/9 FEBRUARY.99 etta S. Neely is an African- American lesbian. poet. play- wright, writer, feminist, earth- keeper and teacher. A native of lndianapolis. she survived inner—city bussing and went on to attend Indiana University. Among the prizes she‘s collected are the 1997 Pat Parker Award and a 1995 New York Foundation for the Arts ’ . . Fellowship. She has also won several a t 0 e t I poetry slam competitions. including the 1997 Amazon Slam. and the I996 and 9 I998 Outwrite National Slams. M a S She is also the author of Juba, her A first full—length collection of poems. _ published last year by Wildheait Press. On one of the last days of I998. l visited Letta Neely at the home she ‘shares with partner Renita Maitin in Dorchester. MA. We sat down on an ll II IN T EB WE W WI T I! [E T 1' ll NEH l’ ‘élf§iif§ll.iIla.fd°l.f§ag3lLC vvLhLitcek)c/atill: ' talk about publishing. politics, poetry. IIV cathv BGSIIIBT and food_ liflllll-llllflll Illa’!!! H398