4 4 ‘t ARTS AND RECREA110N usour _ _ POB285-BrattleboioVT05302- ngton R.U.1.2? Community Center 2576332 Mike or Don 860-1044 - PO Box 5333 ntain Pride Media, Inc. Buriington,vT05402o209- ru12ooenter POB 1076. Ftic)m°ndV1'05477 @holmail.oom - Potluck every 2nd Mon, 6 n the Mounminsg E 8pm. Fthombys Gallery POB 1073 - Richmond VT 05477 - 434 ern Mountain Club - VT otm . oitmfltogefl-|gf_n3(e pter(Gay & Lesbian Outdoor Org) wmrvtpririeorg Bob Bland. (838) 331-3100 ° rng Out (Outright Youth Zine) ' bland@sover.net - www.cliiltem.orgIchi|teml P03 5235 . Bunington VT 05402 . 355 \ IBi Men's Reading Group 9377.ou(,,gh(V-r@a°._o°m ' “ ' ‘Meets monthly in the Brattleboro area - Vermont Rainbow connection P"°9"3't1) do lavender visions productions. inc. POB FMl: Jonathan Campo (802) 258-2693 or Michael Pannon (802) 254-6239 alTTEFt (Gay & Lesbian Literature & in Club of Burlington) Steven Kopstein, 434-5653 - GLlTTERvl@aol.com en Mountain Freedom Band Aililiated w/ Lesbian and Gay Bands of America - C/O Michelle “Miki" Thomas, POB 5322, Burlington, VT 05402-5322 0 gossamer@together.net vender Visions Productions, Inc. POB 307- St. Albans VT 05478 - 849 2739 - www.together.net/~|avender gt. etry Workshops — Middlebury Free weekly group lor poets. - David Weinstock, 368-7523 %WomenlLesbian Book Group Heading books by women in all genres -Meets monthly in Putney, VT - Conlirm with Tatiana, (802) 387-2781 or _ tatianas@sover.net 307 St. Albans VT 05478 - d'5tgNatu”st5 Group |avender@togelher.net Tonic Waters - POB 6111 - Brattleboro, VT 05302 A Samadhi Singers MEN A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & » . Members of the GLBT Community -4 -.k5h"e Bears ' Bmfingtm‘ 864_5327_ New England and Eastern Upstate New we on a shoestring York - http://geocities.oom/westhol|y- - POB 1012- BurlingtonVT05-102 -(333) "°°d’?°3‘ , 2125384 , ,n,°@,hemsh°eAcom , and Bisexual Men s Group Bennington County and area. - Support, social activities, HIVIAIDS presentations.- FMI: Daniel, 447-8007 or - www.theatresh0e.c0m 2 mont Gay Men's Chorus 1-3007503434 - iatc (802) 6332339 - 6 t mm at me_ t arnazur SOI8l'.t‘|e. was We me (Fathers Support Group 50 Mechanic St, Pitisioni, VT 05763-9317 BisExuAL -Bob-twat uy GetTogethers in SE VT Carey at 254-6263 - 2nd 3 4th Mondays ual Network of Vermont POB 3124, Burlington, VT 05602 - 223 en's Ritual Group ’ 0112 or 8797883 - Biwarriorsflaoloom A 862-8646 ne Gay Men's Support Group E (800) 6397903 - Tuesdays, 7pm - UU Church, 69 Washington St, Keene, NH ’ - -. . .. Alive! -l5°:Og‘;‘7'":AYdYjl{e"b'J:;*3T';'57(:';'s'5 205 ~ POB 423 - Burlington VT 054021 - ' ' . ' 3334 865-2247 filed W°m°"’5 5°“"°°5» '"°- otaurs Brotherhood Club P03 323 ' M°"‘P°"°"’T °55°‘ ' 24 “°“' (Leather & Levi's Club) - POB 2141 ”:’"‘"°‘P2§|3r5°~‘ge rt t conooni, NH 03302-2141 - ' ,m5:"“’i't‘y Ba':d Poplaicemgicer Minotauracoaoioom - (603) 7539059 Lieutenant Bill LaWare - 6567658 “adnock Gay Men (MGM) . . POB 1124 - Keene NH 03431 - (603) 357- 5°':‘1igge"'°5"° V'°'°"°° 5544-MonaoGayoaoi.oom-htto-7/mem- . r('Chlttenden County Domestic lfiolenoe bers'a°|'wP/monadgayl TaskF -31Ei woodA -80‘ t flenprolefl °'°°) m ‘'9 " mg °"' Discussion/social group for men 0 Brian, ‘'7 °5“°‘ 30063e7303 - Meets at Trinity Episcopal Church, 120 Broad St. Claremont. NH ical Faeries Yolanda, POB 812 - Burlington VT 05402 - Local Contact: Mel (603) 5431700 - www.prinoeton.eduI-icurtis/aeetrail.htrnl ont Network Against Domestic Gabm POB 224 , Bmmebom VT 05302 , noeand Sexual Assault 257487, www.vnadvsa,logether.oom M (Matum Gay Men) ' 24'h°"' h°“'"°s: (social groip tor men 40 and older) - 860 Domestic Wolenoe 1800228-7395 1810 g, Sexual Assault 1-3004307273 m soda) Anemames A inen’s Crisis Center in. A) Gay POB 933‘ 3'“‘”°"°'°VT°53°9' POB237-8urlingtonVT 054020237- .- 257-7364 - 24 Hour Holline: 254-6954 8653734 mgsaeaol men Helping Battered Women ' mm POB 1535-13uriinglonvr054o2- . . ea-1996 .. MuL11cuLTuiiAL men s Rape Crisis Center . _ _ _ _ POB 92 - Burlington VT 05402 - 864-0555 NA (African. I-atjttor Asian. NEW‘! ( can) Community Program 3 Williston st - BrattleboroVT 05301 o HEALTH 25--2972 nzaa See Healthsource, page 24 ‘ POB 583 . Buningm (,7 054020583 ’ ornen of Color Alliance POB 1534- 3 rington VT 05402 - (302) LEGAL “' . 6600606 ~ rican Civil Liberties Union(ACLU) ' 110 E. State St. - Montpe|ierVT 05602 - 223-6304 - aoluvt@ao|.oom - httpf/mem PHILANTHROPIES bers.ao|.coiri/acluvt/l'rome.html /LesbianIBisexual Legal ~ ociation ‘E’/g'i'iiara. Foundation PO Box 541 - Hinesburg, VT 05461 I Bill Uppert, 482-5838 - samara@together.net do Blackwood and Kraynak - POB 875. Burlington 05402 - 3632517 gyermont Human Rights Commission P0|_|'|'|CA|_ ““*' 133 State St. - Montpe|ierVT 056336301 - gt, _ 323.2430 Qrattleboro Area Gays and Lesbians 1 POB 375 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - 254- ' - ‘5947 MEDIA Info Line of NH , ;G _ 26 So. Main,_sl - Box 131 - conoorri, NH. uys Like Us (newsletter) - 0330,. (593) 224.1335 do Brian Dougherty NH AlDS Foundation - 1087 Elm St. #501, POB 59, Manchester, NH 03105 - 300639-1122 - briannhaf@aol.com '1 shua Pride , 423-3 Amherst st Suite 113, Nashua, NH ' 03063 - Gil (603)881-9522 2 1909 1- ifizeny Nuance fof Gay and Norwich VT 05055 - uuouvédartmouthedu Keene, NH - Lucinda Nightingale 603- . ‘an Rights - 35243337 _ P03 730 .'ctm,,d NH 03302 . (553) 224. 1 nt Lesbian and Gay Parents 1535 Meeting into: 802-6586045 GSA (Lyndon State College Gay ' and Justice Center M A"- 21Chuii:hSL-BurlingtonVT05401-863- a,,,,,;:,';$,?g,,,,g,S,,,,,,,, TnANsGENoEii 3325 ‘ Lyndorivl|lVT 1-6266363-' ‘ S deR ' IAt' Md‘ V°"“°'“ °°"“'"'“°° LscGsA;hotr::115oorn - mrirrgtrgnig <§t'r1ppon)adm c ‘on’ P05 5“3 ' B“”‘“9‘°" ‘'7 °5“°""5“3 ' www.geoc1‘ties.oom/westhollywood POB 5637 Burlington VT 05402 - 472-3115 86443455 ' ‘""w"f‘ea"°sh°°°°m ' Wide‘ /st0newalll9786 - transv12Ga0l.com gfgztfifm-°;; Lesbian and - (Dartmouth FtainbowA||iance) _ Hanover NH 03755 - (603) 646-3636 nights (vcLGil) - To Be: GLBTA at UVM WOMEN POB 1125 - Montpe|ierVT 05602 - 888 F B ,G|_B-I-A Off '_06 _ B_ _ _ 5254939 . c(,t,,,,-ms (0 (he g(,,,em,,,e,,(; 1;°B':’”n; 6560699 '°e 656 99 Ewe Lesbians of the Monadnock rea (ALMA) if POB 6345-Keene NH 03431 ' 603-363-4961 0000000005-00000 cenoooa-caoooooooooc AmeliaEarhart , . POB 746, Lebanon NH 03766 Brattleboro Area Dykes (BAD Grrrls) 9- ‘ 254-7721 fiurlington Women's Council ’—' POB 0583, Burlington VT 05402-0583 CRONES (For women over 40) E 143 Rollin lrish Rd, Milton VT 05468 DYKE TALK Woriieiis discussion group Meets at lJVM l‘ Women's Center - Wendy, 802-877-36513 Fried Green Tomatoes ITIVE DIRECTORY? OF REA COMMUNITY l3_EsouizcEs 1;, (Northern VT Wimmin's Social Group) - 4;) RR 1, Box 6845, Moriisville VT 05661 - E, 888 7116 Virginia Flenlrew, 4964333 - Keith Goslant, ,,ee2b@Zo° Wm ed“ , (Lesbian Contact Publication) ' POB 65. 454.5552 Fa I Ad‘/I I é56_2o58 Ftichlord VT 05476-0065 - 848-7037 - ormont Freedom to Marry Task Force wdamcazymgbiawisexual . go|denlred@aol.oorn POB 1312 - Middlebury VT 05753 - 388- "ance . mgton 0136" W°mett’5 Land 6356 - Brattleboro area: FMI: Bari Sharrias, , - 3575783 ne g1aj1‘:dC(00||l:'gee lr:lBlgeI|\dlliV;r(1r5::67 Camping, events, day hikes. Intentional Keene State College 0 Keene NH 03431 community’ ' 434-3953 bian Sociallsupport group for PROFESSIONAL “"‘g3,§fgg?,fl§g;fAfsf§m_ rnen40and older LE IBM I Johnson VT 05656 - 1’ B'“'“°b°'° ' 25"‘73“5 1 .°'“P °V°°5) mom °‘a@bad Mme ed“ y Beginnings Women's Support Mary Alice Schatzle 769 4835. P5 9 »l - 5 Main 5‘ _ spmgwd VT 05156 . 885 maschatz@us.ibm.oom - Jim Leavens 769 4413, J|eavens@us.ibrn.oom - eaglebtv@us.ibm.com 0 pdcarey.p0k.ibrn.oorn/EAGLE/eaglehunl [LesbianIStraight Educators rk (GLSEN) Southern Vermont POB 942 - PutneyVT 05346 0 254-5150 - 2368 - 24 Hr. Holline: 685-2050 ical Feminist Study Group Readings and discussion. - Crow, 802-655-3766 tlr brella Women's Center 16 Main St - St. JohnsburyVT 05819 - Drawer 8, Middlebury College - Middlebury 74843645 , Juniperesovernet VT057536033-moqafipanthermiddls man center (bow Business Association _ bury-edu - www-mrddlaburv-edu/~m0qa 5 School Ava Mmtpelie, VT 05602 , GBLT businesses & professionals organi- ln Te“ (casuemn state c°"e9e) ' ‘ _ 229-6202 rnen’s Information Service (WISE) 79 Hanover St. Lebanon NH 03766 - 603- Castlelon VT.05735 ' 468-5611 X392 za"°"'P°Bm5’B""i"°‘°"VT°54°2' ichael’s College ALLY Group 878-7037 - FlBAvt@aol.oom m‘;{‘|:_‘NEA G‘-B Ed"°a‘°"5 3"“ P:;Sé:‘:c°:;sF:e‘:s3:4':';?‘Ei‘n‘:;'HV:m:e 448-5922 - 24 hr. hotllne: 603-448-5525 -les 654-2546 - or Laura Crain 654-2388 men outdoor Sofia’ Group I Bill Cavanaugh, 645-9630 - POB 156, West W college GLBA outdoor acfivmw In me Pawlet VT 05775 Mercy Ha" Bmfington VT 05401 _ 864_ Burlington/Plattsburgh area.- 518-562-5442 7523 - ksioraoohantytnnityvt.eou 2 '"°" °f "'9 w°°ds1w°wl Sp|n|'ruA|_IRE|_|G|ous eA||ianceatVTLaw School FD‘ B°*526°-W°'°°s‘e'VT°56“2' _ ” South noyarton VT 05068 - Michael 229*"°9 tral Vermont Sangha Meme, gym 7533493 . (Tibetan Buddhist) - POB 517, Montpelier 05601 - 426-4111 or 533-2527 www.venn0nllaw.edu/ -alliance " mont Technical College - Lambda YOUTH _r_np|ain Valley Unitarian Mary Muihern,vTc . ersalist Society . - Flandolph Center, VT 05061 “'3' V""“°"‘ ,°Um'G"T, An olficial welcoming congregation - POB http://www.vtc.vsc.edulc|ubs/lambda week” meeungs in M°mp°"°" ' (800) 357, Middlebury. VT 05753 - 3336030 . am“5;3é7h“:rT‘s‘]’;452'9‘23 s Church Pres erian-More t church wt Meetings in St Johnsbury, VT - Lore - . Caldwell 748 8645 UVM 0 B it VT 05401 ' 862-1898 4 . :- . . . ege street’ émwational church & Bisexual Men's Support Group [Straight Alliance for High School Amss mm “YMCA in Bumngmn _ Guys Like Us 0 do Brian Dougherty, NH dents Open and amming _ 8644704 AIDS Foundation - 1087 Elm St. #501, POB Meets Thursdays, 2:15 pm, Room 210 - Mt. fly Vermom 59, Marichester, NH 03105 - 800639-1122 0 Anthony union Hg); sctmt Bemingtm . PO Box 61 Mnooski VT 05404 . 655 briannhalflaoloom Usa Moore 447-7511 6706 81 Bisexual Men's Support Group rn (Gay/Lesbian Education an RV New Hampshire Keene, NH - Shawn, 3006337903 -Meets urce Network) - POB 7 Manchester NH 031050007 - 603- 3‘ U” °"“‘°“ °“ 59 W‘‘5“"‘9‘°" 3‘ ""’e'V "° U999’ """"Y °""‘9'“ "°"“°”' ' POB ' 6470266 . DWWNH mo‘ mm W Tue_ at 7pm 27, Norwich VT - 649-5297 or 802-296-3858 ie camp Destiny . ' ne°"°"5 ‘ suppon 97011)) 10!’ - newvic@aol.com - Support lor glblq youth QT Adults Meets 1st Weds at 6:30pm - Beth El (14-22). Meetings in Lebanon NH » ight Vermont (youth 22 and r) _ POB 1492. Brattleboro, VT 05302 - 453- 5760 - lcd@popstar.com - www.sover.netI~mattbucyllcd/ - - - - - Bennington POB 5235. Burlington VT 05402 - 365 [St Universalrst Parish (UU), Derby at Last V 9677 _ Oumghtwaaomm _ ' Suppon/Couriseiing tor'ex<:ull/cull mem- members.ao|.oom/outrightvtl - Youth Hotline: 3563 or 754- 780 - terwetgvaé (Unitariai Universalist) . d be_rs -APOB 6111, Brattleboro VT 05302 800-GLB-CHAT (452-2428) - Drop in 152 Pearl St, Burlington VT 05401 - John 5 '" d°p"°" , °?"‘9" T”e- 2i3°5‘3°P"‘ _' Y°""‘ 9'°“l’t Bye‘ 8028634818 44‘South St, POB 1228, Middletown Fridays 7-9pm - Zine Publishing group, 1st "tartan Church of Montpelier Sp"“9s VT °57§7 ' 2352373 . ‘"91’ ‘’‘’‘’'Y "‘°”"‘v 7‘9i’”‘ ' W°'“°"'5 9“’“l’ 130 Mam S!‘ Mompefierw 05602 _ 223 go Parents and Friends of Lesbians _ 2nd 3 4th Tue every month. 7-9pm 786, iiGays t(”P;l:$G) J C 409 H“ 4 as sin, at Brattleboro U.H.S. . I ' ' I3 9 IE3. - tam ' I SI" . Andrea Carlson at Youth Services, 257- ' £"u‘,‘;';,t,g'¢‘,’ Me" 5 sp"'t"a' Supp“ Brattleboro 05301. 257-5409 , 0361 -Tracy Binel at the HS, 257-0356 “,7. 5 Raymond PL Bumngwn VT 05401 Central VT. 3rd_ Sundays. lprn ' UU odstock Area Gay/Straight Youth _ “imam open circle at Wicca & Church, Montpelier (School St entrance) ance ° 43"? ch-7’"P/-‘lln. ‘Lll Venner - 23 Drop-in hours Tue evenings. Monthly social do Drew, POB 942, MiddleburyVT05753. :3;;2W°°d L"~- B“”'"9t°“ VT°54°1 ' 353 call Outnohtvennont at 388-6457 -VTO enCiro|e@holmail.com I - ‘ ' . wwwlgeodfies‘ 05 W rm mo re 5'/1258 'Manr:hesterArea. Mae and Jay Morrow - , outh Aware of Addison County 1 rmonr Organization tor Weddings of P03 99 ' Ma“°“e5t9'VT 05254 ' 3624400 do POB 646. M_Idd|eburv vi 05753 - soo- .. same Gender (vows) Ruilandrtrea, Julie and Peter Cooper - 452.2423 (outright VT) . Clef?! and religious organizations in favor , ' 1 11 North St‘ ' Rulland VT 05701 I 7137601 ‘”ww‘a"9e””e‘°°"WW°”"‘ 3‘”a'e ' of Samwendefmamagev _ Re“ Brendan Parents and Friends of Lesbians YouthAware@usa,net . Meets 151 Hadash - RR 3, Box 1343, West GloverVT d Gays 1P'F"AGl T“e5daY5r 79”“ "5'eY C“a’""°’ °’ _ North Country Chaptero POB 3, Jeflerson NH 03583 ' 6035365522, in NH V Commerce oflice, Middlebury. - 2nd Fridays. 7:30pm, Movie at Star Mill over Ben & 05875 - 525-3875 ' 3; www.geocities.oomANestHollywood/Heights! 2 2 3936 , 9 _ 3007502524 Jerry’s - 4th Saturdays, 7:30pm Unitarian Universalist Congregation of V traight Spouses of GLB Partners Coffeehouse or Field Trip. Meet at star Mill Uppervauey '+Siipport Network A or call lor info Nancy Cmmbine _ 6498828 _ Box mo gt"; shelbume Falls, MA - Jane Harris 413- 3 6256033 - aharris@valinel.corn