6 — OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS + MARCH" 1999 _ some_nt Iler Favorite Ilaughters the Gav JOHNSON——Ellen’s mom is coming to Vermont to talk about having a gay daughter. Johnson State College will present speaker Betty DeGeneres at the Dibden Center for the Arts on Thursday, March II at 7pm. She will speak about her experience as the spokesperson for the Human Campaign’s National Coming Out Project, and as the mother of television actress Ellen DeGeneres. In April, 1997, Ellen made history as both she and her char- acter on her hit TV show both came out of the closet. After the positive response to her daugh- ter’s public coming out, Betty became the HRC’s National Coming Out spokesperson for I997/98. The ongoing campaign encourages and assists gay peo- ple to be honest about their |ives;. It also provides guidance to campus groups and individu- als dealing with coming out and sponsors National Coming Out Day events. Ms. DeGeneres speaks through- out the country about having a gay family member and supporting equal rights for gay people. She is the first heterosexual to serve as a National Coming Out Project spokesperson; other spokespersons have included openly gay figures such as Candace Gingrich and Chastity Bono. Rights‘ Her first book, “Love, Ellen: A Mother, Daughter Journey,” is scheduled to be released in March of this year. It is an anthology of all the letters the two exchanged after Ellen moved away to start her career in television. New Head for State AIDS Progranl BURLINGTON—Commission- er of Health Jan Carney has named the new director of Vermont’s AIDS Program. Craig Stevens’ appointment to the position _was announced on February 2. Stevens has worked in AIDS services with the Vermont Department of Health for more than three years. He has also worked in men’s health, domes- tic violence prevention, and other public health departments in Massachusetts. Stevens replaces Joshua Noble, who vacated the position in January. EFMB In with the ~0utBands BURLlNGTON—The Green Mountain Freedom Band recent- ly achieved Full Participating Organization status with the Lesbian & Gay Bands of America. Conferred during the LGBA’s annual conference in Ft. Vermont CARE S Cherie Tartt was Mistress of Ceremonies for the 4th Annual Vermont CARES’ Winter is a Drag Ball. Entertainment included performances by Yolanda and the Plastic Family, Katherine Quinn, Noel, Rebecca Simone and the crowning of the Drag King and Queen of Vermont. Mystery I999 Drag Queen of Vermont, “Leela”. photo Scot Applegate ‘K Govenor H0ward‘Dean (right) discussed health issues with those In attendance at AIDS Awareness Day. Lauderdale, Florida in early February, the status gives the band full voting rights in LGBA and access to its extensive library of music. GMFB joins almost two dozen other American, Canadian, and Australian bands in the orga- nization. LGBA provides support and promotion for bands through its newsletter, conferences and sem- inars. Member bands have com- bined for performances at such events as the Gay'Games and the I993 and 1997 Clinton Inaugural parades. The Green Mountain Freedom Band was formed in 1993 as a marching band for the annual Vermont Pride march. Since then, it has also performed holiday concerts at area nursing homes and group homes. This spring, GMFB hopes to hold two concerts in April before its performance at Pride on June 19 in Burlington. The GMFB can be reached by mail at Green Mountain Freedom Band, c/o Miki Thomas, P.O. Box 5322, Burlington, VT 05402-5322, or by email at gos- samer@together.net. Musicians of all instruments and abilities are invited to join. Bringing IIIII‘ lssu_es to the eanltal MON_TPELIER—Nearly 50 peo- ple met at the State House on February 10 to participate in AIDS Awareness Day. The group included people living with HIV and AIDS, their families, care- givers, and supporters. The group was introduced on OOOOOOOOOOOOO ‘D the floor of the House of Representatives by Rep. Bill Lippert of Hinesburg and later spent half an hour in a private meeting with Governor Howard Dean. Dean conversed with those present about issues such as names reporting, funding of AIDS services organizations, privacy of health records, and "insurance availablity. The one sticking point between the Governor and his guests was the issue of methadone treatment for addicts who are HIV positive. Anna Smith of Burlington spoke from the heart about her personal situ- ation and urged Dean to recon- sider his anti-methadone stance, if only for those who are suffer- ing from both heroin addiction and AIDS. Illuzi Prognises to Investigate Inuestllauon VICTORY—Vincent Illuzi, the newly elected State’s Attorney for I Caledonia County has promised to hold an inquest on the hate crime against Victory town clerk Eileen Kanoff. Authorities closed the case late last year, citing insufficient evidence to prosecute. Last summer tfound a photo- graph of herself posted outside her office. It had an anti-gay epi- thet written across the top, a bul- let hole drawn on her forehead, and a slash mark across her throat.V I999 Drag King of Vermont, Lenna Cumberbatch, a student at Middlebury College, and weekend computer consultant.