OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS — DECEMBER 1998 — 29 OITM’ s aerate? CLASSS FIEDS I IAM SEEKING CONNECTIONS with intellectually—endowed bi couples and individuals, 16 and up, in the Rutland County area for some expand- ing conversations and intimate moments. Attn: Michael, c/o Matters of the Soul, R R 1 Box 3262, Rutland VT 05701 I 27 YO WM 5’ TALL BROWN HAIR, grey eyes, honest, caring, loving, looking for a friend who is not turned off about people in prison. I have no family or friends and needing one bad. Fred Luckenbill #108389, KSP 3-13-L-8, POB 128, Eddyville, KY, 42038-0128 PASSIONATE LESBIAN desiring to develop a lasting relation- ship with sharing, laughs, and love. I’m 38, creative and spontaneous, search- ing for that special someone to experi- ence life’s adventures with. If you -have an energetic positive spirit, write to: Janice Lucey, 135 Maple Lane, West Danville, VT 05873. BARRE, 24 GF SINGLE ATTRACTIVE. Enjoys Iaughing,_ dancing, going out, and spending quiet evenings at home. Seeks intelligent, attractive, outgoing 22-30 GF who likes kids. Friendship and possibly more. CKK, 33 Green Acres, Barre, VT 05641. LOVE MAKES A FAMILY: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People and their Families is a photo-text exhibit that you can bring to your communities, schools, work- places, libraries, colleges, and confer- ences. Family Diversity Projects in Amherst, MA is a non-proiit organization which distributes multiple copies of this acclaimed exhibit. You can also pur- chase the new 1999 Love Makes a Family Wall Calendar for your class- room or home with photos and quotes from the exhibit (and soon-to-be pub- Iished book). Calendar sales benefit Family Diversity Projects and GLPCI (Gay and Lesbian Parents Coalition International). For more information, please email us at Iamphoto@aol.com or visit our website at www.famiIydiv.org/LoveFamily and visit our other exhibits as well through the links. ACTIVE? LOVE THE OUTDOORS? Into hiking, biking, swimming, . kayaking/canoeing, climbing, skiing’?\ Want to meet new friends? Gay women’s outdoor social network forming in the Burlington/Plattsburgh region. Singles/couples. Informal. Get con- nected! Call 518/562-5442 H|V+ SUPPORT GROUP IN ST. Johnsbury on Thursdays eg_ in 10 Sinningeptember. Ca|I_vRick at 748-9061.. THE VEFIMONTIIHIV PREVENTION Community Planning Group (CPG) is seeking individuals to help guide the Vermont Department of Health AIDS Curbside we 4 MOTH To A l~’L‘1M£ I “ATHAN AND 1 ARE CHATTING PLEAS- ANTLY IN THE Cilow DED THEATRE. wAmNG FOR THE Movie To Bebiixt, WHEN I NOTICE THIS Cout>I,e 5\TTlNG IN FRONT OF us. _. S. BY $()BE]R'l‘ KIIIBY HE'S ‘rue FIRSTGUY Is WEARING: A PINK 5wI-:ATt-: A AND A MIcRowAveTAN,AN v GOT Caveat)? THE BALD s POT. His BOY — FRIEND IS Dtzessev IN BLACK AND H/>6 BeAuTIFI>L BLUE EYES-Yooll . TYPIcAL CooPI,e— IFICauQeTI-IeY've Ber-:r~I Tocat-:THeIL Fo HIS HAIR COMBED ox/€fLTo RAWHILE Now. .. We PINKSWEATER Guy ISTHE AFFe<:rIoNATe 'IYPE.. HE Le/ws IN To TALK,5HoULD€R Tosi-IouI.I)ef2, wH\LE THE BOYFIIIEAID PuLL$ AWAY, VAINLY TIZYINGTD MAI DISTANCE. NTAIN Some \ fit PINK SWEATER DOE$M'T seeM Tb Mo— TICE oil <'.AILE.HE eoes MEPJULYALONG, LAUGHING AND TALKING AND F Ll RTING , His EYES NEVER SEEMIMG TO LEAVE The BoYFkIeNI>'s F—'AC.E.FlNALL‘(, IN A Bvksr oF AFI’-ecJ'toM, HE THROWS HIS ARM AROUND BOYFRIEN BRISTLES. I REALLY WANT To GRA8 THIS IDIOT AND SHAKE some sense INTO HIM’. "Ake You REALLY THAT STUPID?! CAN‘ You see Yowke . AKIMG HIM HA ‘(O\)?3AC.KOFF,' 2 A LI1’TLE _COOL, DLIMBASS 5 END UP I GLAt\Ice ovt-2A AT NATHAN,wH0'5 oBI.wIous.I Nortce I've HAD MY HAND ON HIS KNEE ALL ALoN6,I.II