118 — OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — FEBRUARY 1999 MEN'S HEALTH PROJECT February Events: *Winter lsA Drag 4 @ Higher Ground in Winooski 8pm -2am Sat. Feb 13. A weekend of activities @ 135 Pearl in collaboration gwith the ball—Movie(Fri nite),Brunchl, TeaDance(Sun aft) 3 *GLlTTEFt - The GLBT Film ond Literoture Club will be holding weekly movie nights in collaboration with I MHP every Thurs. nite 7pm@3ol Peorl St. Coll Steven 802-434-5653 for more info. MHP *Transgender Support Group Forming- Coll Yolondo@ 863-2437 for more details. *Safe Haven Support and Social Group for HIV positive Gay and Bisexual Men meets every 3rd Wed of the month. Bowling nite Feb l7—meet @oO0Do|ton Dr. in Colchester opm. Ccill MHP. *Earn $25 If you: use needles to inject drugs, cire o monwho hos sex with men, ond ore willing to hove an anonymous converscition obout HIV prevention with MHP stciff. Coll: 800 649 2437 - a project of Vermont CARES thsource 5.’? r 9 Anonymous Counseling, } 5;: 9 0 9 ' Thursdays at 6:30pm, Dartmouth ‘Support group for H|V+ Women & : Hitchcock Medical Center. _ Greenfield MA., .jj Women only. ’ ‘Mondays, 3:30-5:30pm. :‘ Keene, NH (603) 357-4300 gf Call (413) 773-8888. 1 ; C§(f}g;fi§cV-°;-u7;~3°Pm *...mPrehe_n§Ive Care Clinics BARRE-MONTPELIER ISLAND POND 4- Manchester NH" “°"'”e* “’9°’ 7534459 _ Berlin Health Center Health Center , . I Braltleboro. 257-8550 4 P03 357' "9 3-‘”‘"°°S"‘ St S‘-“"""“""" 7:3°”"“ U” °“”'°“' 669 "”’"“9‘°”i °55“‘59“ RD #4 Box 1370 Middle Stre 1 Burlington VT 05401 ~ U"'°" 31- Flutland: 747-1831 M = I. VT 05602 I I P 9V 864-2631/864-2632 2 [“a3““6- NH: St. Johnsburyz 748-7361 °"lP9 '9'» 5 and °”d- 1- 05345 «. -The Comprehensive Women's “"5"” Eganklin County AIDS Network BENNINGTON MIDDLEBU RY 3 - Donna 863-2437 or 800649-2437 , _ , , _ .?r°graT()(E?5g4:)- Burlington 05402 National Assoc. for People with AIDS Be””‘“9t°“ Fa”"'Y P’a°"°e A539°- 099” D°°’ C".“‘° ,7 802-303-2437 or 300 049-2437 H SERVKES F (202) 898-0414 4474191 . . - 3380137 Dawnland Center (Native American) _ |V§l,fll0-lNT HIV Information Network on 140 H°5p'ta' D"Ve Po Box 95 ‘ POB 1358 Barre St. - Montpelier VT trlotlines ‘ gww Bennmgtonv VT 05201 M'ddlebU"yr VT 05753 2 05601 - 229-0601 Vennont (800) 682-2437 http://WWW_dar[moulh,edu/-hivnet/ Lesbian Cancer Support gfoup NH (800) 752-2437 “ [and county AIDS Network BRATTLEBQRO I ' NEWPORT. ,3; 5602335 NY State (800) 541-2437 May Kamn 775.5034 — Comprehensive Care Clinic Northeast Kingdom Health Center News Heam, project MA (017) 522-4090 mom CARES 257-8860 . _ 334-5008 pm; 5240 . 00,0,,g(on 05402 ME’(800) 851-2437 Ve,,m,m_cARE5@G(e_ne( Brattleboro Memorial Hospital 30 Coventry Street :4; 802-863-2437 or 300-049-2437 N“‘¥°“3" (509) 3424437 P03 5240 . 3000.910“ 01 05402 . 9 Belmont Avenue Newport, VT 05855 North Star Holistic Health Care $efm'tlT;:~(§§§>§;?'T7gg§ 363-2437 or (800) 649-2437 Brattleboro, VT 05301 -t::'7 FlFl2 Box 3255 - Morrisville VT ., D5 commmgw Aw)am"ess Project 5% 103432033 ' Ftutland. VT 05601 ' BURLINGTON _‘lfrl1JTNEYH 056s1- 8332353 - 5 1 ' . omas oskins M.D. 4‘ - - CAP) PO Box 275 - Mont l’ rVT 05501» ' ' T,-(ha) pememes POB 608 _ St Johnsbmy VT 05819 2294560 98 re Community Health Center 387-5581 (ALANA Communityorganization) . 740.1149 Po Box 503 , St. Johnsburyw _d A S I 200 ill)/Ell“ Slfigsgfx 247 8Wil|ist0n - Bratt|eboroVT 05301 - ;DS community Resource Network 05819 - 748-9061 B I. 'Ve'5'V9} V9" ‘me my’ 6 254-2972 COR ‘Support groups tor people living with U7 mgtonr 05401 {twin State Women’s Network POB 2057 - Lebanon NH 03766 - HIV/A|DSin1 RU."-AND . . . * P03 3-CavendishVT 05142-0003 1603) 44a-222o/(soo)a1s-222o- -Washington Counti °°‘-CHESTER C°”‘P’e“°“$."’e Ca” ‘?'”“° , 2257807 _ Marg0c@mams‘net _ ac0,n@,,a0ey_,,e, Meranre 2294550 lglgalth ;ll;i7tlag§l1Regiona| Medical Center ““P”"""""'-"3 ”'"°“"‘-°““’"“'V"eV semces f°r the Monadmck M:rl;l|ie22i1nrCy:u7]7y55804 311 Malletts Ba Avenue I °"~"“*"““““‘ '°" —Buningion PO Box 35 Y ST ALBANS VT °°'°" °’. ”“1‘'“‘’ 380°) 639'79°3 Kara 863-2437 Colchester VT 05440 Robert Zelaz0/ M D pffice of Minority Health °‘?"e" CW‘ "‘e"‘sT”°5”“V5 "°"‘ — si. Johnsbury, ’ 4 ’ ' ' 108 Cherry St. - POB 70 - :~ ".2'3°""‘ 3‘ 25 R°"b“'V 5" K°e"e Flic 748-9601 * ‘ 52 "9553 Bu,0,,g(o,, (,7 05402 . 853.7273 lDServices‘of Southwestern VT mom Deaf AIDS Pmiect DANV|LLE 2 Crest Road Vermont Women’s Health Center 1°” ”"'°'.‘ 5”‘ ‘*3 ' B"'””'”9‘°“ ‘ POB 172 o Brattleboro VT 05302 - Health Came“ Inc’ S" Alba“ VT 05478 336 North Ave - Burlington VT 9§2°"A"°e Ma” ‘“7‘3°97 (800) 257-11231 (Tm 684'2275 . 7 05401, 3634386 aniépgfoertmgigiép 110: pjlrsloris inlected , (800) 2530195, fax 257_2013 Box 185, Hill Street ST. JOHNSB_URY . _ Alcoholics Anonymous 4 (st and 3“, Tuzsdz 7 V,'nms Dept. of Health AIDS Program Da”‘""e' VT 05828 C°mp'ehe”5"’e Care C"”'° Burlington, 5534221- POB 5653, min’ ton A A|D§’Pp - 103 Cherry St. - POB 70 - 7487475 Burlington VT 05402 E0310 "93 _ "°le°‘ g0,0ng(0,, 05402 . 0007245 HARDWICK Northeast Vermont Regional ‘Sundays, 5pm, Christ Church 442 5° ' B°”“'”9‘°” VT °52°‘ ' mom peop|e with AIDS coalition Health Center Hospital Presbyterian, Redslone Camp., UVM. " "4481 or (800) 845'24?7 (:03 11. M0n(pe((e7 VT 05501 . 472-3300 Hospital Drive ' Thursdays, 7pm, sr. Paul's “'°l;%'E§’1A'°a No.3 P"°’°°t 229-5754 or (800) égv-rpwA . High Street, PO. Box 535 St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 Cathedral, Cherry Street,658-4221. Bramafii or vtpwac@5ovef_ne[ . )-(a7dw(0k_ VT 05343 Fwggiggy 6(7).3£5;4::0( 254-4444 - sbe||@sover.net . hnpj/www's°VemeV""pwa°/ WINDSOR Con re atiofil Churr)ch' N srth M 1 ‘Support group tor PLWA. friends sh'"9‘°“ C°“'“V “D5 N°“"°"‘ '—9ahY H“°h°°°k Clinic and $0a§h,,,g,o,, 37 ' 0 am and families. Wednesdays 1-2pm‘ Melanie 3‘ 2294560 674-2193 'Saturda s at 7 m call for location . '5”pp°”/di5°“55i°“ 9'9“? '°' 93V/bi . (.|anove,'yNH p ( ) men. 2nd and 4th Sundays 3-5pm \ /