l l Coalition Considers Change in Structure BY‘ELENA TAYLOR—GARCIA munication with other orga- nizers and ordinary gay, les- bian, bisexual, and triznsgender folks across the state, the In an effort to improve com- ~Verm0nt Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights will make some changes in its organizational structure this winter. __ __ The Coalition will ' actively ‘- ' recruit representatives from vari- ous GLBT organizations throughout Vermont to serve on its board of directors. In the past, individual members served on the board. “We need to have comprehen- sive mechanisms in place to _ coordinate resources, stop dupli- cation, and utilize what we each have to offer,” reflected Coalition co-chair Keith Goslant. “When the by-laws change and we look at, for example, work on the free- dom to many, we can ask our- selves, ‘What can I do in my own V community to be supportive?’” Much of the impetus for change came from a leadership summit held for GLBT organiz- ers at Goddard College in July of 1998. Another reason for the change is to distribute the work of the Coalition in a more realistic and practical way, according to co- chair Virginia Renfrew. “I’ve been involved on the board for the past four years. It seems to me that individuals come to the Board with great ideas but are often too busy for follow- through. Another problem is communication. This gives us an opportunity to find out what each state government. ” organization is doing and for each organization to find out what VCLGR is doing on the mainstream- political end of things. If someone from a certain organization is on the board, they can say, ‘we’re doing this,’ and then we can figure out how VCLGR can support that.” Labor and money issues are forcing the Coalition to make tough decisions about how to spend their time and resources. Renfrew surmised that the new members might choose to drop the conference from the Coalition’s agenda in the future because of the heavy workload and expense. “We have been spending more money on it than it has been bringing in,” she noted. “A lot will depend on what happens in the next four months. If the churches pour money into the state to fight legal same-gen- der marriage, that might spark people up to have another statewide conference and say, ‘This is something I want to attend.”’ While the structure and com- “We remain committed to building a mechanism for representing GLBT interests in mainstream ipo‘litics'ian.d especially in,,_Vermont -v-. ,_ position of the Board is chang- ing, VCLGR’s mission remains the same. Both co-chairs expressed their commitment to representing GLBT_ interests in mainstream politics. “Some orga- nizations have identified that they may not accept an invitation to send a representative to the board simply because main- stream politics is not a part of their mission. And that’s fine,” . said Goslant. “However, we remain committed to building a mechanism for representing GLBT interests in mainstream ’ politics and especially in Vennont state government. We believe that VCLGR and street activists can work in coalition together.” In addition to members repre- senting different GLBT organiza- tions, the board will also contin- ue to welcome individual mem- bers who are not affiliated with any particular group. V :1‘ >14 ..;« ..-.i ...- OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — JANUARY 1998 — 9 V,'l1i,'l'J' Jili‘J AT... T4e._§yaa A WOMEN'S PLACE - Sunday through Saturday 0 Daily swim lessons for kids - Adult Aquasize - One massage per morn - Family ski area 5 miles away $975 for 1-2 kids Pfiilillltljl ‘J i'l.l_il= I ll (ask if more) Other amenities available“ -' '- -- ~-~~ at $20/half hour: - Extra massage 0 Ear candling 0 Fitness evaluations - Private training sessions * 3: $ ere as $ RICHMOND - 434-2037 HE SPAVT@AOL.COM it %>I<= it #14 e 3? ii THREE OLD BATS Antlqucs, Coltcctlblcs & Useful Things JANUARY JAMMIN Wl'l'H.'l'IlE BATS HOT! I'IO'I'| HOT! 502-860-14-85 Houses: TUE5'5AT10-6, Sun 1-5, CLOSED Moucwr 207 FLYNN AVE. BURLINGTON, VT BY ms TRACKS ' SHOP ON SUNDAYS: AND GET A FREE TROPICAL FRUIT ' Benson Seeks to Even Tax Burden continued from front page Mountain Council of the BSA regarding access to and uses of the property on Lake Sunrise. The Select Board must approve it before it is sent on to the scouts for answers. “I expect them to use the pri- vate club answers to specific questions about gays. With that, we can place them on the Grand List to be taxed again,” said Fedor. The last assessment done on the Camp Sunrise property was in 1968, when it was valued at $97,200. Though an accurate figure won’t be available until camp buildings are examined, a recent estimate values the prop- erty alone at almost $1 million. That would mean at least an additional $13,000 in taxes for the Benson coffers. Neither the potential increase in revenue nor the opportunity to call the Boy Scouts on the private club smokescreen is enough to get some Benson residents to sup- port the taxation. They fear that the Green Mountain Council might opt to sell the property, which could drastically increase lakefront develop- ment. The town does not cur- rently have zoning laws to pre- vent the land from being sold in small lots. Representatives from the Green Mountain Council of the- BSA could not be reached for comment.V’ tell them you found it at THAT BOOK STORE... (now on Railroad Street) USED AND ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS BUY 0 Sill. 0 TRADE USED AND _OUT-OF-PRINT BOOKS 0 POSTCARDS P4AI’ER EPHEMERA ' VT AND NH BOOKS Monday - Saturday l0:00 - 8:00, Sunday H200 - 8:00 . 80 Rdroud Strut, SI. Jolllslwry, Vennont 05819 802 748-1722 - c-ml: llI@PlA|Ill|El.D.IY.PI$8.¢0I IOI STIEETEI - DAVE WAIDEI Bill Desautels RE/MAX North Professionals 802-655-3333 X17 800-639-4520 X17 Whether You're Looking For A Home In The Country Or A Townhouse In The Ci h~‘.‘ 4“ ii. . . ty, Give Bill A Call. Elizabeth Campbell CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 15 E. Wasillllgtoll St, Rutlancl, VT 05701 (802) 773-44030 Elizabet@sover.net Serving the Vermont Community (Located in the same space as Jerome the Florist) The ]eweler's Bench , _ Custom Design Patricia Palmnbo . . Designer ~ jeweler Jewelry Repalrmg. Fine Handcrafted Jewelry 260 North Main Street, Barre, VT 05641 ~ 802-479-1496 vt toll free: 877-557-7236 ~ email: \ ppa1un1bo@§Qver.net , ._€,:,, _V_,....»,_»,..-.....,. .....;......,...-yr