" Tu announce your eiiént Iiiir; . — IIIflWs"itteiIth|y‘caIenttaP :;—__, . 1 i:zi'ii.iiiii2//i3ii.mniiii,;eiii:iii : j ‘ '[uitin@tuiietIiei=.iiet],‘ur! write ftiruirnx 1:173, Ititgliitttinit, in " 054771 iiy the zmii in me, '- Ili'eviuu5ifllIIl,.i.ilI. i 2 A FEBRUARY 3V werlnesilau RICHMOND — 6:00 pm, OITM staff and writer's meeting at our office above the Daily Bread on Birdge Street or on your computer screen from home. Anyone wishing to con- tribute their talents or labor to the production of the newspaper is urged to attend. If you can't make the trip to Richmond, log on your computer for our virtual meeting. Contact Barb at 434-6486 or oitm@together.net for details. If the weather is question- able, check before you make the drive, it may bean all-virtual meeting. 4 V Thur-silau MONTPELIER - Women’s Visibility tives will be showing the video, The Freedom to Marry: A Green Mountain View, at the Second Congregational, Church and answering questions regarding Bakery State. . MONTPELIER - Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus. 3-5pm, UU Church. Talented singers welcome to join. FMI: (802) 633-2389 or email: robnyves @together.net (The Chorus is cur- rently searching for an accompanist. Please contact Tim Tavcar, music director at 346 B Camp Street, Barre, Vermont 05641 FMI: 802-479-7192.) i . 8 V Munuatl BURLINGTON - Burlington RU12 Community Center monthly potluck meeting at the Peace & Justice Center, Upper Church St. 6pm.. All are welcome, please bring food or‘ Bldg) Apt 13 downtown Brattleboro. FMI Moon (802) 254-6276 or Carey “.'Your Heart Out”'Celebrate Your Valentine With Dinner. Participating restaurants will donate a portion of ' proceeds to the Brattleboro Area AIDS Project. Invite your sweetheart or your friends—to dinner - eat out -and help out. FMI: check local newspapers or posters for participating restaurants or call 802-254-8263. BURLINGTON - Mid afternoon: The Mardis Gras Parade sponsored by Magic Hat. Look for the “Winter is a Drag” float. Free. WINOOSKI - 4th Annual ‘‘Winter is A Drag” Ball — at Higher Ground-, 8pm- 2am. $12 advance tickets on sale at . Vermont CARES, The Peace and Justice Center, or the Flynn Theatre Box Office. $15 at‘the door. This year’s theme: “Winter of Love.” Live drag musical entertainment, DJ dancing with Rob Douglas and Alan BURLINGTON - Brunch and Tea 16 V Tuesilail MONTPELIER - Visibility Day at the Statehouse hosted by VCLGR. Meet legislators and discuss our issues. Statewide GLBT organizations will be represented. Begins 8:30-9 am. Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force will participate in Visibility Day. VFMTF representatives will be avail- able to discuss with House Representatives, andother folks pre- sent, all the issues surrounding the freedom to marry including many Vermonter’s desire for equality in marriage laws. I 11 V Wednesday" BURLINGTON - MONEY, LAW, and TAXES. Free seminar for the GLBT BURLINGTON - Fanny Allen Health Care Medical Center: ‘What’s Next? Caring and Counselling for your .21 v ’ suiiiiiiii ST. ALBANS - THE MAIN EVENT at Jeff's Maine Seafood. $10.00. 5-9 pm. Mixer, all g/I/b/t wanted! Updates, mingier, fun, hors d’ oeu- vres, discussion, funllllll FMI: 848- 7037 or email: GOLDENTRED @aol.com S'I'. JOHNSBURY — Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus. 3-5pm, UU Church. (Potluck to follow.) Talented singers welcome to join. FMI: (802) 633-2389 or email: robnyves@together.net _-22v iiionuaii WILDER - 7 pm Gay Guy Get Together Potluck at Jim Olson’s. FMI Jim (802) 291-9177 or Carey (802) 254-8263 beveia e_ FML Mike 0, Don 860_ . , community - 6:30-8:30 pm. Fletcher . _ Day atthe State House. 8-2 pm. 1044, n£iayak@globalnetisp.net " E-:]nedCcr)0ii'(V;ri];li?,g ofvermoms Free Ub'ary(C.°"ege St?) 3P°'.‘S°’9" 23v Tuesday‘ * ~ sponsored by the Governors by. your experienced professionals. Commission on Women. Featuring 3nA'rr|_EBoRo - 7 pm Gay Guy B"ii9.)/OUT iiiir'=1ii0|3'. 19931 and fax RICHMOND - OITM Distribution. - Secretary of State Deb Markowitz Gsi Together poiiuck at Moon 8 questions.FMl: (802)388-1357 4:00 until we're done at the office (8:30-9 am) FMI: Leslie st 828-2841. Morgan's, 10 Canal St. (the Abbott 14 V Sllnllall above the Daily Bread Come when you can; leave when you have to. Please come help stuff and package the March issue. We’re going to need - 802 254-8263 D 0 ‘th DJ C ‘ M't h II: 135 . , _ , 5 V Frlllati ( ) . P:;i_ei $8_$i0r::%ing' :C:ie_ GLTBQ Teen patients and their fami- lots ofhelp for this special issue. - ' - A lies.” Burgess Building, 8:00 am. A . BURLINGTON - CCV presents BURi_iNG-i-ON _ C . 1.00 “Grand Rounds” includes panel dis- Strong at the Broken Places: This 9V Tuesday Vegeman poiiuck ;?i':ie:,,k'ai Air: cussion with GLTBQ youth andvtheir a we“. sda film tells the stories Of fOU|' people i:Mi_. Ca” 8634822 parent3_ Presenters include Barb V who have experienced trauma in MONTPELIER - Gay/Lesbian Waltz Frankowski, MD (UHC Pediatrics). BURUNGTON Queérifoik and an their lives and turned the experience crass be ins_5.7 morass wiii mssi M ' _ A Heather Geoffrey (Outright VT) and _, - ' _ into recovery. Marcia Gordon, one of for 4 wegks (no grass on March 2)_ WM ERSTON 8 pm 4th nnual Risk Resshis MD (pediatrics & W91“ at the fliepiace '0U”99 the people interviewed in the film, will _ introduce the film and lead a discus- sion. 7 pm, CCV Burlington, 119 Pearl St. FMI: 1-800-CCV-6686. ,$35 per person. No experience or partner required. FMI: Nancy Shulz (802) 223-7035 11 V "|'IIIll'SlIaV "Atomic Fire Ball: Deeper Impact” benefit dance and drag show at the Rainbow Cattle Company, Rte 5 Dummerston, VT. $5 donation to ben- efit the Brattleboro Area AIDS Project's Gay & Bisexual Men’s Program. FMI Carey (802) 254-8263 Adolescent Medicine). Anyone inter-_ ested is invited. «V PUTNEV - 7 pm Gay/Bi Men’s Movie & Pizza Night at Dennis Gerber’s. Please join us for Lie Down with living/teaming center, UVM, from 6- 10pm. Looking for preformers or artists from the area. Contact Kellie Arbor 656-6007 or karbor @zoo.uvm.edu MONT PELIER - Vermont Freedom to Marry Task‘ Force, Central Vermont Dogs, 1995 comedy about a gay . 6 V Saturday , . - meets at Vermont CARES office, 73 BRATTLEBORO-VFMTF Windham a,"ifi’iN,iTi,':SEi'§:,E£ii0}, \é:;Td°$e:;:,°p: o7'?X;"°8§’y""'§ Mai”. 3‘ at 79”‘ 1°’ P'a““‘“9i “'5'. BURLINGTON - Katherine Quinn at County Manning meetings’ dis- th PWA ff. 73 M . St g.t Bisexuai Menus Program. i:Mi Dennis cussing Vermont Vomes for Equamyr UVM Hidden Bean Coffeehouse. cussing vermonivoisss for Equaiiiy_ 4091 11_ 0° '°ei3. 3"” (802) 3875860 or Ron (603) 876_ - future outreach, and updates from 340130 Pm speakers trainings, future outreach. ' '3 am mg a We ' ' 4825 around the State‘ FMI: Roberta (802) FMI: kquinn @together.net PUTNEY - Southern VT’s. Gender . Role-Free Contra Dance for glbt’s and friends. All welcome. Susan Kevra calling. 8:00-11:00 pm Sliding Updates activities around the state. 7 pm at Brattleboro Savings and Loan Assn. Alternate Community Room (enter from rear of building) 221 Main St. FMI: 387-5788. (802) 223-5188, (800) 698-8792, or email: robnyves@together.net ‘ MONTPELIER - Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus. 3-5pm, UU Church. Talented singers welcome to join. FMI: (802) 19 \7 rruiiaii MIDDLEBURY - (through Sunday, 223-7620. 25 V Friliflti ‘ ~ - _ _ , 633-2389 or email: robnyves ,. . HFINOVEFLNH-LBQ/\C01i89 HOUI-A sgeiiienu Ch3i5St7&.m SPutney NORTHAMPTON, MA - Katherine @i0gei-nemei 21), Justin Brandeisymposium on the moniiy iniomiai Caiiee -no“, icoi. iesbiani D" {O T K ,i 91 It Fguiarei Quinn at Fire & Water. 8-9:00 pm. Future ofvermonts Energy Economy bisexiiaii and qiiesiioiiing issiiieni and 90' ”5- 3 9_ I 0 Xi FMl:kquinn@together.net at Middlebury College. Presented by iiieii iiiendsiaiiissi giussiiisi racuiii,-i (Putney) and foilow signs to iiiutney ................................................................. .. pioieci Laundry i_iSi and Middiebuiy Staii and Upper Vaiigy Community V'"a9e' pa'katT°‘”” Ha" pa""“9 '°" ................................................................. .. 15 V Mall“? C°"e99 E“Vli°"'"e“ia' QUa“iY members welcome. Tools: “Baby” life cross Main St. to Christian Square (Internet Cafe is on the corner) and walk 1/2 block to Community Center. No experience or partners neces- sary. Smoke/drug/alcohol free space. Beginners’ introduction at 8:00 prri. Bring light-soled shoes. Gender-free dance information on the web: -www.tiac.net/users/latte/lcid. FMI: Howie at (603) 256-6995 or Mike at (802) 257-8984 . 12 V Frillali BURLINGTON - A “Winter of Love” Weekend event: GLITTER will spon- sor the cult classic Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? at 135 Pearl. Audience is encouraged to come dressed as their favorite char- acters from the movie and participate “Rocky Horror Style.” 8 pm. $3. 7 V Sunday BENNINGTON - VFMTF representa- 13 V saturrlaii BRATTLEBORO AREA - “Don't Eat OITM DEADLINE. BURLINGTON - Dyke Talk. Topic: The Marriage issue - see source for details. LANCASTER, NH - NH PFLAG, North Country chapter. 7-9 pm, UCC Church, 142 Main St. FMI: (603) 536- 5522/ (800) 750-2524. See Source for more info. Group. Co-sponsored by the Peace & Justice Center. FMI: John Onion - 443-4031 or joinion@middlebury.edu 20 V Satllfliali MILTON - Fried Green Tomatoes and Crones joint event: 4 pm - Lesbian video slumber party and potluck din- ner. Hostesses provide breakfast for those who sleep-over at Ravenswood. FMI: call 893-4710. Cold OUTsio'e: Vvarming up with Allies”; 4-6 pm, Womens Resource Center, 6 Cheats Road 28 W Sunset! BURLINGTON - Crones: Sliding party at Jean’s..FMl: call 655-5312. MONTPELIER - Vermont Gay Men’s Chorus. 3-5pm, UU Church. Talented singers welcome to join. FMI: (802) 633-2389 or email: robnyves @togeth- er.net