recent years. Based on ‘this, 1 ing. for someone to. come out “Crash Test Dummies.” name ggmj 3 sm cflgck ml money amu- [ was sure I would not like the until he realizes that if he waits, The production and record- new Chin Ho! CD, titled he will wait forever. Morency’s ing quality ofthisCD are excel- 3““"°*5 navahletoflonermanesto: i oeverything you know IS music and the tone of Smith s lent.'I expect to hear good pro- mum“-3 an Project, Po Box i wrong.” I was wrong. The funk voice makes me think that duction and mixing on CDs by ’ is back! Smith is singing from frustra- major label artists, but the work l“l°“9 31Z.B|||‘|i||lIT0||.l" 05492 In the groovy first single “(I tion mixed with lust for his on “everything you know is email or contact 802_835_03a5' Chin H0! Returns to the in 2; mos Funkier Side of Music BY TOM ALOISI first heard Chin H0! in 1991 I when I helped to organize an outdoor street concert in Burlington. I remember their happy dance music, the incense they passed through the crowd, and their gender—bending tutus. I even had one of their nifty “Chin "HO! sucks” pins for a while. Andrew Smith (vocals) and David Morency (guitar) found- ed Chin Ho almost 10 years ago. Throughout the ‘90s they have had several bassists and drum- mers — too many to count. The current incarnation features Chris Parizo on bass and Gary Williams (of Five Seconds Expired fame) on drums. I hadn’t heard much from Chin H0! in the past several years; they’ve been getting more publicity from Smith’s fights with Burlington radio sta- tion WBTZ (the Buzz) than from their music. I’ve heard that the radio station will never play a Chin Ho! song again, EVER! Sounds like censure to me. Did Smith have sex with a radio sta- tion intern? _ Chin I-Io! seemed to be going through a hardcore phase in wish I was a) girl” Smith won- ders if a man would like him if they were both women, rather than men. Is this a lesbian fanta- sy? He sings “I wish I was a girl because girls are smarter than boys.” This is sure to win him some female fans! This song could definitely use another verse or two, but it “The drag musical community spawns its most intriguing performer since RuPaui in the form of wildly charismatic Vermont-based tunesmith... A u till i V l is one of the best on ' lit: the disc, at least musically. The grammarian in me feels the need to point out that it should be “I wish I were a girl”, but I will grant him poet- ic license on this one. Feel free to put a “I wish I was a girl” bumper stick- er on your car —— 77. I’ve seen them available for free around Burlington. Or better yet, call your favorite radio station and request it! I know I’ll be calling The Buzz as soon as possible. The lyrics on this disc, most- * ly by Smith, are from his soul — not that he has a lot to say on most songs. For. the most part, the lyrics are similar to an episode of Seinfeld — entertain- ing, with a message about mod- em day life, but nothing too heavy. There are a couple of notable exceptions. One is “Closet Case,” in which Smith sings about wait- favorite closet case. I hope Smith gets his wish —— how many of us can say that we wrote a song for our favorite‘ closet case? In “Song for a Dead Friend,” Smith sings gently of a lost friend, hoping he or she is in a “place that is cool.” Leave it to evergthing uou know is wrong Good Citizen Productions Burlington, VT rock musicians to keep it sim- plc. I am also hooked on “The Dorothy Parker Song” — the lyrics are simple, but the music is more mature than most of the alternative rock drivel today. And on “New Haven,” the CD’s final listed track, we are able to enjoy Smith’s deep, lustrous bass. If I didn’t know better I’d swear someone had switched Smith with the lead singer of the wrong” is as good as it gets. Check out Chin Ho! live at Club Toast in Burlington on December 30th and at Emerald City in Montpelier on January 2nd. And be sure to pick up this entertaining CD — you know you’d be wrong not to. V \mQNT RAINBOW C0/V Q*%¥ THE T.V. SHOW BY, FOR AND ABOUT VERMONT'5 L/G/B/T COMMUN|lTY AND OUR SUPPORTERSI "Become a 5 onsor and show your st/pporr/" co// or write or rores ond Sponsorsn/p/Donor information.’ (502) 849-2739 Lavender Visions Productions, Inc. Box 307 PO * Saint Albans, VT 05478 email: |’r Lavender Visions Productions, inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization and all contributions are tax deductible / _a- _ —> YOLANDA is releasing her first CD project with her fabulous band The Plastic Family. The CD is entitled —> YOLANDA & the Plastic Family... Welcome to YOLANDA WORLD _'> YOLANDA needs YOU to make this project a successii if you order NOW you will receive the low, low pre-production price of $10 for 10 original YOLANDA songs. Each pre-production order will receive an autographed photo of YOLANDA and her now famous bumper sticker “YOLANDA IS MY CO-PlLOT" free of charge. # at Bits ordered 'r“Y‘Y“Y"Y“- so *'——''''-''i ' ed of trying to find a queer section in your bookstore? We buy, sell, and locate OURBOOK& See our auctions on SELLER ID: wordsrus " wordsrus@to 802- 88-8298 rz’§u£«:2§<»’z~.‘t/.&«z2§;z”gt.r}‘_\t/RJEV your subversive message here. is My -,~~- . 3 " 1" "' V ‘