1 film Club of Burlington) 434-OITM - oilm@together.nei - _ http:lIwww.vtpride.org e Prism Newsletter (Northern NY) ' POB 807 0 Potsdam, NY 13676 - ARTS AND RECREATION fifington RU12 Community Center Mike or Don 860-1044 _ mi2ocemer@h°ima"'c°m \ _(315) 2653605 -_www.northnel.org/pnsm -M9913 every 2,111 Mor1_e3,,m_ chmg Out (Outright Youth Zine) call lor location POB 5235 - Burlington VT 05402 - hiltern Mountain Club - VT Chapter 3659677 ° 0utn'9htVT@a0l-com Gay 3, Lesbian outdoor org) e Vermont Rainbow Connection Bob Bland, 660 831 3100 - (TV Program) bland @sover.net - ’ do lavender visions productions, inc. http://wwwchillem,oig/chi|lern/ PCB 307 Saint Albans VT 05478 y/Bi Men’; Reading Group |avender@together.net ‘Meets monthly in the Brattleboro area - FMI: Jonathan Campo (802) 258-2593 or Michael Fannon (802) , 254-6239 1 _L/lTTER (Gay & Lesbian Literature & Steven Kopstein, 434-5653 - GLlTTERvt@ao|.com en Mountain Freedom Band Affiliated with the Lesbian and Gay Bands of America C/O Michelle 'Miki‘ Thomas, POB 5322 Burlington, VT 05402-5322 gossamer@together.net ender Visions Productions, Inc. POB 307- St. Albans VT 05478 - 849 2739 0 W i htlp://www.togethernetl~lavender - oetry Workshops - Middlebury OUT _ IN THE MouNTAiNs ce and Justice Center 30'1"‘ R°Y3ll°n-VT 05053 ' 21 Church St. - Burlington VT 05401 - . « PL°9Sd°n@Verrn°nlLnW-edu 1353,3325 .,;SC-GSA (Lyndon State College Gay mont Coalition for Lesbian and — .r.ais1htAlltarSrce)C ' L ndon late olle e. LSC Box 7335 y R'gi:)|5tBs1£¥i?.LMG°§i2)eiierVT 05602 . -‘|'.yndonvi|le VT 059851‘ 625-5353 ' ‘ 1_383_825_4939 _ LSCGSA@holrnai|.com ' Co-liaisons to the government: WWW~9e°°l"e5-°°’“’We5"‘°"YW°°d/ Virginia Fienfrew - 496-4333. 5t°"ewa"/9756 _ Keiih Gosiani . 4543552 ‘Meets Tuesdays at 8:45pm In the Vail Conference room. mm Freedm" to Marry Task Force 1 RA (Dartmouth Rainbow Alliance) POB 1312 0 Middlebury VT 05753 - 383_6355 giaiiiebom area _ Hanover NH 03755 ' (603) 646-3636 FMI: Bari Shamas, 387-5788. reeTo Be: GLBTA at UVM mont GLBT Pride ’99 Committee 35 8- Prospect St. Burlington VT - POB 5113 - Burlington VT 05402-5113 05405 ' 655-0599 . 355.3734 or 658.1602 ‘Meets Thursdays. 7:30pm wwwtheatreshoecom - . 5-153 Bl"|"95r UVM Campus . vtglbtpride@thealreshoe.com IOOOIIIUOOCCOOOQO QIIOIOIOCOOOIIOOOOOOO iTivE DIRECTOR Free weekly group for poets, David Weinstock, 388-7523. ,,,,,,,,1,,51,1,,,,13,,,,1,(,,,,,,,, REA COMMUNITY ESOURCES Reading books by women in all genres , ‘Meets monthly in Putney, VT - ' ' - Confirm with Tatiana, (802) 387-2781 or M P Gay/Lesbian/Blsexual tatianas@sover.net. . . isisliiaiurisis Group EN ROFESSIONAL §ii)di‘lar1éCr|>l|Iege - IF-’|§II'(l;IeA|d| 05667 All persuasions for intelligent k h‘ B ’“‘* GLE IBM I ,eene a e 0 ege lance _ 1 7 5 “'5 ears ( lemp oyees) Keene State College- Keene NH 03431 Conversation. trips to nude beaches. A blue collar men and bear group provid Mary Alice Schatzle 769 4835 S C ii GSA _ , . . . nson tate 0 ege house parties, camping, hot tub, lng social events, support and empower (r_naschalz@us.ibm.com) or GLBQAA_ c/O Student Association , start a “church"’?“Tonic waters" POB 3111 ment for gay and bi men of New England Jim Leavens (802) 769 4413 - Johnson VT 05656 , Brattleboro, VT 05302 ' and Eastern Upstate New York. Jleavens@us.libm.com - _ ihompso'a@badger‘isC'V5ciedu e samadhi singers http:/_/geocllies.com/vliestho|lyw0odI2081 eaglebtv@us.ibm.com ndmark Gaymesbian/Bisexual A Sacred Music Chorale for Friends & and Bisexual Men s Group 0 Pdqarerlick-Itam-corn/EAGLBeao|e-html , mama Members or the GLBT community singers Sponsored by AlDServices of ,9 ey/Lesbian/Straight Educators . Landmark cone 9 _ Fume VT 05346 or sacred to spirited choral music are wet Southwestern VT. Support groups, social x ‘ twork (GLSEN) Southern Vermont , 387,675? 9 V come. Burlington. 860-7106 or activities, volunteer opportunities. P03 942 . pu(r1eyv'r M. d dl b 0 0 revcsl@ao|.com. HIV/AIDS transmission/prevention presen- 05346 0 254-5150 - Juniper@sover.net it .qa ( ' e my pen ueer eater on a Shoestrin tations arid other activities to strengthen gainbow Business Associaiion lliance) . , P03 1012 ‘ Bllllln9l°ll VT 05402 ' me gay/b‘ ”‘e”5 °°"""“””Y '” B°””'”9‘°" GBLT business owners and prolessionals Dlawer 8 ' M'dd|eb‘"V C°"e9e ' (353)212-5334 County and area.'FREE & CONFlDEN- oranizaiionl F03 8335. MiddleburyVT05753-6033- inlo@theatreshoe.com - TIAL. FMI call Daniel @ 447-8007 or B,,,1,,,g,0,, V1 05402 Staph shunt@pantherrnrddleburvedu ' http://www.theatreshoe.com amazur@sover.net. Office hours, Mon - Fri _ ' . moqa@panther.midd|ebury.edu ' , FMI 878 7037 RBAvt@ao|.com , . mom Gay Men 5 Chorus from 5pm-8pm .EVenin mixers eve 2nd wed‘ http.I/www.middleburyedu/~i11oqa 1-800-750-8434- fax: (802)633-2389 Fame“ s"PP°“ G'°“l’ ermont-NEA’ GLB Edfiycators and ‘M995 S“"da”'8p""Che"'5 H°”5° 1 robnyves@togetheme[ gg7lg§cir§r1nic %t..bPir§iom,,VT eir Allies in Ten (Castleton State College) sibie in Vermont Ans (Vii/A) . - 7 - o .4 :e739 - B." Ca h P B 15 . 1 _ Castleton VT 05735 - 468-5611 x392 P03 512 . gurirngror. yr (15402 . Guy Get Togethers in SE VT Viest 08775 6 Mike's College ALLY Group ~ es s n an on ays inoos ' , oc es er - Men’s Ritual,Group Linda Hollingdale 654-2546 or __ BISEXUAL arms SPIRITUAL/RELIGIOUS I (lEaiilr|aCrair(1;£i-sgiaaa n Alive! Y 0 99° ‘ . "ix"%l,§$,§§{,°{,'§,12,’g},(‘§'3‘,‘3,'g,§,2 " POB 423 - Burlington VT 054021 §°'“'a' V"""‘°"l 3a"9ha Merci Hall BUrlln9l°n- VT 05401 ' 2290112 (gr 87978-83‘ . 335247 _ ' betan Buddhist) . 864-7528 - kslora@chanty.tnnityvt.edu noraugsgrogterlgigcrub -**“"'é:,','.°,:.:'llrlil,::iri;$;?8l,., 9- - face): 27:11, ()33og.2141 ‘Meets Mondays _6:30-9pm at the 763-8498 - v'vww.vermontlaw.’edu/~alliance . E V M1n0iau,BC@aoi_com Montpelier Unltana_r1 Church. _ NDING IOLENCE . (503) 753.9059 _ amplai_n Valley Unitarian SUPPORT . . . nadnock Ga Men MGM Fllllersallst 3°°l9lY lson County Women In Crisis. " V ““ - - - - -- - V POB 67 _ Middlebu VT 05753 _ POB 1124 - Keene NH 03431 - - Official Welcoming Congregation . 3, Brsexuai Men 5 support Group ‘V (603) 357-5544 - MonadGay@ao|.com POB 857, Middlebury, VT 05753 G L-k U , (J B - D h 3884205 http'//members aol coml Meetinghouse at Cross and Water M I e S 9 "an M9 any ered women’; services’ inc_ moriadgayfindeithiml ‘ Streets 388_808° NH AlDS Foundation - 1087 Elm St. #501 POB 828 , Monipeiier VT 05601, in Ten Project .SeNic‘eS: Sundays at mam PCB 59. MBHOTIBSIBT. NH 03105 24 H°”’ H°’""e3 2235555 ioonfideniiai discussion 3, soeiai Cermonies for same-gender couples ‘ - 1:8 006394122 ' ?"a’nnha'@a°I‘c°m Iington Police Department gmup 10, men) Mist Church Presbyterian- 5”’ 8‘ B'5°"”a' Me" 5 supp“ G"'°"P mmunity Based Police Officer 311,111, 1.309539-7903 . re Light Church " Klaene, NHU'US(l§iwn ii-800-639-7903 Lieutenant Brl_l 1-«'iW3l'€_' 658-7658 ‘Meets monthly, Trinity Episcopal . UVM - Burlington VT 05401 - 59955 if.‘ 8”” °"T 7 /Lesbian Victim Assistance, Church, 120 Broad St, Claremont NH. 862-1898 _ . 35 '”9‘°” ‘' °‘’°'Y "6 3‘ 9"‘ otline ne-Gay Men's support Group ::\ llege Street Congregational Church i "°°M°"5 ' 5UPP°rt 9l'°UP ‘Or (800)259-1536 24 Hour-- (300) 039-7903 Across lrorn the_YMCA in Burlrntiton 1,-3QT.AdM"5 - AVProject@ao|.com ‘Meets Tuesdays, 7pm UU Church, ._-3' - _ 099“ and Alllmll"9 3547704 'f’1ee‘5 15‘ Weds ‘V 9Ve'Y ’’_‘°'“h 5‘ e-Sex Domestic Violence 69 Washington St. Keene. NH. rginrtv Vermont 1 1 5-309") B9“ 5' °°"9’e9aF'°" ' . . _ - i d cal Faeries V H LIE‘ PO BOX 61 wmwsk] W Synagogue, 225 North St. in Benninglon "b°°""“'-nee ' 05404 - 655 8706 Fr at Last (Chittenden County Domestic Yolanda. POB 812- Burlington VT .1? . . . ee 5 NC I. i W I Violence Task Force) " 05402 - 865-0385 l9"llV New Harrlpshlre - “PPS °‘]‘l”5e‘“9 ‘."e"‘°” °”‘ 31 Elmwood Ave Gabriel, POB 224 - Brattleboro VT POB 7 ' Manchester NH 03105-00 , - glgglg 33 P§l'5ga5'?3§ 053 ) Burlington,VT 05401 G 05302 - 257-4871 ' '- - ' ’ br\iI5:7é02(i6 - n nds in Adoutrizne oro. 1 _ _02 ke Back the Trails M (Mature Gay Men) _'9"' 3° -°°"‘ ‘ ' Local Contact: Mel (603) 543-1700 -» (a social group for men 40 and older) - Melfzriil a"‘ij14‘h M°”daV5 °f each difeugwnlg 1V2T2gg757 _ -iittpi/www,princeton.edul-ieurtis/ H 860-1810 = ‘- . - - ' - fie E'§$i;"D:;‘§i,::,'e'' » . - 235-2373 P 9 aeeirail-htlnl ' . alermont Gay Social Alternatives 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ .’” - , ' , crisis ’GSA) 4 t’Z:;i;:2‘:,°iii:';°ii‘.itidr POB 933 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - 7 POB 237 - Burlington VT 05402-0237 T, °~d "°"5“""°‘i’,”‘ * 1 5 H, i, X ‘ 2517364 , - 9 _ 8653734 _ Wgsa@aOicom‘ . , http. /www.sover.net/-matt ucy : _ ra e are rear. . _ - , (comm) » . J. Cram - 409 Hlllsinds - Brattleboro ' 24 Hour Homne’ 2546954 f T ' ’ '4 '7 terweave (Unitarian Universalists) 0530‘ 257-5409 (omen Helping Battered Women 7 ' - , - ce,,,,,,V,- New co,,iac,TBA ' POB 1535 - Burlington VT 05402 - , 9 M Ul-"CULTURAL. 3330??)§g°g;eE“,;',;g9;,‘:g,‘(§,3 jard Sundays, lprn, 2nd Fl. Chapel, U_U _ $84995 - - - NANA (African, Latino, Asian, ” ‘Meets _2nd Sundays for Bmnch, C““'°“- M°“‘l’e."°' l3°"°°' 5" e”"a",°el Women s Rape Crisis Center N i. A . C .1. 1- 1230 m at Firs‘ W Church mo” Lake Champlain, ‘ POB 92 ' Burlington V,T,05402 - ,3 We m°"°3”) °'“"“"" V » . . ' 9 '. Lil Venner - 23-Birl:hwoodLane 864-0555 Prograiiiwn S - -B I b 5,36 ,,n|larIEi{Jt0?/lhlrré‘-th