3 >1“. Woltm ALEND JANUARY 2 V SaturdayV”“‘: E PUTNEY - Southern Vermont’s next Gender Role-Free Contra Dance for glbt‘sand friends. 8-11 pm. All wel- come. Sliding scale admission $5-7, Putney CommunityCenter, Christian Square. No experience or partners necessary. Smoke/drug/alcohol free space. Beginner's introduction at 8 pm. Bring light-soled shoes. FMI: Howie at 603-256-6995 or Mike at 802-257-8984 3 V Sunday ’ MONTPELIER - Katherine Quinn at La Brioche, 11:00am-1:00 pm. FMI: kquinn@together.net BURLINGTON - uu Circle;/«Full Moon ritual, potluck, and meeting. All who support the Covenant of UU Pagans’ mission are welcome. Wear garb if you like, and bring something for feast, a musical instrument, and a cushion to sit on. HC accessible. First UU Society of Burlington, 152 Pearl St., 6 pm. Donations. Info, 658-9689. 5 V HIESIIEW OITM staff meeting at our offices over the Daily Bread in Richmond. 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Anyone interested in writing or otherwise helping with the paper is invited. MIDDLEBURY - YouthAWARE Regular Meeting, 7:30 pm, llsley - Library Meeting Room. For more info on all three, Kate 462-2182 WOODSTOCK - The Woodstock Area Gay/Straight Alliance Dessert Potluck, 7:00 pm at the North Universalist Chapel (on Rte. 4) (Use the door to the left of the main church). GLBTQ youth and allies from the Upper Valley are invited to a post-holiday leftover fest. Come share stories from the old year and hopes for the new year in a wel- coming and social setting. For more information, call Hugh at 457-2037. 5 V WGIIIIESIIEIV BENNINGTON - Connections, a social/support group for glbt adults, will meet at 6:30 pm. Congregation Beth El - North Street. ST. JOHNSBURY - Discussion Group at the St. Johnsbury office of Vermont CARES, 5pm. Call 748-9061. Sponsored by Vennont CARES and MHP 7 V '|'||llI‘SlIflV BURLINGTON - Glitter, the GLBT liter- ature and film club of Burlington, pre- »: 1-crr4=~,3an':c.t in: -1. in sents HOLLOW REED, starring Martin Donovan and Joely Richardson, among others. Story of a gay father (divorced and living with another ‘ man), who learns that his young son is being abused by the live-in boyfriend of his ex-wife. The father haslimited visitation rights and windsup being harshly scrutinized by the courts when he attempts to intervene and gain cus- tody of the boy. Excellent film with fine perfonnances all around. Glitter meets Thursdays at 7pm at Vermont Cares, 361 Pearl St. All events are free, dona- tions are welcome. Parking is available in the back lot. FMI contact Steven Kopstein at 434-5653, or email glitter- vt@ao|.com. 8 V Friday MIDDLEBURY. YouthAWARE Movie Night: Kiss Me Guido, 7:30 pm, place TBA. For more info: Kate 462-2182 9 V Saturday MIDDLEBURY. Janice Perry aka~Gal in OUT FROM UNDERGROUND, a celebration of 17 years of touring in Europe and the USA. Perry uses cos- tume, movement and music to weave a web of humour and insight that leaves the audience gasping for air. Her sharp and raucous wit, internation- al sensibility and fantastic costuming have earned rave reviews like this one from London “ An ecstatic cross between Doris Day and a high velocity rifle... Miss her at your Peril.” Middlebury College, Wright Theater 8 pm. Tickets free, but reservations rec- ommended. 443-6433. 10 V Sunday MONTPELIER - People with AIDS Coalition Board Meeting. PWA Coalition office at 11:30 am. Call 1- 800-698-8792. Any one interested is encouraged to attend. 11 V Monday BURLINGTON - Community Center meeting to discuss the mission state- ment, name, and general plans for the ‘ center. Open to everyone. Please bring a potluck dish to pass. FMI Mike, 860-1044, kjerman@zoo.uvm.edu. To join an email discussion send a mes- sage to: listserv@list.uvm.edu, and type in the message: subscribe ccen- ter your name . BELLOWS FALLS - Gay Guy Get Together Potluck. 7:00 pm with your hosts Tim Buffi & Larry Bolduz. FMI Tim or Larry (802) 463-1628 12 V TIIGSIIEV WOODSTOCK - 7:00 p.m. at the North Universalist Chapel (on Rte. 4) —:v.‘.:'.!".:44'rl':=r."‘.-2‘ -; H: . .:~~-,:-::«. ».,._.. .—-....,.__,‘;._..‘=,‘._,.._. _m..VH_. ;__c‘;_,_,__,"):,_, (use the door to the left of the main church) PLANNING MEETING of the Woodstock Area Gay/Straight Alliance. Start off the new year by getting involved with this Upper Valley support group for glbtq youth and their allies. For more information, call Hugh at 457- 2037 13V Wednesday MIDDLEBURY. Katherine Quinn, 8 pm, Gamut Room, Middlebury College FMI: email kquinn@together.net 14 V Thursday BURLINGTON - Glitter, the GLBT liter- ature and film club of Burlington, pre- sents HAPPY TOGETHER, selected in the PQ Movie Poll as one of the Top Ten Lesbian & Gay Films of 1997! The queer" film genre of the obsessive love- hate gay male relationship is alive and well in this sultry tale of a handsome young gay male couple from Hong Kong living in Buenos Aires. A medita- tion on bitter sweet loss as the puresL form of love and eroticism. See Jan. 7 listing for location and details. 15 V‘ DEADLINE for February OITM. 16V Saturday GREENFIELD, MA - Western MA Gender Role-Free Contradance at the Guiding Star Grange, 401 Chapman St., Greenfield. Beginners’ workshop at 8. Dance ‘til 11. Lisa Greenleaf call- ing. Music by the Hilltown Fling. Admission is $5-$7 No partners or experience necessary. A group of B’boro men usually carpools. FMI: Mike Duffy (802) 257-8984 or (413) 665-8119 or (413) 5840938. Dance Camp will be Feb. 19-21, with caller Carol Ormond & Pigs in Heaven. 11<7 Sunday FITCHBURG, MA - Monty Bears of Central Rural Massachusetts will host its 1st Anniversary Potluck Social. 1 pm at Gardner VNA Community Services Center, 35 Main St. FMI Dale (978) 345-2802 18V Monday BURLINGTON - Dyke Talk (see Source). Topic: “Dykes and Creativity.” UVM Women’s Center, 34 S. Williams, 7pm FMI call Wendy 877-3653. 19 V TIIGSIIEIV LYNDONVILLE - Lyndon State College. ACAP Annual Board Meeting, Call 748-1149. 20 V Wednesday CHESTERFIELD, NH - 7 pm Gay/Bi Men’s Movie & Pizza Night at Howie Peterson's. Please join us for "Hustler White," (1996) a‘ sexually explicit romantic comedy about L.A. street _ hustlers. Pizza compliments of the Gay & Bisexual Men's Program. FMI Howie (603) 256-6995 or Ron (603) 876-4825 ‘21 V - Illursday BRATTLEBORO - Freedom to Marry Task Force (FMTF) Windham County.-. Planning meetings, discussing Vermont Voices for Equality, speakers training, future outreach. Updates activities around the state. Location: Brattleboro Savings and Loan Assn. Community Room. (enter from rear of building) 221 Main St. 7pm FMI 387- 5788 BURLINGTON - Katherine Quinn at Manhattan Pizza, Main St., 9:30 pm- 12:00. No cover. FMI: email kquinn@together.net BURLINGTON - Glitter, the GLBT liter- ature and film club of Burlington, pre- sents THE DELTA, story of the brief, tortured relationship between an upper-class white boy, Lincoln (Shayne Gray), and a working-class half-Vietnamese, half-black man named John (Thang Chan). In a daz- zling inversion of Huckleberry Finn, the two steal Lincoln’s family boat for a leisurely river cruise. Their interplay takes on disturbing elements of mas- ter-slave relationships in the Old South. Resonates powerfully in extrap- olating a world of race and class inequities from a failed affair between two men. See Jan. 7 listing for location and details. 23 V Saturday MIDDLEBURY. YouthAWARE Get- together, pizza and good company, Addison County Parent/Child Center, Monroe St. For more info: Kate 462- 2182 WHEELER MOUNTAIN - X-Country Skiing followed by MHP potluck. Call Rick at 748-9061 for directions and times. ‘ CLAREMONT, NH - One in Ten Project, a monthly confidential discus- sion/social group for men who love men.7-8:30 pm, Trinity Episcopal Church, 120 Broad St. Shawn 1-800- 639-7903 27V Wednesday MONTPELIER - Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force, Central Vermont section; Planning meetings, discussing Vermont Voices for Equality, future To announce your event for UIIII/rs monthly calendar call [802/434.0IIIln], email [o‘rtm@together.netI, or write ' [Po Box 1078, Itielimond, IIT 05477] by the 20th of the ' previous month. outreach. Updates activities around the state. Location: Vermont Cares Office #23, 73 Main St., 7 pm. FMI 223-7620 NEWPORT - Discussion Group. 5:00 pm. Call 748-9061 for more informa- tion. Sponsored by Vermont CARES and MHP (location to be announced) 28 V Thursday BURLINGTON - Glitter, the GLBT liter- ature and film club of Burlington, pre- sents THE OPPOSITE OF SEX, a hilarious comedy about a wise-crack- ing, white-trash nymph from the wrong side of the tracks. Escaping Louisiana and her mother, Dedee Truitt (Christina Ricci) comes to visit her rich gay broth- er Bill (Martin Donovan) in South Bend, Indiana and proves to be an irre- deemable hellion. A very enjoyable, and very gay, roller coaster-ride of a movie that should be equally appeal- ing to straight and gay audiences in its clever philosophizing about sex and ~ relationships. See Jan. 7 listing for location and details. 29 V Friday HANOVER, NH - LBQA Coffee Hour.A ' 8 montly informal coffee hour (well, two hours, really) for lesbian,bisexua|, and questioning women, and their friends/allies. Students, faculty, staff, and Upper Valley community mem- bers welcome. Topic: ‘Will You Be Mine? Queer Valentine Tales”; 4-6 pm, Women's Resource Center, 6 Choate Road (note new time) 30 V Saturday HINESBURG - Katherine Quinn at Good Times Cat. 7:30-9:00 pm. No cover. FMI: email kquinn@together.net ' WHITEFIELD, NH - 7:00 pm at the Whitefield Inn, E-mail at robnyves@together.net or call 748- 9061 for more information. Monthly gathering for the gltb community Safe ‘ gathering spot with a very friendly staff, great jazz band in house with the owner singing between bartending and being a great host. The Whitefield Inn is a beautiful spot with lovely rooms, pretty dining room and light far in the pub. - 31 V Sunday WOODSTOCK - Vt. Freedom to Marry Task Force representatives Bari Shamas and Sandi Cote will be the guest speakers at North Universalist Chapel Society of Woodstock - Bari and Sandi will focus on the spiritual aspects of social change and the spiritual burden placed on families » who are denied basic civil rights. Location: 7 Church St., 10 am. FMI 802-457-4871 or 802-387-5788