l “Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself I am large, I contain multitudes. ” — Walt Whitman his quotation has been I jostling around in my head for quite some time. I’m reminded of it every time I become involved in a conversa- tion about how we describe our- selves as a community. I was struck by it recently when I attended a meeting about creating a community center, and a dis- cussion took place around the name. When we discussed what our community looked like, and who we wanted to feel welcome in this community center, it was large. Who is “our community?” The list of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans, Questioning and Ally labels encompass a‘ number of people in our community, but My apologies to Shakespeare, but I ’m just not sure a rose would smell as sweet. we’re trying to get away from identity politics. Even as I typed out that list I was struck by the order in which we tend to list our sub-groupings. We also decided against the term queer, because it does alienate some members of our community. . - - in Win llll tlitlnllt liitlol s‘S°““M Extensive Selection Over 200,000 book, Over 2,000 periodicals in l0 different languages from l5 different countries Everyday Discounts 30% discount on current New York Times cloth bestsellers l0% discount on most other hardcover: Over 500 listening stations to preview CDs BORDERS cone INSIDE? IOOKS, MUSIC, VIDEO, AND A CAFE. 29 CHURCH ST ' CHURCH STREET Mnxlrrrucs ' 802-B85-2711 music and video titles - OPBII illfltidnjam Md” & Sfllllldgy - Measuring Success One Investor At a Time" We know that no matter who you are or what you do for a living, you want to see your family secure, your children educated, your retirement assured. We’re ready to help with a wide range of investments and a profes- sionally trained Financial Advisor who can tailor a program to your needs. At Morgan Stanley Dean _Witter"", we measure success one investor at a time. 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