ARTS AND REcrtEATroN Z in the Mountains ‘ POB 1078 - Richmond VT 05477 - 434 V rngton R.U.1.2? Community Center on-M . omnfltogefl-)er_ne[n Mike or Don 860-1044 - PO Box 5883 www_,,(pn~d&°,g Burlington, VT 054020209 - ru12coenter ing out (outright youth zine) - Meets eliery 2nd Mon, 6- 1303 5235 . gumngton VT 05402 . 365 8pm’ °a" f°'_'°°‘°m°" 9677 - OutrightVT@ao|.oom "em M°“"‘a"‘ club ' VT Vermont Rainbow Connection a_pter(Gay & Lesbian Outdoor Org) Bob Bland, (888) 831-3100 - . - www.chi|lem.orgIchiltern/ ‘IBi Men’s Reading Group ‘Meets monthly in the Brattleboro area - FMI: Jonathan Campo (802) 258-2693 or Michael Fannon (802) 254-6239 W ER (Gay 8t Lesbian Literature & m Club of Burlington) Steven Kopstein, 434-5653 - GL|'|'|'EFlVt@ao|.oom ' n Mountain Freedom Band _ Affiliated wl Lesbian and Gay Bands of America - C/O Michelle “Mlki" Thomas, POB 5322. Burlington, VT 05402-5322 ~ ender Visions Productions, Inc. POB 307- St. Albans VT 05478 I 849 2739 - -www.together.netl~|avender try Workshops — Middlebury ’ Free weekly group for poets. - David V Weirlstock, 388-7523 ; men/Lesbian Book Group ' Reading books by women in all genres -Meets monthly in Putney,VT - Confirm with Tatiana, (802) 387-2781 or istsINaturists Group Tonic Waters - POB 6111 - Brattleboro, VT 05302 Samadhi Singers A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends 8. Members 01 the GLBT Community - _ Burlington, 864-5327 tre on a Shoestring POB 1012 - Burlington VT 05402 - (888) 212-5884 - - wwwtheatreshoecom rnont Gay Men’s Chorus 1-8007508434 - tax (802) 633-2389 0 do lavender visions productions, inc. POB 307 St Albans VT 05478 - | MEN kshire Bears New England and Eastem Upstate New York - hltp:l/geocities.conl/wi=6tholly- wood/2081 and Bisexual Men’s Group ’ Bennington County and area. - Support, social activities, HIV/AIDS presentations. -, FMI: Daniel, 447-8007 or athers Support Group 50 Mechanic St., Pittsford, VT 057639317 , ° Bob, 4836739 Guy Get Togethers in SE VT _ Carey at 2548263 - 2nd 8 4th Mondays B|sExuA|_ -Men’s Ritual Group . , V 862-8646 xual Network of Vermont ~.- ne Gay Men’s Support Group POB 8124, Burlington, VT 05602 ' 229- V 0112 or 8797883 - Biwarriors@ao|.com (800) 639-7903 -Tuesdays, 7pm - 00 Church, 69 Washington St, Keene, NH en Alive! POB 423 - Burlington VT 054021 - 8652247 V otaurs Brotherhood Club 1 (Leather & Levi's Club) - POB 2141, Concord, NH 03302-2141 - Min0taurBC@aol.oom - (603) 753-9059 adnock Gay Men (MGM) POB 1124 0 Keene NH 03431 - (603) 357- 5544 0 MonadGay@ao|.com - http://mem- he in Ten Project Discussion/social group for men - Brian, ENDING VloLENcE hdison County Women In Crisis POB 67 - Middlebury VT 05753 - 388-4205 ered Women’s Services, Inc. POB 828 - Montpe|ierVT 05601 - 24 Hour Hotline: 223-6855 gglington Police Department munity Based Police Officer Lieutenant Bill Laware - 6587658 e-Sex Domestic Violence _ _ 800639-7903 - Meets at Trinity Episcopal (°"'“°““°" °°"“‘Y °°"‘°“'° ‘”°'°"°° Church, 120 Broad St, Claremont, NH ‘ 5arsl(§5::)r1ce)- 31 Elmwood Ave- Burlington, Vdical Faeries ‘ ' . Yolanda, POB 812 0 Burlington VT 05402 - 3° 33”‘ “'9 “"9 Gabriel, POB 224 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - Local Contact: Mel (603) 5431700 - 2574871 www.prin< GM (Mamre Gay Men) 9men’S c"5's Center (social group for men 40 and older) - 860- POB 933 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - 1810 ' 2577354 ' 24 “°”' H°‘“"e‘ 25415954 mont Ga Social Alternatives omen Helping Battered Women GSA) V P03 1535 ' 3"’“"9‘°” VT °54°2 ' 558‘ “ POB 237 - Burlington VT 05402-0237 - 1996 ., 8653734 0 vtv @ ‘men's Rape Crisis Center 953 3° - P08 92 - Burlington VT 05402 - 864-0555 M HEALTH NA (African, Latino, Asian, Native n1erican)community Program ' 59° H°3'”‘5°"’°°- P399 24 8 Williston St. - Brattleboro VT 05301 - 254-2972 LEGAL ‘"“"““‘ POB 583 0 Burlington VT 054020583’ . rican Civil Liberties Union(ACLU) - omen 01 Color Alliance POB 1534 0 Burlington VT 05402 ' (802) 660-0606 110 E. State St. - Montpe|ierVT 05602 - 223-6304 - - httpllmem lLesbianIBisexua| Legal ociation PHILANTHROPIESI 1 do Blackwood and Kraynak - POB 875, ,3 Foundation V Burlington 05402 ' 3532517 PO Box 541 - Hinesburg,VT 05461"- Blll 'ont Human Rights Commission Uppem 4825338 . sama,a@,°ge,,,e,_,,e, 133 State St. - MontpelierVT 05633-6301 - , mg“ PouTlcAL MEDIA leboro Area Gays and Lesbians_,V Po6'675- Bial1leboroVT05302.~,25_4VrV Like Us (newsletter) 5947 140 Brian 0009090’ N” ‘'05 F°""d3“°"' Info Line of NH _ . 1087 Elm St. #501, POB 59. Manchester. 26 30V Main 51. Box 131 . congord;NH’, NH 03105 - 800-639-1122 - 03301. (503) 22.01636 V 2 "V - brtarmnaleeoloorn hua pride " A 5 . - I’ US OUT ‘ - 4233 Amherst st Suite 113. Nashua. NH '-POB "285-- Bréwebom 4706302 ' 03063 - or 1603) 661-9522: -. — 7 2570332 * -5 . ' ‘ ’ Citizens’ Allianceifor Gay and i_ . ' ntain Pride Media, Inc. (an nights ’ ' ‘ " POB 1078 - Richmond VT 05477 POB 730 ~ Concord NH 03302 - (603) 224 , 1666 -- and Justice Center 21 Church St. - Burlington VT 05401 - 863- ,. 8326 ' Pride Vermont committee POB 5113 - Burlington VT 05402-5113 - 864-3455 - - pride- V mont coalition for Lesbian and ‘ Rights (VCLGR) POB 1125 - MontpelierVT 05602 - 888- 8254989 - Ccrliaisons to the govemment Virginia Rentrew, 496-4333 - Keith Goslanl. 454-8552 ITIVE DIREC-TOR REA COMMUNITY mont Freedom to Marry Task Force POB 1312 o Middlebury VT 05753 - 388 6356 - Brattleboro area: FMI: Bari Shamas, 387-5788 Pltoi=EssloNAL' LE (IBM employees) Mary Alice Schatzle 769 4835, - Jim Leavens 769 4413, J| - eag| -|e.html lLesbiariIStraight Educators ork (GLSEN) Southern Vermont POB 942 - Putney VT 05346 0 254-5150 - bow Business Association GBLT businesses & professionals organi- zation - POB 8335, Burlington VT 05402 0 8787037 - RBAvt@ao|.com ont-NEA GLB Educators and rAllies ' Bill Cavanaugh, 645-9630 - POB 156, West Paiiiiisr VT 05775 ' ' SPIRITUAL/RELIGIOUS ‘ ntral Vermont Sangha (Tibetan Buddhist) - POB 517, Montpelier 05601 - 426-4111 or 533-2527 - hamplain Valley Unitarian iversalist Society 4 An official welcoming congregation - POB 857. Middlebury, VT 05753 - 388-8080 rist Church Presbyterian-More . ght Church ‘_ UVM - Burlington VT 05401 - 862-1898 llege Street Congregational Church Across from the YMCA in Burlington - Open and affirrnlng - 864-7704 P08 7. Manchester NH 03105-0007 - 603 647-0206 - DignityNH@ao|.com POB 1492, Brattleboro, VT 05302 - 453- 5760 - 0 V rst Universalist Parish (UU), Derby VT _ 873-3563 or 754-8780 terweave (Unitarian Universalist) “ 152 Pearl St, Burlington VT 05401 - John Byer, 802-863-1818 ‘tartan Church of Montpelier 130 Main St, Montpe|ierVT 05602 - 223- » 7861 mont Gay Men’s Spiritual Support 5 Raymond PI., Burlington VT 05401 A nt Open Circle of Wicca & do Drew, POB 942, Middlebury VT 05753 - 3666457‘- VToperrciroleerrormaii.oom - www.geocities.conl/rainforest/1258 V nt Organization for Weddings of Same Gender (VOWS) . Clergy and religious organizations in favor of sarriegender marriage. - Rev. Brendan Hadash - RR 3, Box 134B, West G|oVerVT 05875 0 525-3875 0 . wwwgeocitiesconr/WestHol|ywoodlHeightsI 3936 tarian Universalist Congregation of Upper Valley Nancy Cnrmbine - 649-8828 - Box 1110 V y Norwich VT 05055 - uucuvfldartmoulttedu ’-*<é5t*r‘r “iN"T'HE ‘ Mo‘Ui4lTArr¥isV‘ —‘”'.‘°\piil‘L '—‘*”27 STUDENT TRANSGENDER 4‘ “C-GSA (Lyndon State College Gay 4 NS (Transgender Radical Action, ight Alliance) orking & Support) Lyndon State College, LSC Box 7335, POB 5687, Burlington VT 05402 - 472-8115 Lyndonville VT 05851 - 626-6363 - . - transvI2@aol.oom LscGsA@liotrnaii.eom - ’ /stonewall/9786 _ _ WOMEN V (DE£?::‘:'o::;5"gg0z)éi:g2;f) 'a ALLe's|:i):tns of the Monadnock T°F:::tr)GB::BGrL%i'l?At0l:fi‘6eM6560699 - B- 62232623136‘ 1K°°"° N” °343‘ ' 163 Billings, UVM campus Faculty Advisor: . A Ila Earhart 6562058 - dard Gay/LesbianIBisexuaI liance ‘ .? Goddard College - Plainfield VT 05667 V ne State College LBG Alliance ‘ Keene State College - Keene NH 03431 ltnson State College GSA GLBQAA, do Student Association - Johnson,VT 05656 - ‘ Landmark College - Ptrtney VT 05346 - 387-6752 ’a (Middlebury Open Queer ' nce) Drawer 8, Middlebury College - Middlebury VT 05753-6033 ' moqa@panther.midd|e- buryedu - www.middlebury.eduI~moqa V e in Ten (castleton State College) ' Castleton VT 05735 0 468-5611 X392 ichae|'s College ALLY Group do Student Resource Center - Winooskl Mk, Colchester 05446 - Linda Hollingdale 654-2546 - or Laura Crain 654-2388 nity college GLBA Mercy Hall, Burlington VT 05401 - 864- 7528 - kslora@charity.tri‘ e Alliarice at VT Law School South Floyalton VT 05068 - Michael Mercer, Chair, 7638498 0 —alliance ‘SUPPORT V POB 746, Lebanon NH 03766 rattleboro Area Dykes (BAD Grrrls) . -254.7721 rlington Women’s Council POB 0583, Burlington VT 05402-0583 QRONES (For women over 40) V I 143 Rollin Irish Rd, Milton VT 05468 YKE TALK Women's discussion group. Meets at UVM V , . Women's Center - Wendy, 802-877-3653 ed Green Tomatoes (Northern VTWimmin's Social Group) - ' RR 1, Box 6845. Morrisville VT 05661 - : i 888-7118 . olden Threads " (Lesbian Contact Publication) - POB 65, Richford VT 05476-0065 - 848-7037 0 V goldentred@ao|.oom untington Open Women's Land Camping, events, day hikes. Intentional community. - 434-3953 5 Main St ° Springlield VT 05156 ' 885- 2368 - 24 Hr. Hotline: 885-2050 Readings and discussion. - Crow, 802-655-3766 v 16 Main St - St. Johnsbury VT 05819 - 748-8645 5 School Ave, Montpelier VT 05602 - 229-6202 men's Information Service (WISE) " 79 Hanover St, Lebanon NH 03766 - 603- 448-5922 - 24 hr. hotlinez 603448-5525 men Outdoor Social Group Outdoor activities in the V Burlingtori/Plattsburgh area.- 518-582-5442 ‘ men of the Woods (WOW) FD 1 Box 5260, wormier VT 05682 - 29-0109 1 YOUTH Guys Like’ Us 0 do Brian Dougherty, NH AIDS Foundation - 1087 Elm St. #501, POB 59, Manchester, NH 03105 0 800-639-1122 0 briannhaf@ao|.com y & Bisexual Men's Support Group Keene, NH - Shawn, 800-6397903 Meals at UU Church on 69 Washington St. every V Tue at 7pm nnections - Support group for 44 South St, POB 128, Middletown Springs VT 05757 - 2352373 Parents and Friends of Lesbians Gays (P-FLAG) Brattleboro Area, J. Cram 0 409 Hillsinds, Brattleboro 05301, 257-5409 Central VT. 3rd Sundaw, 1pm - UU Church, Montpelier (School St entrance) Lake Champlain, Venner - 23 Birchwood Ln., Burlington VT 05401 - 863- 4285 Manchestli,-rArea, Mae and Jay Morrow - POB 92 - ManchesterVT 05254 - 362-4400 Rutlandrfllea, Julie and Peter Cooper - 11 North St. 0 Flutland VT 05701 0 773-7601 Parents and Friends of Lesbians Gays (P-FLAG) V North Country Chaptero P08 3. V Jelleison NH 03583 - 603-536-5522, in NH 800-750-2524 ight Spouses of GLBV Partners Shelburne Falls, MA - Jane Harris 413V 6256033 - aharris@vaIineLcom Keene, NH - Lucinda Nightingale 603- 352-9337 ant Lesbian and Gay Parents Meeting info: 802-658-6045 & Bisexual Men's Support Group ntral Vermont OUTRIGHT ’ Weekly meetings in Montpelier. - (800) GLB-CHAT or 452-2428 ating Change Meetings in St Johnsbury, VT - Lore I Caldwell 746 8645 /y/StraightAlIiance for High School Meets Thursdays, 2:15 pm, Room 210 - Ml. Anthony Union High School, Bennington. - Lisa Moore 447-7511 - do Upper Valley Outright Vermont - POB 27. Norwich VT - 649-5297 or 802-296-3858 - - Support for glblq youth (14-22). Meetings In Lebanon NH tltright Vermont (youth 22 and der) POB 5235, Burlington VT 05402 - 865- 9677 - - - Youth Hotline: 800GLB-CHAT (452-2428) - Drop in Center: Tue. 2:305:30pm - Youth group, Fridays 7-9pm - Zine Publishing group, 151 Wed every month, 7-9pm - Women's group __ 2nd & 4th Tue every month, 7-8prri sm, at Brattleboro U.H.S. - " Andrea Carlson at Youth Services, 257- 0361 - Tracy Binet at the H.S., 257-0356 tock Area Gaylstraight Youth Drop-in hours Tue evenings. Monthly social activities. - FMI: mil Outright Vermont at _ V 800-GLB-CHAT . nth Aware of Addison County do POB 646, Middlebury VT 05753 - 800- 452-2428 (Outright VT) - www.arlgelfirecorTl/V1/youth aware ° YouttlAware@usanet - Meets 1st Tuesdays, 7pm, llsley Chamber ol , Commerce office, Middlebury. - 2nd Fridays, 7:30pm, Movie at Star Mill wer Ben & .leny's - 4th Saturdays, 7:30pm Colteehouse or field Trip. Meet at Star Mill or call for info 7 i ‘