OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — MARCH 1999 — 25 Above: Perriwinkle gets his groove on with Cesar Saavedra Far Left: Yolanda announces Xena Warrior Princess as first runner-up in the drag queen competition. - . . At Left: Geneva and Urbana W - Sprawl looking for a way out. Hints: is a ma Bali S as Mllllll Yllllll lllllilllllllls !! March 2| - St. Albans: THE MAIN EVENT at ]eff’s Maine Seafood. $|0. 5-9pm. Mixer and mingler with horsd’ oeuvres, discussion, fun! FMI: 848-7037 or email: GOLDENTRED @ao|.com : March 27 - Burlington: “Who are the people in your neighborhood?” Community Supper at the Radisson Hotel. Organized by Burlington RU I2? Community Center Project. 6:30-|Opm. $lO. FMI: 860-I044 or email: ru l2ccenter@hotmail.com We hope to have a few more events planned for that week, ,1, but have not firmed everything up at this point. VCLGR will G be mailing out a list of all events so watch for our letter — _ and watch the OITM calendar at www.vtpride.org/events °