__ , ,..g,na1:4a|1IN7w~—-a.:u...'.::.<5~zr~.:'-.z-.p-o ' -- . urlington’s own guitar girl Steph Pappas (above) goes acoustic at 8 pm on Saturday,]anuary I6 at the Burlington Coffee House. Pappas’ fans accustomed to her fully wired performances are in for a treat as she unplugs for this appearance. In the intimate setting of the Coffee House, her thought- ‘ provoking‘ lyrics and sensational guitar sounds will blow your conception of what a woman on a guitar can do. ]oining.Pappas is Diana Jones (left), who possesses “one of the more captivating voices developing modern folk music” according to The Austin Chronicle. Jones writes and performs songs that paint pictures of people and places she knows r well. Her talent for observing the world around her spills forth in her extraordinary voice and incisive lyrics. V I ‘ ‘-’-‘~"¢'v- ~ ‘-' - '— " » ‘ - - =‘>‘ »-' ~‘-W’ "= - '~'-"’> '1- " '-""-"'"‘ '~"""‘“"' '- ‘ " ’ .. ., 3 . _ . . _.-1...: ..2.-:-s;r.....'.;.:-—...v.L ..*: »...1..’.L'.’-‘.1’:-in