.,.-. .\.. www.utnriiIe.or.!iIeuenIs MARCH 3 V weilnesilaii OITM STAFF MEETING - 6pm, Richmond office, FMI: 434-6486, oitm@together.net BENNINGTON - Connections: A Social/Support Group for GLBT Adults. 6:30 pm at Congregation Beth El, 225 North St. Please come and help plan future events such as potluck suppers, game nights, etc. (Meets 1st Wed. each month.) MONTPELIER - WOW (Women of the Woods) Dinner and a Movie. 5 pm. A perennial favorite. This time at Julio's on Main St. Meet for dinner It you can't make dinner but want to see a flick, meet in front of Julio's at 6:15 pm. FMI: See Source listing. 4V Tnursilav MIDDLEBURY - Poetry workshop: A free, weekly group for poets, offering feed- back, encouragement, and optional assignments. llsley Public Library, Main St., 1:00 PM. Open to all. Bring a poem or two to discuss; Topic:'_‘Writing'to'Be. Heard. FMI: David Weinstock, 388-7523. SPRINGFIELD - CCV presents Strong at the Broken Places: This film tells the sto- ries of four people who have experienced trauma in their lives and turned the expe- rience into recovery. 7 pm, CCV, 380 River St. FMI: 1-800-CCV-6686 5 V Frillalf ESSEX - New Group Theatre of Vermont presents Memoir, its premiere stage pro- duction of a play by John Murrell. 7:30 pm Essex Memorial Hall, Fits 15 and 128. Free admission. Tickets at the door. FMI: 802-877-3646. ~ ' WINOOSKI - Encore Performance: The Inner Circle - A play about life, friendship and dying with AIDS. The performance ‘provoked such a positive response, two more shows were added. Don't missthe chance of a lifetime. Curtain: 7:30pm at the Winooski Educational Center Performing Arts Area. (Off Main Street) Tickets: $6 with a portion going to VT CARES. EV saturifati ESSEX - New Group Theatre of Vermont presents Memoir, its premiere stage pro- duction of a play by John Murrell. 7:30 pm. Essex Memorial Hall, Rts 15 and 128. See March 5th for plot summary. Free admission. Tickets at the door. FMI: 802-877-3646. ' WINOOSKI - Encore Perfomtancez The Inner Circle — A play about life, friendship and dying with AIDS. The -perfomtance pro" voked such a positive response, two more shows were added. Don't miss the chance of a "fifetime. Curtain: 7:30pm at the Vlfinooski Educational Center Perfonning Arts Area. (Off Main Street) Tickets: $6 with a portion going to VT CARES. WINOOSKI - WOW (Women of the Woods) Ready for a Winter Swim? 4 pm. Join Lara at her place and bring your bathing suit if you want to take a dip in the indoor pool. Pool open ‘til 10 pm. Don't be late! Call 655-3816 for direc- tions. A TV Sunilav BURLINGTON - Singers Wanted! The Samadhi Singers, A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & Members of the GLBT Community. Rehearsal, 7-9 pm; Christ Church, Presbyterian (underneath the water tower on the UVM Redstone Campus). Anyone who loves to sing ' sacred to spirited choral music is invited. FMI: revcs|@aol.com or call 802-860- 7106. ST. JOHNSBURY - Gay Men's Chorus rehearsal, St. Johnsbury UU Church. 3pm. FMI: 633-2389 or robnyves @together.net. ST. JOHNSBURY - MHP potluck at the UU Church in- St. Johnsbury. 5:30pm. FMI: 633-2389 or robnyves @together.net. ‘B V Monilail BURLINGTON - Monthly Planning- Potluck for RU12? Community Center. Bring food, drink and energy! 6-8pm, Please contact 860-1044, ru12ccen- ter@hotmail.com for location or check the calendar in Seven Days newspaper that week (3/3). 11 V Tllursilaii BURLINGTON - GLITTER, the GLBT lit- erature and film club of Burlington, pre- sents The Star, starring Bette Davis and’ Sterling Hayden. Directed by Stuart Heisler. Past her prime,'a formerly‘ top billed actress prepares herself for a life out of the spotlight. Glitter meets bi- weekly on Thursdays at 7pm at Vermont CARES; 361’ Pearl St. All events are free,_ donations are welcome. Parking is avail‘- able in the back lot. FMI: Steven 1