Queer I. What animal was depicted in lavender in Boston in‘ the early ‘70s as a symbol of gay pride? 2. In I994, Greg Louganis came out at what event in New York City? 3. In anticipation of the I939 World’s Fair, how did New York City Mayor La Guardia try to “de- gay" the city? 4. Name the organization founded by Buddhist nuns in China, which celebrated lesbian unions and encouraged opposi- tion to heterosexual marriage. 5. What is a “dand|e queen?” 6. Based on a I996 US General Accounting Office report, how many different benefits or privi- leges does the federal government give to a person because he or she is married? 28 — OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — MARCH 1999 Quiz 7. In what miniseries did Olympia Dukakis play a male to female transsexual? 8. Which Teletubby did televan- gelist Jerry Falwell “out?" 9. Whose funeral was held on the day of the Stonewall Inn Riots? ‘ I0. Who said, ‘‘I’m not the least bit gay . . .but my girlfriend is.”? I I. ‘Queer to the Care" is a song by what group? I2. Two gay men have made Mr. Blackwell's annual list of Worst Dressed Women. In I975, it was Elton john. Who made the list in I985? I3. Name the artist whose New York subway drawings made him famous. I4. She won the New York Drama Critics Circle Award for her play A Raisin in the Sun, making her the youngest winner and the first black writer to receive the honor. She was also an early member of the Daughters of Bilitis. I 5. What airline is suing San Francisco to keep from having to abide by the city ordinance that requires vendors that do business with the city to provide domestic partner benefits for lesbian and gay couples? I6. Who said, “If you removed all the homosexuals and homosexual influence from what is generally regarded as American culture, you are pretty much left with Let's Make a Deal? I7. What is the name of the mili- tant, kick-butt dyke character in the popular comic strip of the "same name? Clue: Her cat's name is “Chicken.” I8. In I986, the Supreme Court delivered one of its most homo- phobic decisions in Bower v. Hardwick by upholding what state's sodomy laws? I9. What is theacronym for the main gay media watchdog group in the United States? >ykcs Towatch Outfor byA1isonBec11d¢1 20. It started in I988 and hap- pens every year on October I I. 2|. She lives in Vermont and writes Dykes to Watch Out For. 22. The Gay and Lesbian Literature and Film Club of Burlington. 23. The mascot for Voices from the Mountains in OITM is a . . .? 24. The address and name of Burlinton’s gay bar. 25. How much is a year’s sub- scription to Out In the Mountains? 26. British pop star arrested in a park across from the Beverly Hills Hotel for “Iewd conduct.” 27. Her album, Yes I Am, is so very, very hot. 28. Condoms andldental dams are made of what kind of rubber? 29. He was known as the Mayor of Castro Street and was assassi- nated with Mayor George Moscone on November 27, I978. 30. Now that you have finished this quiz, what are you going to do? gpue-I Aausga on Bugofi uI‘| '95 mm .(aA.IeH x3321 a3pI.Iaq;3 essnaw raeqam a8.Ioa9 - 00'0Z$ ' I-Wad 552 I ' asoow - Il31ll'|9 ' I3P|l3°ll “°5!|V '|Z Aeqano Bugwog Ieuopeu ' 0VV'l9 '6I 2g3.Ioa9 'g| "9-5!9d P93‘-l3°H 'Ll z:IIAAoqa1 ue.I_.I I9] -:IgnsMe| up u; paAIoAug a.I2 saugplge .Io[eu.I up "2 mq ‘ssa.Id 1souI aq; Buinafi sg saugpgv Pauun 'U°!1S°nl> >l3!—'J. ‘SI .(.I.IaqsueH 3UlE.l.l0‘| ~yI 3“!-‘EH |l3!°)l '£I °3P4'3“l!‘I 'Zl uogsyqq Asued '| I uoma -(H00 '0l Puwvs ‘PHI '6 bin!/IA bIuI1 '8 Km 3'13 In Sam ‘I. M70‘! '9 35!“°!1!¢I!llX3 a|eLu A28 2 J0} Suegs qsgwg '5 A;-apos s.Ia;sIs ua_|_ atu ‘p 's.Ieq A23 s‘.(;p aq; Io ;soLu pasop a“ -5 M sau.Ie9 A29 -1 sonaougqu aql -I ‘SHEIMSNV ©II: snow SATURDAY mom... .. I CAN'1[;5%I£I/E ,5»: -raw .ou,RzbAx. HELE SI DON’T lggrw. AFLL I ;IABI{z£1r> {Av Is. I I'M SICK or Azssruc AROUk_Ir: . - A ": you AN HIM. You New 0 IIHI » HE Ms 1"/ I ’TH_£ we BABY w-TII >'oeuIzT. I woupzmv If 5,4,5 ,...G,4T ‘. T DIDN'T E HER mac you News wALzIu§. Kvgazououn 1 |N‘1bMN’\‘HIS HOIISEEHE‘/‘RE S1115; ‘I'|*|“E)"l?E ALWAYS AOVER- I BE WW? /1 STUART To KNOW .45. _ _ . H w A —nIIs DA INELIGON APAY -nsI sou MARTHA sn=.IAI2T I J . z - ErERosI:xuALn'Y LIVING wILL KILL/«E ? . ; ruqitore msnmuse. .v ........, l , ‘ @ JUFDIWYIVE - I W‘ FENIIME mm: ..; ¢, .~ 'cowpol¢eI ~‘> wwlaé. I'LL GLUE GLON-lN—‘lI-IE DARK S-rAIz$ oN THE CEIL- ING. KID} LOVETIIAT. AND WE'LL HAVE To GET A , GATE FOR .1112 STAIKS, AND ' PUPIHQSE LITTLE COVER} ova: ALL-THE I HE‘/.?HUON6.’ .Gs1IvIs A PRICE ON 17-IE "MAYBE BAsy" PREG- mwcy 1131’ ,r ‘ , Jeez. 'rHL=~/ SHOULD HAVE PRIVATE CHECK~ I OUT Booms IN THESE PLACES. woI'oUR FOOLISHNESS . TIIE BOOK Busigxsgrss I§n5ON$0L|- WING F ER AN THERMONUCLEAR FUSION. cmy REST: oN AND rve GOTA STORE T YOUR suouibsas. KEEPSOLVENT. ‘. . V" ’ ’ ., I ’ MORNlNG,.TEZ.' HE~I.C»I1£§; we I JUST SAW A1 TIIE DRUGSTIIRE ” oD,I HATE g THAT mans. GINGER ;rusTToLD ' . sIIon=me mamas- fi.,_ NANCyTES1’5.’- _ fi—1f§‘é . ‘,".:e4_ ‘ S s . - " ..AIIDI.ATeIenI1H£IIouIz, T0 “"055 ‘V597 DAVID 3;yoNDcooLI;uy /“"IL\¢/_ _ ...'TI1IS Is JERRI Gkosz. I ’I”R°’IT “WING 1 _’ I.:_.I/‘ VlILL£)(PLOP~£’"Tl'l£ DANTESOUE \ urrn FRESH HAIR. I " """5““’°“G§°L"‘.’.'5° 9’ ©1999 B‘/ALISON BECHDEL A mu TIIINI< IT uoIarN'T? :rusT um 94 BIT LATER _ >oU CAN SAY eoonsya To 8006 Ann Dom CoI'\E NHNIIJG ‘R: I» ow OKAY.’ N wen, my; r 5o'r TILL THOUSAND; or DI»I:K5E, Lov- By IzIsI<~/ oR unrizqvsn AUTHORS: ME ABoUT‘IHE FUTURE or ' rm ori xourz wm Logic was-5 lNlESDe ‘1vtl>EH3;.lIIS21’TSIlEl:L'AE$Elsl; 5°“? “"5 ‘°" Nsw ‘I’:NDED INDEPENDENT BO0K- LIKE ‘IRE ONES I vs BEEN HAND‘ Demockhty WHEN NO ONE wILL SIDE.’ RINT GET 5w,;{Mm6; WAT Tmofl “MN-T AF DISH R I MEAN you. guess we . rrokzs GET REPLACED By GENERIC SELIIMG our CUSTOMERS FIIRYEAIIS. PUBLISH Your SCATHING IN- >0IJR :I’ocI