18 — OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — JANUARY 1999 PRIMARY CARE IN FRANKLIN COUNTY __ KAISER PERMANENTE I . . §“"’Q Ejcfllflml It/\1'>Li7l'EnMAi\.|'.NlE 3 Health . NORTHEA-ST DIVISION PHONE: 802/524-9595 FAX: 802/524-2867 Mara Vijups, M.D. Family Practice Specialist NMC Rural Health Services Caring for Adults & Children Carol Thayer, M.D. Enosburg Swanton East Fairfield 933-5831 868-2454 827-3032 «:2» PO Box 1160, R02 - Fairfax, W 05454 won :i.i’B'i'ciioici: GYNECOLOGIC ASSOCIATES Michael Gigante, Ph.D. Psycliosyntliesis Counseling, Psycliotlierapy, 8 Consultation 23 Mansfield Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401 802-863-9001 Fax: 802-862-9637 Cheryl A. Gibson M.D. (802)'254'8032 Susan F. Smith M.D. 15 Myrtle St, Brattleboro, VT 05301 eiizriil i1igigrzi1tc@t0gctlier.net M.D. HEALTHWORKER licensed advertiser for OITM V Serving the GLBT Community for 13 years. Susan McKenzie MS. Licensed Psychologist—Master (802) 434-6486 Experienced therapist specializiizg in Ilie individual and V join. us in pride. relations/zip issues ofLesl1iari Women and Gay Men Quechee 8 0 2 2 9 5 - 5 5 3 3 Insurance Accepted-Sliding Fee__Scale X 0 O thsource O 0 Anonymous Counseling, ‘ 0 0 9 ‘ ‘Thursdays at 6:30pm, Dartmouth ‘Support group for HlV+ Women & Hitchcock Medical Center f Greenfield MA., . Women only. ‘Mondays, 3:30-5:30pm. Keene, NH (603) 357-4300 3 Call (413) 773-8888. HEALTH CE§IIa‘If)'r"IffEI-II7o'I‘j-309"‘ C0mnrmnglégofggfzfggnics BAR_RE-MONTPELIER ISLAND POND ALANA Health Care Organization §”a“°“e5‘9'» N“ 4 Brattleboroi 257-8860 §§t'.'23'l§a"h Center mar P03 357 , I79 3. WIMOSKI SI. Sundays, 7:30pm, UU Church, 669 Burtington; 555.4594 RD #4 B 1370 Mddl st Burlington VT 05401 . Union St Rutlandz 747-1831 M v I. 0’‘VT 0 2 ' 9 '90‘ 8544531 ,864_2632 N'aA$:inud:yh:H7-30pm Nashua k|_si.cJonnsoury;7Ei)s.7:Is1 ontpe ier, 560 Island Pond, Vt. 05846 IT,:':gf;’nTI’5‘I",I'I‘gI‘5'V° W°'“°“ 5 Unitarian Church. ",‘,,,n§’,,“,§‘,.,t3‘l2‘f,‘§, E, 80‘§l,‘,’,’{§’_'2',§3, gENN|NGTON _ _ MIDDLEBURV _ I F03 5248 _ Burwon 05402 . III/aII°naI Assoc Io, pe°pIe WIIII AIDS ennington Family Practice Assoc. Open Door Clinic 802-863-2437 or 800 649-2437 H SERVKES El} (202) 898-0414 4474191 . . 3380137 Dawnland Center (Native American) 2 ISIHNT HIV Information Network on 140 "l°3P'ta' D"V0 PO B0)‘ 95 POB 1350 Barre St. - M0ntpe|ierVT -lotlines www 36nnlnQ10niVT 05201 Mlddlebu 04 VT 05753 05601 - 229-0601 Vermont (300) 882-2437 $5 htlp://WWW.darlmoulh.edu/-hivnel/ Lesbian Cancer Support group NH (300) 752-2437 Ftutland County AlDS Network ' BRATTLEBQRO . . NEWPORT. . 550.3335 NY State (000) 541-2437 Maw KaIh,y,, 7755534 Comprehensive Care Clinic Northeast Kingdom Health Center Men’s Health Project “A (517) 5224090 Vermont CARES 2570800 . . 3345008 P03 5243 . Bumngton 05402 ME_l800) 851-2437 Ve,mo,,I_gAFIE5@GIe_,,eI Brattleboro Memorial Hospital 30 Coventry Street 802-863-2437 or 800-649-2437 n‘“!°"3'5 (300) 3422437 POB 5240 - Burlington VT 05402 - 9 Belmont AVenUe NGWPOFT. VT 05355 North star Holistic Health care I 663-2437 or (800) 649-2437 Brattleboro, VT 05301 RR2 Box 3255 - MorrfsvilleVT AIDS Community Awareness Project ;’;35I:%x 6033 - Rut|and.VT 05601 - PUTNEY I I 05661-888-2858 IACAPI - ~ P0 -BoE‘;_75 . Mom enerwosem . BURLINGTON Thomas Hoskins, M.D. I-rIbaI Remedies. , POB 608 . SI Johnsbmyw 05819 2294560 P gginmunity Health Center 387-5581 (ALANA Community Organization) . 743.1149 [30 Box 503 . SI Iohnsbuww 6 ,d A S I 200 Illa/lain St.,1EO. Box 247 8Williston - BrattleboroVT 05301 - guns Community Resource Network 05619 - 748-9061 Bum” Igns'I/9|. 0561 0' 0 ”t”eYi V 05340 254-2972 QACORN) ‘Support groups for people living with 9 ' Twin State Women's Network P08 2057 - Lebanon NH 03766 - H'V/A'03 ‘"3 COLCHESTER EU-[LAND . . . Poe 3 ~ Cavendish vr 05142-0003 ,, (603) 448-222oiiaooia1s-222o- IIVfaSl""9‘°n C°“n‘% Fam” Heath R°'I‘P'§“F§“5.'V9 ‘I7*II/Ied0"“'E) , 2264807 , Ma,goC@maII_IdS‘neI , acor_n@valley.net _ :aIIie (2128-4560 65523655 Lit an egiona e ical enter hIIp.,,WwwIda ,ImouIII_edu,_hI,meII AIDS Services for the Monadnock M “ :“Ih °”;‘;lg 5884 311 M II B 7474331 0fQSWSn1.html $8/Iegion _ %I3lI.IInagIorI2In 7 B§xe3tE-)5 ay Avenue VT °°P‘- °‘ “°a'“‘» ‘ ‘.8°°’ 639"79°3 Kara863-2457 Colchester VT 05446 1 R '0 rtBZA| M D Office of Minority Health f$?f;f)er‘;':I‘°;5”F‘I::‘:T”e5S‘:2I{5 '’:m — St. Johnsbury, ' 53435553 32°’ ' ‘ 100 Cherry si.- POE 70- AIDS . ' 9 I “W” ' 99 0 Ric 74a-9601 DANVILLE 2 C , BUIIIHQIOHVT 054o2_863_7273 ervices_o Southwestern VT Vumont Deaf AIDS Project Health C I I rest Road Vermont Women’s Health Center :If'7"g3'g‘f‘°" POB 172 - Brattlebor0VT 05302 - 684_227§" er’ 0°‘ 51- Albansr VT 05478 I v - in ' . 300 257-1123/ . £868!“ gm" VT 'SlIljpp;)fI ti_'.ir§ili)p fI(I)1r p:I3ons infected A E800; 253_0I95/(Ila7Xn%7_20I3 BOX 1_85, Hill Street ST, JOHNSBURY Ncoholics Anonymous , 21:; air: Tuzsdsys nIIIIus Dept of Heanh AIDS Program Danville. VT 05828 Cfgigegensive Care Clinic . Burlin ion, 65e-4221- POB 5653, 4 - ‘ . 100 Cherry St. - POB 70 - - Burlington VT 05402 §°""'"gg;"1£3::aB::BEI;'3I°;$01 _ Burlington 05402 - 863-7245 HARDWICK Northeast Vermont Regional ' Sundays, 5pm, Christ Church 4424481 or I800) $454437 Vermont People With AIDS Coalition Health Cemel H05Pl1a| Presbyterian, Fledstone Camp., UVM. ’r . I305 11. MonIpeIIeI VT 05501 . 472-3300 Hospital Drive ‘Thursdays. 7pm. St. Paul's 0-B'am°b°'° Area AIDS P'°l°°l 229-5754 or (300) 69VTPWA - High Street, PO. Box 535 St Johnsbury VT 05819 Cathedral, Cherry Street,658-4221. PCB 1486 ' 67 Mam S!" 4m "‘ ° ' vlpwac@s0ver.nel - ' Hardwick, VT 05843 2 , Concord, NH 603-357-4300 Sgingimrfigefigggvgzrittazss °' http://www.s0vernet/--vtpwac/ . WINDSOR 'Wednesda s, 7:30 m, First ‘ ' ’ . . . Congregaliolial ChuFr)ch, North Main .S”pp°'l,9l°”p 0" PLwA' 002005’ gash|na:g:IeCa?:gglX5§JDS Network Leahy Hltchcock Clmlc and waShIngI0n SI’ and families. Wednesdays 1-2pm I 674-2193 ‘Saturdays at 7pm (call for location). - S”p0°”/0'5°“S5'°" 9’°”0 l0’ 920/0‘ Hanover, NH men. 2nd and 4th Sundays 3-5pm \