MI Jr;l.T.Hl.E.. M0 -‘- fiuui :.'~;=~... UNI '.'3‘§~.*.‘a.'-?tPl%l.L -3.929 L 2'I|.~~\I‘p/v Community Compass is a VLAVENDER VISIONS PRODUCTIONS, INC. Lavender Visions Produc- tions, Inc. produces The Vermont Rainbow Connection, a television program devoted to educating the public on GLBT issues. In doing so, helps to combat negative images, dispel the myths, and promote the celebration of diver- sity. In addition to news and com- mentary from co-anchors Michael James and Sharon Randall, the show features “Focus On,” a segment covering a variety of subjects including youth, spirituality, HIV & AIDS, family issues and Pride Celebrations. It also offers an ongoing calendar of events. The monthly program is repeated weekly on eight differ- ent cable stations throughout the state. For a listing of when you can tune in, see our ad in OITM or check out our Web page at www.together.net/~lavender. _ All members of the Connection crew and staff are volunteers with a sincere desire to make a difference. Lavender Visions Productions, Inc. itself is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organiza- tion; all contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law. We are always looking for sponsors to help us keep the show going. If you’d like to learn more about becoming a sponsor, check out our Web page or email us at |avender@together.net. VMOQA — MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE The Middlebury College GLBTQ community is again planning a host of fabulous activ- ities for Gaypril: infomial discus- sions and formal lectures, films, new service of OITM. GLBT organizations from around the state are invited to provide brief — 200 words or less -- descriptions of recent or upcoming activities and‘ events._Send your submissions to us by email at editor@vtpride.org by the l5th of the month. readings, and a play. Lyle Glazier, class of 1933, will be among the queer alums returning for the weekend of April 16-] 7. We are also planning a VTCGLBTC weekend on April 23 and 24. Lecture topics for the month range from Michelangelo to rent boys. Readers include poet Letta Neely and Vermont fiction writer Ernest McLeod. Crow Cohen will be giving a talk on April I6, and Kate Bomstein will do like- wise on April 20. Another highlight is a student production of Larry Krarner’s Normal Heart running from April 16-18. Check the online calendar or contact MOQA for further details! VOUTRIGHT VERMONT We’re pleased to introduce our new Education and Outreach Coordinator, Heather Geoffrey, who joined us in October. An engaging speaker and educator, Heather is traveling the state with our Speaker’s Bureau, providing workshops and panels about GLBTQ youth and identities. Things have been very busy in Xando, our youth space. March featured a visit from the always- fabulous Yolanda at our Friday night social support group, a car- tooning workshop with the incredible Alison Bechdel, a movie night, and an open house to introduce young people to our programs. April and May promise to be equally exciting with the premiere of our new series of activism workshops, Youth Pride events, and more. Give us a call at l-(800) GLB- CHAT to find out more. At this time every year, one- third of our’ incredibly hard- working board of directors finish their time with us, and a new crew comes on. We’re saying goodbye and thanks for your extraordinary effort to those retir- ing, hello and thanks for your commitment to our new mem- bers, and to those who will be with us a while longer —— thanks for hanging in there! VPRIDE VERMONT ‘99 Mark June 19 on your calen- dar and make plans to be in Burlington for a party. Pride Vermont "‘99 will be a most important celebration for our community, as visibility is now more important than ever. (Just ask anyone associated with the Freedom to Many Task force.) Among the details the com- mittee is working on is the Merchants’ Tent at Waterfront Park. The City of Burlington con- siders any group who displays any material to be a vendor, so even if you’re just there to dis- tribute information, you need to reserve space in the Merchants’ Tent. If you’re looking for a spot to fill in the planning corps, the Pride Committeeyis in need of a volunteer coordinator to help set up the Merchants’ Tent this year. Fundraising is also underway. Please join us at The Maine Event at JefFs Maine Seafood in St. Albans on Sunday, May 16 from 4pm to 10pm In addition to karaoke, there will be lots of entertainment, including emceettes The Sisters Lemay. There will also be a Silent Auction, organized by Sarah Harrington and Robert Simpson. This year’s auction is guaranteed to be bigger than last yeai’s, so bring your checkbooks! Our community and Pride Day are only as strong as those of us who take active part. If you or your organization has some time and/or funding you can spare to help make Pride Vermont ‘99 the best event ever, please get in touch with us. We need you! For more information or a vendor application, email us at vtglbtpride@theatreshoe.com, call Tracy at 864-3455 or write to Pride Vermont ‘99, P.O. Box I433, Burlington, VT 05402. VRU12? COMMUNITY CENTER AND QUEER HISTORY ARCHIVES PROJECT Apparently gay people catch ‘ Millennial Syndrome, too —— a Vennont Queer History Archives n so maybe you can’t spiel or spell or spell ‘spiel’ -— You can still contribute. . We need people who can sweep, clean, sew, stuff envelopes, file, /lift, peel grapes, massage, cook — , Meet great people. Have great fun. Do..a great thing. Volunteer for 01 TM 434-6486 or oiun@tog|etlIer.net Project is underway. We’re look- ing for those of you who’ve been there, made, watched, or helped things happen for GLBT Vennont over the last decades. The hysterical reality is, how- ever, that all of us working on this are under 30 and weren’t out of the closet until after Ronald Reagan went back to California. We need your insight! We’re looking for memories about first or best community experiences, information about existing or extinct groups, orga- nizations, collectives, or projects and loans or donations of news- paper clippings, newsletters, fly- ers, photos, banners, or other memorabilia. We especially need a lot more input into Vermont les- bian-feminist history, queer peo- ple of color history, AIDS activism, and general queer histo- ry before 1980. The result of this research will be a pennanent —— yet changing — installation to be housed in the future Burlington RUI2? Community Center. Please help us build this col- lection with your memories, materials, time, or effort; call David Gramling at 443-3559 or Mike Bensel at 860-1044. You can alsosend items or responses to VT Queer History Archives Project, c/o Burlington RU12? Community Center, PO Box 5883, Burlington 05402 or to CCENTER@LIST.UVM.COM. VTRINITY COLLEGE ALLIANCE Traditionally, Gay History Month has been celebrated dur- ing the month of June to com- memorate the Stonewall Riots. The sun is shining for the parade, but all the students are in their home states. So the Trinity College Alliance is planning G’April, its month-long visibility project, for the month of April. During the month of spring showers, we will be holding events to educate the campus and community, increase visibility, and raise hell. The events range from movie nights to infonnation panels. We encourage as many queer folks as possible toattend. Help us wrap up the academic year with a bang. For more information, contact Morgan Sheets at 846-7524 or Jillian Langley at 846-7774. VVERMONT PEOPLE WITH AIDS COALITION _ VT PWAC is a volunteer, non- profit, grassroots organizat-ion founded in 1989. Our mission is to educate and network people in Vermont who are living with HIV/AIDS. We provide advocacy for indi- viduals at a national, state and local level and publish a monthly newsletter, Update. In February, 1998, we began a deep discount Buyer’s Co-op of nutritional sup- plements for people living with HIV/AIDS, their families and friends. Throughout the year, we provide opportunities to educate people on new treatment options, quality of life issues, and political action to help direct AIDS fund- ing to the state of Vennont. Among our current activities are Friday morning yoga classes for people with HIV/AIDS. They run from 9:30 to llam in Montpelier. From April 30 to May 2, I999, we’ll be holding an AIDS Mastery Workshop in Burlington. Later this summer — July 22-25 — the 9th Annual Vennont PWA Coalition Retreat will be held in Springfield. * Unlike AIDS Service Organizations in the state, PWAC is small, with few administrative expenses. There are only 2 part- time, paid stat? at our organiza- tion; the remainder of our force are volunteers, most of whom are living with HIV. The majority of our resources go directly to help people living with HIV/AIDS in Vennont. Our current membership is over 160 people. We gratefully accept donations. For further information, or to join our mailing list, call us at (800) 698-8792 or visit our new web site at www.vtpwac.org and send us an e-mail. .\V/(ONT RAINBOW CON / /\¥\("\lE?‘ THE T.V. SHOW BY, FOR AND ABOUT VERl“lONT'5 L/G/B/T COMMUNIITY AND - OUR SUPPORTERSI Sit back and enjoy our April program filled with news, resources and an informative interview with Joy Griffith, from Golden Threads — PROGRAM SCHEDULE and VIEWING INFO — Adelphia (CH. 15) (Greater Burlington area) Fri 9pm Adelphia (CH. 15) (Montpelier, Waterbury, Randolph) 2nd & 4th Fri 7:30pm Lake Champlain (CH. 2) 1st & 2nd Mon 11pm and 1st & 2nd Wed. 10pm Helicon (CH. 7) (Barre) 2nd & 4th Mon 8:30pm BCTV (CH. 8) (Brattleboro) call 257-0888 for air days/time MCTV (Middlebury, E. Middlebury, Weybridge) 388-3062 for airtimes MMCTV (CH. 3)(Richmond, Jericho, Underhill) call 434-2550 for air days/time WENO (CH.15) (Enosburg, Berkshire, Richford) 1st & 3rd Sun at 8pm CA-TV (Bennington, Pownal, Shaftsbury, Woodford, Hoosick Falls) call 442-8868 for air days/time