26 — OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS e DECEMBER 1998 __hoa|th 8: wellbeing State to consider Itellorting Names oi fllll Patients \ Every batch made at from scratch... Sweet Rolls ° Muffins ° Granola Bars Cakes ° Cookies —— including low-fat, Opcii .\loii-Sat I0-(1 V 8éZ'Z59O ' ]'8OO'7bO'3OZO VERMONT’S FINEST Vitamin ‘ onnection ZX‘§S,;*;‘“S ° ° ° ' ° ' ° ° ° ° °: Kriowlodgozilrlofl , Proirr9_0.i0r1alCorvit~ri - I-lomeopothics - Books - BOdL) Core - Pei Core Lower Main Street .Downtown Burlington Across From the Downhill Edge Mail Order Worldwide www.VitaminConnection.com M.D. HEALTHWORKER licensed advertiser for OITM (802) 434-6486 join us in pride. Serving the GLBT Community for 13 years. HEALTH 336 healthsource ALANA Health Care Organization POB 357 - 179 S.Winooski St. Burlington VT 05401 - 864-2631/864-2632 The Comprehensive Women’s Program (CWP) POB 5248 o Burlington 05402 802-863-2437 or 800 649-2437 Dawnland Center (Native American) POB 1358 Barre St. - Montpelier VT 05601 - 229-0601 . Lesbian Cancer Support group . 660-8386 lllIen’s Health Project Vf POB 5248 - Burlington 05402 5 i 802-863-2437 or 800649-2437 Titian Star Holistic Health Care . “ RR2 Box 3255 - Morrisville VT V 05861- 888-2858 r_ - I Remedies ‘ NA Community Organization) 8 Williston 0 Brattleboro VT 05301 - 254-2972 11 State Women's Network _ POB 3 - Cavendish VT 05142-0003 - 2267807 - Margoc@mail.tds.net - http://www.da nmouth.edu/-hivnel/ . 0rgswsn1.html - ‘ V,“ V Dept. of Health, ‘ _ ice of Minority Health 108 Cherry St. - POB 70 - Burlington VT 05402 - 863-7273 VV montWomen’s Health Center 336 North Ave - Burlington VT ‘:;"-it 05401- 863-1386 Alcoholics Anonymous . Burlington. 658-42210 POB 5653, Burlington VT 05402 ' Sundays, 5pm, Christ Church Presbyterian. Fledstone Camp, UVM. ‘ Thursdays, 7pm, St. Paul's Cathedral, Cherry Street,6564221. Concord, NH 603-357-4300 ‘ Wednesdays, 7:30pm, First Congregational Church, North Main and Washington St. ‘Saturdays at 7pm (call for location). Hanover. NH ‘ Thursdays at 6:30pm, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Women only. Keene, NH (603) 357-4300 ‘ Saturdays, 7-8:30pm - Call for location. Manchester, NH - ‘ Sundays, 7:30pm, UU Church, 66 Union St. Nashua, NH ' Mondays, 7:30pm. Nashua Unitarian Church. HIV/AIDS SERVICES Vennont (800) 882-2437 NH (800) 752-2437 ‘ NY State (800) 541-2437 MA (617) 522-4090 ME (800)851-2437 M National: (800) 342-2437 National TTY: (800) 243-7889 Teen Holline: (800) 234-TEEN POB 608 - St. JohrrsburyVT 05819 - 7481149 - ‘ _ DS Community Resource Network CORN) - POB 2057 - Lebanon NH03766 -- (603) 448-2220/(800)8162220 - ‘. acom@valley.net IDS Services for the Monadnock . egion ~ - (800) 639-7903 ‘Coffee Clatch meetsTuesdays from 1-2:30pm at 25 Roxbury St. Keene ~ 108 Union Street #3 - Bennington 05201- Alice Mazur 447-8007 ‘Support group for persons infected and affected by the HIV vinis 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 7pm nington Area AIDS Project POB 1066 ~ Bennington VT 05201 - 442-4481 or (800) 845-2437 ' ttleboro Area AIDS Project POB 1486 - 67 Main St., 4th ll. - Bratfleboro VT 05302 -254-8263 or 254-4444 - sbell@sover.net ‘Support group for PLWA, friends, and families. Wednesdays 1-2pm ‘Support/discussion group for gay/bi men. 2nd and 4th Sundays 3-5pm Community Awareness Project . CAP Co-C hair People With AIDS Coalition he Commissioner of the I Department of Health, ‘ Jan Carney, MD, and the State’s Epidemiologist Peter Galbraith have proposed a policy of requiring HIV medical providers to report names of their HIV + patients to the state. This is reported- ly in response to pressure from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and could have a huge impact on people liv- ing with HIV in Vermont. Currently, the Department of Health (DOH) only keeps- track of the name and other identifying information of individuals diagnosed in Vermont with AIDS. What the new policy means is that all persons who test positive . ‘Support group for HlV+ Women Greenfield MA., ‘Mondays, 3:30-5:30pm. V Call (413) 773-8888. Comprehensive Care Clinics Hotline: (800) 763-2460 Brattleboroz 257-8860 Burlington: 656-4594 Fiutland: 747-1831 41.; St. Johnsbury: 748-7361 iVlFrankIin County AIDS Network Donna 863-2437 or 800-649-2437 dtlational Assoc. for People with AIDS 85/: T (202) 898-0414 HIV Information Network on http://WWW.dartmouth.edu/-hivnet/ ’VVutl'and County AIDS Network Mary Kathryn 7755884 ermont CARES , ’ Vermont.CARES@Gte.net POB 5248 0 Burlington VT 05402 - 863-2437 or (800) 649-2437 ' PO Box 6033 ° Rutland, VT 05601 - 775-5884 PO Box 275 0 Montpelier VT 05601 - 2294560 PO Box 503 - St. Johnsbury VT 05819 - 748-9061 ‘Support groups for people living with HIV/AIDS in: — Washington County, Melanie 229-4560 V — Rutland County, , Mary Kathryn 7755884 — Burlington, Kara 8632437 — St. Johnsbury. Ric 748-9601 POB 172 - Brattleboro VT 05302 - (800) 257-1123/ (TTY) (800) 25301957 lax 257-2013 Dept. of Health AIDS Program 108 Cherry St. - POB 70 - Burlington 05402 - 863-7245 mont People With AIDS Coalition POB 11- Montpelier, VT 05601 - 229-5754 or (800) 69VTPWA « vtpwac@sover.net - V V http://www.sover.net/-vtpwacl Vashington County AIDS Network “' Melanie at 2294560 The state of Vermont can use what is called “Unique Identifiers”. This system is a numerically ordered system used without any name. The only identifing factor to some- one testing positive with HIV would be a number. There is no reason that the State of Vermont should jump to names reporting before imple- menting unique indentifers. Once names are reported, there is nogoing back. This new policy could have an impact on whether or not people get tested for HIV. Some in the community are concerned that people at risk for HIV may not get tested because they think they will be “name identified” if they test positive. Despite assur- ances that this information will be kept secure some are worried whenever the names AND ' naturally sweetened&vegan selections C I I And Bread Tool _ _ ‘_;_)___‘___. By JOHN VARG0, for HIV, whether they have of HIV positive people are Brid esueer BAKER§r(c?:|f:f1:StMIAlDt61:?:l§;il6[-i&lsun M C0"-Wmer Organizer developed to the clinical dit‘i- collected by the state, for Ricimond Brunch Samsun M People. I/Wth AIDS nition of AIDS or not, will whatever reason. This IS. par- 434-3148 Lunch Mon.sar11.4 Coalition have their names reported to ticularly true in a relatively the DOH as well. small state like Vermont AND ROBERT A. LARABEE, There is another option. where preserving one’s anonymity can be more of a concern then in an urban area. The Department of Health’s rationale for this policy is that they will be able to target pre- vention and services money that comes into the state. With better demographic information there is also the possibility of having increased funding for services and prevention efforts. Either way it can be a dou- ble-edged sword. It is critical that the Department of Health hear from HIV+ Vermonters as they move to implement this policy whether you are for or against it. We are the resi- dent “experts” on how this reporting requirement might affect peoples ‘willingness to be tested and initiate treat- ment’. V / BARRE-MONTPELIER Berlin Health Center 371-4342 RD #4, Box 1370 Montpelier, VT 05602 BENNINGTON 1 447-1191 140 Hospital Drive Bennington, VT 05201 BRATTLEBORO _ Comprehensive Care Clinic * 257-8860 ' Brattleboro Memorial Hospital 9 Belmont Avenue Brattleboro, VT 05301 V BURLINGTON Community-Health Center 7 864-6309 - - 617 Riverside Ave., Suite 200 Burlington, VT 05401 J COLCHESTER ‘ Family Health 655-2055 I . 311 Malletts Bay Avenue PO. Box 35 Colchester, VT 05446 1 _ DANVILLE Health Center, Inc. , 684-2275 . Box 185, Hill Street Danville, VT 05828 HARDWICK Health Center 472-3300 I High Street, PO. Box 535 Hardwick, VT 05843 5 Designated HIV Provider, Anonymous Counseling, 8: Testing Sites in Vermont Bennington Family Practice Assoc. \ ISLAND POND Health Center 723-4300 Middle Street Island Pond, Vt. 05846 MIDDLEBURY Open Door Clinic 388-0137 PO_ Box 95 ‘Middlebury, VT 05753 NEWPORT 1 ‘ Northeast Kingdom Health Center 334-5008 ‘ 30 Coventry Street . Newport, VT; 05855 PUTNEY 1 Thomas .Hoskins, M.D. 387-5581 V Main St., PO. Box 247 I Putney, VT 05346 RUTLAND V Comprehensive Care Clinic Rutland Regional Medical Center 747-1831 ST. ALBANS Robert Zelazo, M.D. 524-9553 2 Crest Road St. Albans, VT 05478 ST. JOHNSBURY . Comprehensive Care Clinic 748-7476 Northeast Vermont Regional . Hospital Hospital Drive St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 WINDSOR Leahy Hitchcock Clinic _ 674-2193