- Decatur The Rebirth of Naked Folk BY SARAH BURGAMY he’s been described as a descendant of any num- ber of folk singers, from the pop—honest lyrics of Ani DiFranco to the signature run- on phrases of Dar Williams. Though the comparisons are seemingly easy... to make, Katharine Quinn transcends categorization as a?*“typical” folk singer with her debut album Leaving. Decatur. For her loyal Burlington fol- lowing,-this first album is a long—awaited compilation of a powerful selection of songs, although far from a majority of the singer’s hundreds of self- authored tunes. Quinn begins Leaving Decatur with an unadorned‘ song, “Patience.” The fresh simplicity ofthe opening guitar chords sets the tone for the rest of the album. The sheer beauty of hearing the pick scratch against the strings is a luxury too often missed with the evo- lution of today’s mainstream folk artists and the refinements of studio technology._ Perhaps the very fact that Quinn released Leaving" on Screen Door Productions, her own indepen- dent label, helps_,_tQ,;:retain the unadulterated soundwof her solo acoustic guitar. The dynamic use .of this._one instrument makes it difficult to believe that Quinn has onlybeien playing guitar.‘ for about ;f§/e years; she picked it upafterigraduating college. - . .. M ;Althoughfcomparisoiis to DiFranco and Williams may be accurate when it comes to- the tone ‘ and presentation if of Quinn’s lyrics, thcgsheer clarity» of her voice and soft strum- ming».-mixed with powerfully picked chordswithout sacrific-. . ing one for the other is almost an anomaly in big-label folk. This blending is unique to Quinn’s ability to conquer ‘a_~ difficult task: to sing from the soul. Quinn’s lyrics ' are nothing less than honest, heartfelt, real,-.. and powerful, as the stories are certain to be at least partially L. autobiographical. Certainly the shortest song ofthe 16 on the album, “Fuck a Folk Singer,” is presented as a discourse, albeit short, with anyone who has ever approached her with a label she did not embrace: “You told me ‘everyone wants to fucka folk singer,’ i just sinile.d H and silently gave you the \finger. But what I meant._to say, is ‘You don’t know me.’ .‘.What'l really meant to: say ._is, ‘You’ll never ever. know me, ‘so, you -might as wellfgo and ‘ fuck yourself.’” Quinn is not shy about using the occasional profanity; she makes no effort to hide the ' rougher sides of her reality. Yet the power _in her lyrics and voice do not derive from vol- ume, but from an ability, to leave notes drifting hauntingly on the air interrupted only the. changing of chords.i“l am tired. Tired of all these letters and phone bills filling my trash; tired of trying to pull you into the present, you are living in the past...All I know is you are half what I need you to be; I need you to be whole without me...” (from “Patience”) There is no doubt Quinn has acquired‘ a diverse following due not,.onliy‘:to her” personal .9 identifi'cation‘,‘ but also ‘to her" * open lyrics. Identities are not spelled‘out; there isllittle or no mention of race, gender, sexu- ality,~or even age. These omis- sions, whether. intentional or not, add to the reading anyone may take on any one of the songs. Quinn manages to reach anyone who has ever been frus- _ trated with love, or the lack thereof, or any relationship, friendship, or courtship. The majority of her songs center around relationships. This is a large part of what makes her lyrics so profoundly appealing. Relationships, interactions with the rest of humanity are always be a hot topic, one on which people will forever search for answers. Quinn makes no pro- found revelations to satisfy this search; instead, she embraces the confusion, applies her adept guitar skills and laces it with an enchanting voice. Katherine Quinn Leaving Decatur Screen Door Productions Burlington, VT dynamic “$9 his one rument makes iiiieult to believe that Quinn has only been playing guitar for ahout five years. Quinn’s self-proclaimed bisexual identity has played into her music career. She made the decision to be out, not just for herself, but to be_ visible to those who grew up much the same way she did. A positive figure is exactly what she is;, she produces a strong album on her own label, writes every poetic lyric herself, provides the striking chords of the guitar for each tune and even books her own shows. She is a model of ambition —, a poetic soul and her guitar. V :-as .>.' . " - .:.$,1:Eq'§§_1111111111111111 11 ='-*- ‘ \ij1j'1*1i=1 . . _.. .. _. 1. .. .... .-1-,-.‘.,-.‘,:‘,['g_, ,_,,n,nud3hg‘u‘ v”.u,’,u.|‘w.¢;=v2”.*::?‘?v??v?§j1@??!1111111111111111111 ' - - - - - . .u . . A .'.r.rp,v,-r_.,- V‘1,_v!~,‘v_K ._._,v 3., ,,.,.A_, .,L. . .‘ . . 1:1:-t:{‘:s4Y:;.9 ~’~L ~31: v:=