.aqiIaM is lineal: FAITH MATTERS BY REV. CHRISTINE LESLIE s I,write, Vermonters are “awaiting our high court’s ruling- on whether or not three couples who have sued the state for the “right to marry” will succeed. Many oppose a favor- able ruling because they hold to unexamined beliefs they have * based upon their biblical illitera- cy. This is a deadly combination. ‘ Biblical illiteracy does not serve anyone well. Being bibli- cally literate equips me with the ‘ necessary information I need to refute homo- phobia that is allegedly based in scripture. It also has helped me grow spiritually, as it has for many who have taken the time and energy to acquire the skills and knowledge that form the basis of biblical literacy. There’s a lot to be gained from being bib- lically literate, whether or not we buy into the Judeo-Christian her- itage. The level of scriptural misunder- standing in our culture is staggering, and it’s the fundamentalists get away with all that they . do. Can you imagine what might happen if a majority of us took the time to understand the Bible? The impact could be monumental. First, many GLBT people feeling shame and. guilt because of their sexual orientation might not suffer so much if they knew- there is no discernable biblical basis for teaching that same-gen?-* der sexual relating is inherently sinful and hated by God. I think this information alone could help reduce the rate of suicide among GLBT teens. ‘P I Secondly, were the" majority of us to become biblically liter-R ate, we would be better equipped to deal with people who think they are biblically literate but are r not. These folks need to hear the biblical scholarship that refutes their mistakenly ' bible-based ’ hatred of GLBT people. This is especially true for those who don’t adhere to a faith system that provides an antidote to their hate with a teaching that suggests they love their neighbors as themselves. - Perhaps Matthew Shepherd and Billy Jack Gaithermight still be alive were there more bibli- cally literate people confronting their misinformed, homophobic neighbors. Thirdly, GLBT people raised in some version of Judaism or Christianity meaningful to them cannoncoco-uoooeooonoonoonooooouuno the main reason why- prior to coming out might re-dis- cover that authentic faith and love are not mutually exclusive. We can be part of a“ religious community and a faith system that nurtures and supports our spiritual joumey.gReligious com- munities that promote negative attitudes and- exclusivity based I I on an uneducated scripturalvread- ings are not the only options available to GLBT people who want to be‘ a part of a religious community. So what does becoming bibli- cally literate involve? Primarily, it takes a willingness to accept the idea that scripture matters. The minimization and dismissal of these texts as outdated, use- less, and unworthy of [study leavesflthemv in the hands of the biblically illiterate '— for whom the scriptures matter a great deal. This is not wise or helpful. In I fact, it’s dangerous. Many GLBT people and allies remain silent out of ignorance when confronted with. bible- based bigotry and homophobia. We know that we don’t agree with fundamentalists’ interpreta- tions, but many of us just don’t know how to refute their posi- 1 tions. This is ironic for a commu- nity in which a popular slogan is J- “Silence = Death.” What’s sad is that biblical lit- ’ eracy is not difficult to attain. It does not require that welgo to I seminary or becomeactivem par- V, ticipants in a church or syna- ? gogue. It’s just a matter of open- ing our own hearts and m,i‘nd’s"to . read a book like The Good Book by Dr. Peter Gomes. . ‘ -' Gomes has ‘put lots of perti- nent information into one.very readable _book. He introduces the basics of biblical literacy and then addressesmajor ‘uses.and . abuses of scriptures, including an entire section on “The Bible and , Homosexuality: The Last Prejudice.” By addressing three ques- tions: “What are the Hebrew and Christian scriptures? How _ are they used and abused? What do they have so say to me?’.’ Gomes has linked scripture matters with faith matters, showing us why both matter at all. I look forward to the day when questions like these no longer cause GLBT peo- Fait_II Matters & Scrlnture Matters ple to gasp in horror, but rather help us engage in critical study that can lead to our spiritual growth. Biblically illiterate fundamen- ‘ talists reject GLBT people out ‘of reactionary ignorance. We GLBT folks do no better when we dis- miss the Judeo-Christian heritage When confronted with bible-based bigotry and homophobia, many GLBT people and allies remain silent out of ignorance. This is ironic for a communityin which a popular slogan is “Silence = Death. ” without having obtained the information needed to make an _ educated decision. At the least, grappling with these questions decreases our ignorance and equips us to refute biblically based homophobia. At the most, it might even increase our faith in ourselves, each other, The ‘ Holy One, and scriptural sources " of wisdom, faith, hope, comfort,"‘~ mercy, liberation, love, and com- passion.V’ ' Rev. Christine Leslie is founder and director of Triangle Ministries, A Center for Lesbian & Gay Spiritual Development near Burlington. She is available for pastoral counseling/spiritual direction and retreat/workshop leadership. She can be reached at (802) 860-7106 or email revc- ' sl@aol. com gFor pg pconfidenfial HIV/AIDS Information Call 800-882-AIDS oI?n‘*’€ii5i 1-l‘il‘:-‘i"’I\/iciur3zi*lt‘lP~i?‘~’@‘ABitil ’fi"§>9"<§"'*-"‘-"i5*i 7- q Michael Gigante, Ph.D. V I Psychosynthesis I A Counseling, Psychotherapy, 8 Consultation 15 Myrtle St., Brattlcboro, VT 05301‘ -( 802) 254-8032 ‘ - email mgigante@togetl1er.net Practice limited to male clientele William Coil, NCMT 802-658-2390 8000830-5025 KAISER PERMANENTT. WW1 802/524-9595 _ rm soz/5242367 NOllTH§'ASI DIVISION Carol Thayer, I I -*7‘ I if Ito Box I160, Roz - rairrax. vr 05454. Montpelier 229-5220 Burlington 860-6360 JOSIE JUHASZ, M.A. Lic. Psychologist - Master LYNN GOYETTE, M.S., M.A. Lic. 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