1.6 v«..‘} .‘ I- CYBER Ilwoman's Guide - - S H A R K """"""""""""'-"""" have combed the Web and the Web can be a positive BY MIKI THOMAS found the sites that best com- force, they have sidebars ll right, girls. Admit it. “You visit those ‘erotic’ sites on the Web and lurk in the saucy chat rooms to check out the hot talk. Heck, if I see a site with the word ‘Swedish’ in its title, 1 go gaga. And my mother thought I loved Abba for their songs... Anyway, as I’m sure you have already found out, not all adult sites are created the same. Most are made for the type of male for whom Swank is intellectual reading. The women in these sites appear to be the end products of a'plastic surgeon’s knife, many with boobs the size of bowling balls. Then there are the sites for practices that even the most jaded would- n’t find the least bit erotic. What’s a hot-to-trot female to do? To our rescue comes The Womarzb Guide to Sex on the Web by the authors of that seminal tome, The Good Wbrations Guide to Sex, now in its second edition. Anne Semans and Cathy Winks bine content, Web construc- ' tion, and just plain sexiness. _ The book is divided into sec- tions describing the different types of adult sites available ‘ on the-Web, including erotica, . personality, information, sex education, shopping, and chat. Of course the Guide isn’t all fun and games. With adult sites you also get controver- sies concerning privacy, free speech, and the law. Semans and Winks discuss these issues in great detail, giving excellent advice on how to protect your privacy using tools such as using encryp- tion software. The best part of The Woman 3" Guide to Sex on the Web is the authors’ attitude toward the Internet and the Web. They are so upbeat about the power of the medi- um to change women’s lives that it is almost infectious. I got the feeling while reading it that even if the topic were sites about support hose for women or something equally dull, I would still get caught up in their enthusiasm. To boost their case about how with quotes from women who have found what they needed on the Web, be it an erotica site or infonnation on yeast infections So there you have it girls. Thanks to Anne Semans and Cathy Winks, it will no longer be just the guys who will have all the fun on the web! FYI The Vermont Queer Writers’ chat is on Wednesday nights from 8pm to 10pm. For more informa- tion, go to www.mon- gooseontheloosexom/qink. One of the best GLBT sites on the- web is the Gay Financial Network (www.gfn.com), and now it has expanded to include daily and up-to-date finan- cial information relevant to the GLBT community. If high finance isn’t your thing, there is still plenty to check out. The site offers columns by noted writers such as Deb Price as well as entertain- ment and lifestyle articles.V GL ii I ii‘ ‘i I E ‘II BTQA YOU TH PRIDE ‘99 ON SATURDAY MAY 8TH PEOPLE OF ALL AGES ARE INVITED TO JOIN US FOR THE: YOUTH SPEAK OUT: All Vermont GLBTQA youth ages 22 & under are invited to step up to the mike at the steps of City Hall in Burlington to share their pride, strength, and experience. 3:00 - 5:00PM. I PROM: An evening of “HEROES & V|LLA|NS.” Come as Wonder Woman or Batman, the Joker or Xena, Tinky-winky or Monica, in a tux or gown, orjust as yourself- you big hero (or villain) you! With DJ Sam, food, entertainment & more. Contois Auditorium, Burlington City Hall, 7:30 - 11:00PM. $5 admission. Drug & Alcohol Free. ALLIES, PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT GLBTQ BUT ARE Our IN THE MOUNTAINS — MAY 1999 —- 21 5 CI m CI I" CI foundation of vermont is pleased to announce our 1999 Granting Process Timeline: April 1 — letters of intent due May,l0 — final applications due for selected candidates July 1 — final recipients notified Guidelines: Samara Foundation of Vermont awards grants to organizations or projects that primarily serve the needs of Vermont's gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender communities. Organizations requesting funds must be non—profit, i.e. have a section 501(c)(3) tax exempt status or have an organization with such status willing to serve as their fiscal agent, as indicated in a letter attesting to that relationship. Applications for either general operating support, specific project support, or start-up costs will be I considered. Please contact Samara Foundation of Vermont to receive a copy of thecomplete granting guidelines and application materials. A Our Mission The Samara Foundation of Vermont is a charitable foundation whose mission is to support and strengthen Vermont's gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered communities today and build an endowment for tomorrow. ti SUPPORTIVE or FRIENDS & FAMILY WHO ARE - ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. SPONSORED BY THE YOUTH PROGRAM COMMITTEE OF OUTRIGHT VERMONT II’ For more information please call: 1 (800) GLB—CHAT or e—mail:Outrlghtvt@aol.com ll.