Matthew Bourne’s, Swan Lake coiitinued from page twenty-four order to come to better terms with the classical masterpiece itself. The ballet tells the story of a young prince caught in the midst of his own sexual self-discovery. (In a rather audacious gesture, the play opens with the prince mastur- bating in his oversized bed —— itself a stage of sorts.) Subsequent scenes demonstrate the connec- tion between power and sexuality and highlight society’s insistence on the heterosexual norm. While those around the prince encourage and pressure him to take up tradi- tional roles and rituals, he feels drawnto a wilder ideal, one repre-' sented by his encounter with the swans on a late night walk through the park. Bare-chested and muscular, the swans seize the stage with both menace and grace. They frighten the prince, yet intrigue him with their-beauty and physicality, their undeniable sensuality. In choreo- graphing their dances, Boume incorporated an awkward and potentially violent character to their movements, something in keeping with the actual nature of swans — and, in many ways, of men. Gone are the lithe, pretty ballerinas prancing across the set en pointe. In their place Boume gives us crew cuts and war paint ‘I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Address Phone B One Year ($20) New Subscriber Name "Address City """"""""""""""""""""""'7""T"""'_"""""""" Donor Name (or Anonymous) — and a sexual force to be reck- oned with. One swan in particular catches the prince’s eye and, subsequent- ly, his heart as well. Obviously unsettled by this development, the other swans become aggressive and territorial, inflating their own sense of masculinity in response. Likewise, the prince’s mother and the royal attendants step up their efforts to reinforce both gender roles and the heterosexual dynam- ic. The result is painfully tragic to watch, and yet leaves one with the uncanny sensation that this was and always has been the true meaning of the story. Swan Lake is firll of visual and musical spectacle. Boume makes the most of each on the stage, jux- taposing scenes of wild frenzy and comedy with quiet moments of heartfelt tenderness. Its joyous depiction of a developing gay love affair between the prince and his swan likewise finds counterpoint in the overt homophobia of the other swans. Hate crime as a result of (mostly male) territorial behav- ior has rarely been so vividly examined on the stage. The result is an incredibly affecting work of art that offers indelible images to those who experience it. Both mind and heart continue to reel You knorv who needs a subscription to OITM your neighbor, our out-of-state your gym, nends, _ YOUY d0Ct0f,. your high school . Your dentist, guidance counselor, your therapist, your mom... Why not donate one...or two? long after the final curtain has dropped. Many critics have hailed Boume as a creative genius for unlocking aspects of Swan Lake which had previously puzzled and perplexed some scholars of the work. Tchaikovsky’s own latent homosexuality provides both rele- vance and validity to Boume’s rather deconstructive line of rea- soning. Perhaps, as Boume him- self has suggested, Tchaikovsky had intended all along for the swans to be men. In its own time, however, such a production would have been virtually impossible. Today, however, its time has come. Vi - El 2 Years ($35) El Low Income ($i10) » Make Checks payable to Mountain Pride Media, and send to: OITM, PO Box 1078, Richmond, VT 05477-1078 State Zip UT IN THE MOUNTAINS —_11.—1_.1111111.-1111111:-111—I111111111J —> -—> “The drag musical community spawns its most intriguing performer since RuPau| in the form of wildly charismatic Vermont-based tunesmith... tlll ill; . \ i'Ill\ V W 5 WIN ‘AI —> YOLAN DA is releasing her first CD project with her ~ fabulous band The Plastic Family. The CD is entitled YOLANDA & the Plastic Family... Welcome to YOLANDA WORLD YOLANDA needs YOU to make this project a successll If you order NOW you will receive the low. low pre-production price of $10 for 10 original YOLANDA songs. Each pre-production order will receive an autographed photo of YOLANDA and her now famous bumper sticker “YOLANDA IS MY CO-PILOT" tree of charge. http://members. GAY "3119 send a $18 check or money order 3|I|I|‘938 payable to Roger Manes to: YlllAllllIA's on Project, Po Box llllone 812, Burlington, III 05402 email or contact 802-866-0885, # of or: ordered Volanilaman@aoI.comIyoIanitavt “fi________,,. ~ I I-IOT GAY CHAT PHONE TALK FOR THE GAY 90'S SWEATY LOCKER ROOM GAY AOTION CALL NOW AND PILE RIGHT ON I-900-745-3306 ' ,-bk MORE ACTION A1’ 1-900-378-9090 LI FESTYLES DATS 1 —9oo— 745-37 1 o $l.99—3.')9/IVIINUTE ‘ M/UVIA/.XAPEX.NET - I8 I YEARS fun at Southern Vermont’ 3 Drink Specials, Great Shows, Latest Dance Music Route 5 Brattleboro liAllllEflW flll'l"l'l..I EU. Lasso yourself some only gay bar ! Between B_xits 35-4, I-91 (802)254-9830 your subversive message here.