.report it to I nesurrectino the Bull! Politic Returns UT I |’AliE1li I Hlflflllliflll 0UllSIilu’B El8Gll‘lllGS I lllllltll. Making Plans PAGES 4. 9. 10. 8.. 32 K State Episcopal Diocese Stands with Us BY CLEO WOLF ermont’s Episcopalian ministry has spoken out against its international church’s official condemnation of homosexual practice. V At the Vermont Diocese’s annual convention in November, 189 priests, deacons, and lay rep- resentatives unanimously passed Full inclusion refers to every aspect of evangelical li e /from baptismto holding ofiice. an official statement of their own. lt Communion’s 1998 Lambeth Conference resolution on sexual- ity “too limited a reading of bib- lical texts.” . Proposed by Rev. John Van Siclen of St. Paul’s, White River Junction, and Rev. Sarah Horton of St. Barnabas’ in Norwich, the Vermont Resolution objects to the portion of the Lambeth text “rejecting homosexual practice as incompatible with Scripture.” The long explanation accom- panying the resolution objects to the unusually literal scriptural reading on which the Lambeth conclusions are based. Arguing that the Bible reflects the views of a particular time not necessar- ily appropriate for our own, it recognizes the current lack of consensus on homosexuality and calls for continued discussion. The diocese will now notify _ American. Episcopalian Primate Rev. Frank T. Griswold of its position and request that he the Anglican Consultative Council. The Vermont Convention also unanimously passed a second resolution calling for deanery meetings on the issue of “full inclusion” of gay and lesbian persons in church life. According to Rev. Molly Comeau, Canon to Vermont Bishop Mary Adelia McLeod, Y‘ :2. «s.>!.5~.‘e'.»‘.'1'¢:.