A review by Tim Tavcar portray the gamut of gay experience? Can a single performance express the first stirrings of sexual self-awareness, the anxiety of coming out to family and friends, thejoys and sorrows of life as an openly gay man in a country that often denies that human right to love whom we choose‘? In the fall of 1998, the Connecticut Gay Men’s Chorus took on that Herculean task with their 1998 recording of Outl, The Musical. Based on chorus members’ answers to questionnaires about their own experiences, Out! con- tains tales of and feelings about self-real- ization, the “first time,” coming out to family, and affirmations of gay life to the world at large. But the line between art and reality isn’t drawn there. When the‘CGMC sent similar questionnaires to the families of chorus members, they received dozens of responses. More than thirty of these I s it possible for one artistic work to form an integral and powerful part of the" text of Out! and contribute mightily to its ultimate success. I Winston Clark is the work’s triple threat; besides writing ‘Out./, he conduct- ed the chorus and provided the virtuoso accompaniment. Peter Winkler offers an engagingly eclectic score. The whole‘ package is presented as an evening of high-energy, playful, quality musical theater, and the energy, muscianship and _ honesty of this disc helps it recreate what must have been an exhila- rating live performance. The chorus negotiates a veritable smorgasbord of songs (31, not including encores) with ease, grace and excitement. Confident delivery of stylistically diverse selections such as the doo-wop close—har- monied “The Kiss,” the jazz-to- disco depiction of that most basic of basic needs “Gotta,” and the hard- driving gospel aflirmation of free- dom in “No Tumin’ Back” are all testament to solid musicianship and a hell of a lot of hard work on the parts of all involved. While some of the individual solos are handled with what some might tenn Truth as Entertaining as Fiction . ‘.2 ‘-I 5 Rnlugnfl less than professional vocalism, they are , never handled with anything less than total sincerity, which only validates the universality of the human experience they so eloquently express.‘ Is there anything I didn’t like about Out/? Frankly, yes. But my reservations are largely textual in nature; as these songs express individual points of view, » it would be churlish to quibble over those I do not share. The beauty of this ambitious work is that there is something_ among its songs and stories to which almost anyone can relate. Finally, perhaps the best thing about the disc is that it exists at all, and that fie r ' a tilt! true. Connecticut Gag Men 5 Chorus OUT! The Muscial After 9 Records existence owes itself to the talents, loves, labors, generosity, and devotion of and for the community it so joyously cele- brates. Kudos to chorus and conductor!V Tim Tavcar is director of A Vocal Minority, Vermoritlv own gay menls chorus. At this writing, Out! The Musical was not available at a store near you. However, you may order your very own copy (and more for family and friends) by contacting the following: After 9 Records 1650 Broadway, Suite 1210 New York, NY 10019 Website: http://www.atter-9.com The CD5 catalog ID is: TWCD—2024D Don’t for Me.... Lucy Kaplansky, Richard Shindell, Williams, three of the most compelling singer- songwriters of the ‘90s are Cry, Cry, Cry. They have taken breaks from their solo careers to record and perform other people’s music. The sabbatical has produced an album that, according to Shindell, could be subtitled, “It’s the song, stu- pid.” On March 6, $20.7 Cm at 8:00pm at the Unitarian Universalist church in Burlington the collabora- tion will happen live. The show is sponsored by the Peace and Justice Center and tickets are $18 - Starved, for attention? in DESIGN LETTEl""“E*'?' You“‘gcan't eat good design, .. but it feeds you. i M A v A l( BUSINESS cirrus , llllllflld BIIOII - 802.860.1044 NEWSLETTERS mayaii@uioiiainoiisii.nt and Dar . - - M 0,... till itirlmi mm LSuiu|tlW "Extensive Selection Over 200,000 book, music and video titles Over 2,000 periodicals in l0 different languages from l5 different countries Everyday Discounts 30% discount on current New York Times cloth bestselle 3 10% discount on most other hardcover: Over 500 listening stations to preview CD: BORDERS con: INSIDE? IOOKS, MUSIC, VIDEO, MID A (ME. 29 CHURCH sr ' CHURCH STREET MARKETPLACE ° 802-885-2711 Our: iill.M;d,;,- . ylir dill’ 8 Saturday DRAX ALL CHECKLIST: IZI Makeup |_7_l Gown |_7_l Wig ' lZl Nylons L7_l Pumps IZI Drag Video " "L I ///Ilflllii/.i,{,/t"ll/III:/i'?;l’fi:§l0 ‘, I he Waterfront Video has the essential collection of drag titles: Priscilla Queen of the Desert Female Impersonator Pageant The Queen Cabaret Wigstock » To Wong Foo La Cage Aux Folles I, ll, & Ill Birdcage a Paris is Burning Torch Song Trilogy Ladyboys 388-2200 1*BunuNcToN I3] Battery St. 660-5545