Finding My ed my second Gay Pride event. It wasn’t without a gentle push from those around me that I went. I was nearly 40 In the summer of ‘97, I attend- then and so a latecomer, having > . grown up in a country where homosexuality is a crime and most definitely a sin. It was the latter that I had spent many years struggling with. To coin an Americanism, imagine my surprise when, beginning that warm June mom- ing at the Interfaith service, I was _ faced with a woman wearing the traditional collar of a minister. If that wasn’t enough, another soon appeared wearing the same attire — both lesbian and partnered. They were part of the annual Pride choir and began to sing a South African freedom song. I began to feel that odd sensation of “beyond coincidence” as this was a song from own roots in Africa. I had come home to the home I had not yet found. The two women were Chris Leslie and Martha Dyson, who had recently moved to Vennont. Martha was the new assistant minister at St. Paul’s Cathedral and Chris was establishing her- self as a spiritual counselor. Their sincerity and vitality were infectious. I heard someone mention a choir to be fomied by and under the direction of Chris, whose tal- ent in this area is remarkable. She holds a degree in music and voice, also in patience and a sense of humour. By July the Samadhi Singers, consisting of GLBT people and their friends, was in the making. Now at 30 strong, we welcome new mem- bers. We are from many different backgrounds and beliefs, but of common purpose. Mothers, fathers, nurses, students, teach- ers, ministers, librarians, social workers — we are all sorts of people who love to join in song. Some of us have a knowledge of music and some of us haven’t a clue. Since there is applause at our concerts, we feel that we must sound good all the same. We are people joined in a com- munity to create spiritual music that honors the common strug- gles, and inspires and heals the enduring spirit of all people. Together we share a vision of what the world could be. Perhaps one could best describe our music as “spirited” —- a mix of Gospel, traditional, contemporary and sacred with a bias toward South African free- MN. Sin -”a “:33 samacih: , 9Gf® ‘ ‘$5’ .555 J “Samadhi” is the Sanskrit word for “one with the Holy” — whatever and whomever your interpretation of the “Holy” may be. dom songs. Songs that speak out of everyday life and our desire to maintain identity in a diverse and Samadhi I often unrecognised community. n The Samadhi Singers first Rehearsals _ Sundays concert was in October of ‘97, a 7 m 9 m part of UVM’s national coming Christ Chflrch out week. Since that time we have sung at Thanksgiving, New Year, Pride and at the Queer town Presbyterian - More Light Church, meetings. Currently we are Bu.-fingt-on preparing for a concert in June. During the Pride March last Membership year, Samadhi Singers carried a I f . _ banner bearing the words “How '1 °rmat'°n' can we keep from singing?” I Peter Fyechette know that this group not only 864-5327 feels this way at rehearsal, but as Annual dues $30 part of their daily lives. V , Accolade Grou Internet Publishing wzuzu. accohzzfegroup . net 802.859.8972 ' A Communigl Owned Natural Foods Market & Deli specializing in Organic Choices! BRATTLEBORO 5991) econ P :1 I2 / i t MONDAY-SATLIRDA_Y 9-9 SUNDAY 9-8 - 2 MAIN sr - BRATTLEBORO, VERMONT to the OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS ' we are PRIDE CENTRAL! V Your local source For pride class. creedom rings, snazzy bomrerisfickers, ma3azines,jeweIry, music, eco-Criendl y produc-fs, mulfi-culfural children's books. and socially conscious gicfsl Peace &_ Justice Store 21 Church Street Open Seven Days — MARCH 1999 — 5 863-8326 J I think I can, I know I can, YES, I can! GET ON TRACK WITH YOUR FINANCIAL GOALS V Retirement Planning IRA, Roth, SIMPLE, SEP, 401(k), 403(b) V Investments Mutual Funds*, Tax-Advantaged, Tax-Deferred V Personalized Asset Allocation V Estate Planning V Insurance V College Savings Plans ‘Securities Offered Through Mutual Service Corporation. Member NASD/SIPC Donna Lestoe is an independent financial consultant who is experienced and s/zillea’ in the special needs of the GI.BTeommunity and can help you useyour money to achieve your fature goals. No one plans to fail yet many people fail to plan. Contact Donna now for a flee initial review and analysis of your finances. Donna (DL) Lescoe Community Investment Counselors 2 Maple Street, Unit 25 L Middlebury, VI‘ 05753 Oflice: 802-388-1357 Fax: 802-388-0345 Home: 802-453-5409 Email: ll BLACKWOOD Assocmrrs, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT‘ LAW P.O. Box 875 Burlington, VT 05402 (802) 863-2517 0 fax: (802) 863-0262 e-mail: (Located in the same space as Ierome the Florist) - The ]eweler's Bench _ , Custom Design Patricia Palumbo . . . Des,-gm, ~ Imde, Jewelry Repairing Fine Handcrafted Jewelry 260 North Mainstreet, Barre, VT 05641 '~ 802-479-1496 vt toll free: 877-557-7236 ~ email: