6 — iii “Tit: 'Mdu}t+/ms. — 1§9§ J -\:| Learn more about the hot air -billowing in fiom Hawaii....... Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force Reacts to “Aloha, Vermont Friends” BY SANDI COTE from a Hawaiian group opposed to same-gender marriage. That a group from Ohio would spend $40,000 to try to influence Vermonters has ignit- ed the indignation of all our fair-minded citizens — not just the gay community. The day after this letter appeared in our mailboxes, a magical phenomenon hap- pened. The letter had apparently so incensed both Michael Obuchowski, the Speaker of the House, and Douglas Racine,'the Lieutenant Governor, that they felt compelled to publicly declare their support for same-gender marriage. These two courageous men didn’t just talk_ to each other and their families about how they felt — they went on record on the‘ front page of nearly every news- paper statewide. In doing so, they disregarded the impact their stance might have on their political careers, and they ignored the glut of abusive phone calls and let- ters they were sure to receive. in short, they showed true moral courage and lead- ership. Their support for same-gender marriage is an endorsement for equal rights for the entire gay community. _ A Other public officials who believe that all,,,Vermonters should be entitled to equal protections, supports, and responsibilities regardless of their sexual orienta- tion, but who have worried about taking a public stand before the Supreme Court makes a ruling, will watch to see how much public outcry there is over Racine and Obuchowski’s endorsement of same-gender marriage. They’ll be watching the newspapers, expecting to see both editorialsand letters to the editor denouncing Racine and Obuchowski. And they’ll be watching to see how much hate mail these two men receive. _ -.,- ‘, _ . The Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force recommends that to demonstrate your indignation over the Hawaii letter, ifublicly support both Racine and Obuchowski. Write a letter to the editor of your local paper. Send a personal note of approval or call Doug Racine and Michael Obuchowski. Get a group of your friends to sign a petition of support and send, it to your local Representatives and Senators. Sign the Marriage Resolution available online or the Vermont Voices for Equality resolution (available through your regional chapter of VFMTF). Encourage others to show their support by writing letters. Show the people in Hawaii and Ohio that we don’t need them to tell us how to think! Show the peo- ple of Vennont that they can expect support if they have the courage to endorse our right to marry! ' I Also, knowing the amount of money that our opposition appears to have at their disposal, make another donation to the Vennont Freedom to Marry Task Force’s education/infonnation campaign. V T here’s been a lot of consternation expressediover the statewide mailing letters Time for Policy Change Editor: Thank you for publishing the infor- mation regarding the bill in the Legislature to define who can marry whom. I found out my insurance agent was one of the sponsors of the bill, so this morning I cancelled my policy with him. Scott Brimblecombe Barre The Fundies Are Coming! The Fundies Are Coming! Editor: Vermonters, Beware! By now, every one of us has received in the mail a flyer from some unknown “Citizens for Community Values” organization in Cincinnati, Ohio, purporting to be an “open letter from the citizens of Hawaii to the citizens of Vermont,” and claiming that the sky is going to fall in if Vermont, allows same sex couples to marry. - The local Vermont group that is opposed to gay marriage is tiny, and couldn’t possibly have the money to send out such an expensive mailing. But the national religious political extremist groups, such as the Christian Coalition -‘ and the Family Values Coalition and the Family Research Council, have tons of BENNINGTON: May meeting to be announced. F MI: Sandi Cote, (802) 362-2959 or whitacre@verm0ntel.net BURLINGTON: May 18, 6pm Langrock, Sperry & Wool law offices, 275 College Street DERBY: May 12, 7pm First Universalist Parish, Main Street , JOHNSON/MORRISVILLE AREA: to be announced. FMI: Chris Tebbetts, (802) 864-9337 or ctinvt@aol.com Burt Thompson, pager (802) 741-7731 or thompsoa@badger.jsc.vsc.edu TMIDDLEBURY: May 26, 6pm Langrock, Sperry & Wool law ofiices, lll S. Pleasant Street RUTLAND/WASHINGTON CO AREA: to be announced. ' FMI: Sandi Cote, (802) 362-2959 or whitacre@vermontel.net ST. ALBANS: May l0, 6pm Jeff’s Maine Seafood, Main St. ST. JOHNSBURY: May l5, l:30pm WINDHAM CO AREA: to be announced FMI: Sandi Cote, (802) 362-2959 or whitacre@vermontel.net WHITE RIVER JUNCTION: to be announced FMI: Sandi Cote, (802) 362-2959 or whitacre@vermontel.net money. They also know that Vermonters are repulsed by their hateful messages and indeed, by their very names, so don’t be surprised if it turns out to be one of these conservative national organiza- tions working behind the scenes here, using scare tactics to convince Vermonters that society as we know it will disintegrate if gay Vermonters are finally allowed the freedom to marry. I hope this flyer outraged all of us. And I hope it galvanizes each of us to wake up, and realize that our borders are at risk if we don’t start speaking out, and working against such hateful fear mon- gering. NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO BE COMPLACENT! We’re very lucky here in Vermont; we have a gay rights law, and a strong hate crimes law, and a second parent adoption law. But all this may be at risk if the religious political extremists succeed in convincing our straight neighbors and friends that we have some nefarious agenda to take over the society. Please, please, please, join the volun- teers of the Vermont, Freedom to Marry Task Force (www.freetomarry.org). Sign onto the Marriage Resolution. Speak to your neighbors, your co-workers, your friends, and your family about this issue. And send money to the Task Force; it is acompletely Vermont-based grass roots organization that desperately needs your help and your support. Now is the time to get involved! Nancy Yannett Monkton Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force meetings Ten regional meetings are planned for May: St. Johnsbury Universalist Church, comer of Eastern and Cherry Streets Now more than ever, the organization urges GLBTA Vermonters to get involved