: gossamer@together.net. BURLINGTON - UU Circle: Pagan Film Series and Potluck Fellowship. Join us for a feast and film. Potluck at 5:30 p.m., showing of the film “The Wicker Man" at 7 pm. First UU Society of Burlington, 152 Pearl St.. Donations. Info, 658- 9689. BURLINGTON - The Samadhi Singers, A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends 8. Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsal, 6-8 pm; Christ Church Presbyterian. UVM Redstone Campus. FMI: Peter Frechette, 864-5327. KEENE, NH - 5th Annual Volleyball Tournament to benefit AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region, 8:30 am-5 pm. FMI: 800- 639-7903. MONTPEUER - Vermont Gay Men's Chorus: Rehearsal 2-5 pm. UU church. FMI: 802-633- 2389 or robnyves@together.net. ST. ALBANS - Maine Eventl Silent Auction at :. Jeff’s Maine Seafood. Hosted by Jamie, Sarah Harrington and Robert Simpson, 4-10 pm. Tons of great items in the auction this year and great local entertainment. All benefits go to VT Pride. 11 V Monday - LANCASTER, NH - North Country chapter of PFLAG NH meets 7-9 pm at the Congregational UCC Church, 142 Main St. (Meets every 3rd Monday.) FMI: 800-750- 2524 (NH only) or 603-536-5522. 18 V Tuesday BURLINGTON - Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force. 6 pm,_Langrock, Sperry & Wool law offices, 275 College St. 19 V Wednesday CHESTERFIELD, ' NH - Gay/Bi Men’s Pizza/Movie Night, 7 pm, at Howie Peterson's. FMI: (603)256-6995. INTERNET - OITM I Queer Vermont Writers’ Chat. Socialize and chat about writing every Wednesday evening, 8-10 pm. Open~to all. Go to http://www.gay.com/pages/qink.html. (Log- in, click ‘enter’ to reach the» Q‘lnk chat’ room. FMI: Barb at oitm@together.net. 21V Frillflv ‘ BURLINGTON - VGSA: Sip and Dine, 7 pm. We'll gather at 135 Pearl and then head out for dinner somewhere in Burlington. All are wel- comel FMI: Donald. 863-23 or Dona|d@VGSA.com. I ' ' -MONTPELIER - Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus: ,' Concert, 8'pm. UU "Church. (Chorus meets beforehand for wann-up.) FMI: 802-633-2389 or robnyves@together.net. T 22 V Saturday 3 . HANOVER, NH - AMELIA: Dinner and a Movie. Meet at EBA’s for dinner at 5 pm. FMI: Barb, 802-296-5893 or Vtbarb@netscape.net. MONTREAL - Crones: 8:30 am: Spring to the , Botanical Gardens in Montreal. Carpools leave from Chimney Comer park&ride. Call 893-4710 by the 20th to arrange your ride. 23 V Sunday BURLINGTON -' VGSA: Potluck Brunch at John’s house, 12-noon. FMI: John, 802-654- 7764 or John @VGSA.com. BURLINGTON - The Samadhi Singers, A_ Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsal, 6-8 pm; Christ Church Presbyterian. UVM Redstone Campus. FMI: Peter Frechette, 864-5327. MONTPELIER - Vermont People with AIDS Coalition Board meeting, 11 :30 am. VTPWAC office, 73 Main St., FMI: 800-698-8792 or 802- 229-5754; vtpwac@ sover.net; www.vtpwac.org. 25 V Iuesday BURUNGTON - VGSA: Newsletter Stuffing at 135 Pearl, 7:30 pm. All welcome. ' BURLINGTON - ACLU: Sunset & Jazz at the Boathouse, 5-7 pm. Featuring Jenni Johnson & Friends and a Silent Auction. One person: $25; two or more: $20 each. A benefit for the American Civil Liberties Foundation of Vt. FMVReservations: Montpelier, 802-223-6304; Burlington, 802-658-1343; or ACLUVT@aoI.com. ' To amounce your event for lIlTlIlI's monthly I:alenrla' emai Iozlemla-@vtm-irIe.or-9], or write [Pll Box 1078, ltiohmond, in 05477] by the 20th of the month prior to prlrlioation. 25 V WGIIIIBSIIEV INTERNET - OITM / Queer Vermont Writers’ Chat. Socialize and chat about writing every Wednesday evening, 8-10 pm. Open to all. Go to httpJ/www.gay.com/pages/qink.html. Log- in, click ‘enter’ to reach the Q*Ink chat room. FMI: Barb at oitm@together.net. MIDDLEBURY - Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force, 6 pm. Langrock, Sperry & Wool law offices, 111 S. Pleasant St. 28 V Friday BARRE - Vermont Gay Men's Chorus: Habitat for Humanity Concert, 8 pm. Barre Opera House. (Chorus meets beforehand for warm- up.) FMI: robnyves@together.net. BURLINGTON - VGSA: Sip and Dine, 7pm. We’ll gather at 135 Pearl and then head out for dinner somewhere in Burlington. All welcome. FMI: Donald, 863-2343 or -Donald @VGSA.com. 29 V Saturday MILTON - Fried Green Tomatoes/Crones, 2 pm, First-annual cricket match at Ravenswood. Wear your whites for the quin- 1 tessential British game. Bring a lawn chair and umbrella, and proper English teatime food to share (sandwiches and "biscuits.") Jilly is our instructor. FMI: Gloria, 893-1745. NORTHFIELD - WOW (Women of the Woods) - Planning and Pot-luck Supper 6 pm. at Jan and Sid’s. Call 485-8588 for directions. «. " NORWICH - AMELIA: Memorial Day Pot Luck Barbecue with croquet, laser tag and maybe a little bonfire’? 5 pm. FMI: Bridget, 802-649-’; ‘1305. Rain date 5/30. V west BRATTLEBORO - vermérm Freedom to Marry Task Force's 2nd annual BINGO ben- 'elit, 7 pm. Camp, candor, and faaabulous prizes. Catch the antics of Kitty and our darling MAMA. Benefit for VFTMTF. West Village Meeting House. FMI: www.vtfreetomarry.org. 30 V Sunday BURLINGTON - UU Circle: Full Moon and rit- ual, potluck, and meeting. All who support the Covenant of UU Pagans’ mission are wel- come. Wear garb if you like, and bring some- thing for feast, a musical instrument, and a cushion to sit on. HC accessible. First UU Society of Burlington, 152 Pearl St., 6 pm. FMI: 658-9689. BURLINGTON - The Samadhi Singers, A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends 8 Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsal, 6-8 pm: Christ Church Presbyterian. UVM Redstone Campus. FMI: Peter Frechette, 864-5327. MAY - T0 BE lllllllllllllllll Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force (VFTMTF) meetings are planned for the fol- lowing towns/areas. Dates and location not available at time of publication. BENNINGTON, RUTLAND/WASHINGTON » C0 area, WHITE RIVER JCT, WINDHAM CO ~ area. ' - FMI: Sandi Cote, 362-2959 or whitacre@ver- monte|.net JOHNSON/MORRISVILLE area - FMI: Chris . Tebbetts, 864-9337 or ctinvt@aol.com; or Burl Thompson, 741-7731 OI thompsoa@badger.jsc.vsc.edu