OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — FEBRUARY 1999- 31 Dylscs Towatch Outfor byA1isonBechc1¢1 HEY HO\«l'S |TGo|NG?L|STEN THE cARTooN15T HA HA7 COUP D‘éTAT! :73 BEEN A ROUGH _. . . . WHEN WE STARTED v I HA?/E'ro ASK >/ou‘I0 BEAR ' SEE/mo as surrmucv me or tour DJETAT! wEeL<.wHAr wum ALL ~' ouT.TH: Uumcwzv — M "‘ m’l»5fi€3§f’A$'5r"»'"‘ wnn us. WE'RE EXPERIENCING FROM ATOUCH oF11iz-: LAW! COUP D ETAT.’ THE BREAKING Ncug. comnxmzi HAD Ju5T . . mus! 7:): or Amm- SOME TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIE)’ - A». ' “"1” "Mr csnme, N! THE wr rweacumeu-r I leadership vacuum STR IF‘. @999 B‘/ALISON BECHDEL . J .- HEy!ARe>t>uFMsHE1> A ' - NHATTME HELL >00 Do~'r‘3yAL/Y f,’éiZ'£‘£¥§°”{fE§ YET?-}r1E'6OT17‘L SI-m>'rHI'J ‘ ~ _ as GDING ow? CHANCE HAVE A EP1$‘oDE orp! _ . _ ’ mu‘: m CATTLE wzoo L ’ - . ~ ewe HERE? H ? BUT “*5” ‘”“T°“ 95' » - no ATH’LIK - ofM£R| CIDEDTO BUY-Y°MF‘V'ME r}€y’;E2§%%’5uAPseuev£ E cziélmwxme BYBLOWING UP BPGHDAD, HE,‘ NarAfiAL-,(,,,,c ||!AQ» |u mug"; wAj A 50 IT WAS BAcI<’I?>THE, A LA;-n DI-rm ATTEMPT To uH...L7kAwIN6 BOARD. 5Av£ msawu Bow Ass! 4“; SPEAKER-ELECT ~‘ C°m55g;t»A\=rA\k5.’ / LN; SPEAKER’ ‘ 51.EcrRE$|CN5! ex 5 " " ‘ GOD, ITI-IOUGHT V0) 5PA"KY*? 57°" 0H NoT REALLY SHEESH I "IESS AND 3 I ARE THKILLEP way Do my ALwA~Is mm 45 wrru "T°°‘-‘"5 "“°”“° WW5 ASLEFP! 7°” G°”,,\,m,NG 1' ms mm, UH--- our-rwo To ANNOUNCE Tu: ARR|VAL TELL ou How BIG :1 THIS BREEDING "" ” ‘/°”'‘ “W1 W WW GAVE '49 ,m,£mNGp RE5PoNmN6 to YET mus wzzx. oF b'lL XENA KAuLuA. sm-: wAs . So You ow mA- nzmzv ? A HEART ATTACK,’ 9 ~ - ANo1'nErz one BABY ,4. . NEIGHED IN AT 15 PoUN05. 5 GIN? EXACTLY How I - 7 \ - NcEM£NT. ¢ ounces, Am: ms 7 Lucas; PAINFUL .1 mum am: ‘ -Q 1 LONG." wumsvanz. ? hill l N’ _/ : I WHAT ABOUT ClARlCE AND ‘fi>Nl AND RAFFI T’ D'you wANT1b swam THEIR 2-‘ 427-‘ 1 2: A ' 1*‘ PLEASE. 5\/busy. I'M EXPRESSING -I DON'T HAVE My PERIODKFH ME MUST BE Loxs'5. oz Youns. r MISYIHE coov oLI7 DA‘/S. SMASHTHE FAMID/! -SWGHTHE SPARROW, COULDN'T You GU‘/S pnsrosr-; OF ‘THIS (DNTPA(,EP- TIVE DE\}RIS MORE DlS£RE£T— LY ? .|'1’5 Remy GROSS. I? L‘ TALKING BOUT REAL PEOPLE . Ethan Green _ 4 4 by Eric Orner those of you These are the stories of Ethan Green, He has all the wrong furniture, last Héhas a'COmP1€f€1Y 1f3V€1Y al'1d_ SW€€T . . . a run-of-the—n'ull, average gay, season’s leather boots,- and a best natured, on-again off again Jotvltvlg U-‘S: Welve07YLe guy doing his best to cope with life friend named Bucky who half the boyfriend named Doug who is as in the gay ghetto. city wants to take to bed... Commitment shy as he is devoted, .. and a sexy but devious trick named Etienne who's celebrated as a chef in Montreal and wanted in the states for drug possession... He has a srnart-aleck cat named - He has doting drag queenaunties and a job working for the city's He’s happy to welcome you to this Lucy and a sharp-tong-ued. lesbian called the Hat Sisters, a Mom who . lowest rated, perpetually inaccurate, space in the newspaper, and hopes neighbor named Charlotte who wishes he would date someone with Yiddish speaking TV weatherman. to see you here next week in the loves him, and makes the nastiest “‘. a financial future... ~ Mostly Unfabulous Social Life of lentil soup in town. Ethan Green- YOU WANT A goon Mm ? ov:aw:isuT AND au.m'ua.. IT HAS LABOR DAV ' 51:1 '. or-' Esonvmsu 3' an A SMLBUAT one kerT U I B NTNAIIO oU'|.||'f|£¢bIon1|I Goumrrur Luoktn. '27”!-u's has eaNe,oN_ 80, ’A‘(,a_;N‘_ W ., .. _ . we we Heu . A A Ase You 6015? : .. , - . Hey, - - L - . L " is THAT CH EESE STGAK smaowich »/,ow AMerI€A’5 ' DAV6HTeI'S - Areihfie \ AGAIN] rrvrv-I WWW . STOl1€W3l.LlNN .CON\ °l‘ 8I‘iC$O|‘h€l'C’5 301. com