‘T Asst-taeaemveigss BY MIKI THOMAS Christmas, 3PP)’ Hanukkah, Kwaanzal Yes, it’s that and time of the year again, folks. If you celebrate one of the holidays or ifyou are ecumenically mind- ed (orjust plain greedy) and cel- ebrate all three, that means hav- ing to drag yourself to the near- est mall, usually at the last minute, to buy presents for fam- ily and friends. However, the Internet and the web do offer alternatives to the holiday rush. These days, many people are shopping by computer. _ Of course, lntemet shopping is not without its drawbacks. There are security concerns regarding the use of credit cards. Never give your credit card number if a site is not secure. Often, you can tell a site is secure if there is an icon of a closed lock on the lower left hand comer of your screen. If the lock is open, that means that particular page of the site is not secure. If you want to purchase a product on a site that you are not sure offers credit card security, see if you can print the order fonn and pay for your purchase by check or money order. Another drawback to shop- ping online is either the lack of information about a product or too much information about the product that takes forever to download. If you want more information about what you want to purchase, email the 7 general _ Q42. cvllersllollluntl AI company or call. You don’t want to purchase something that may not be up to your expectations. Also, make sureithe company in question offers a good returns policy. Ifa site is taking long to download, see about ordering the catalog by snail mail if one is available. A The biggest online shopping sites are CD Now (cdnow.com), Amazon.com, the online book- store (amazon-.com),' and the online version of Barnes and Noble (www.barnesandnoble. com). I, and others I have talked to who have ordered stuff from those companies, found that . often the prices are well below what one would pay at the mall, even when factoring in shipping costs. The service is quick and the returns policy for each is comparable to most catalog companies. Some companies have you register as a new account so that if you do order with them again, all you have to do is plug in your account num- ber in the order form. If you do have any questions or concerns about your order, don’t forget to print out the emailed confirma- tion with your account and order tracking numbers before con- tacting the company. There are a few GLBT shop- ping sites. However, I can’t vouch for their service or prod- ucts since I nor anyone I know have purchased anything from them. The first is a “cybennall” dedicated to products geared to lesbians as well as women in called The Artemis Online Mall (http://www.web- gal.com/artemis). Like a “real” mall, a “cyberrnall” is a site with links to other sites arranged by category. Artemis offers not only a list of categories to choose from but has a search engine as well if you are looking for some- thing in particular. For men, there is The Gay Men’s Mall (http://www.gay- mensmall.com/gmm.htm1). The real life counterpart for this par- ticular mall would be located in a red light district. Nearly each ~ link is for a triple X site. Unless you plan on giving your beloved a membership to the “Uncut , Studs” website, there isn’t much to recommend The Gay Men’s Mall. It simply comes across as a cheesy and cynical way to exploit the stereotype that gay men are nothing more than sex maniacs. For both men and women, there is Zebra’z (www.zebraz.com) which appearsto be taking up where Shocking Gray left off. Like that late and lamented catalog, Zebra’z offers fashion accessories, jewelry, music and other GLBT themed products. The problem I found with this site is that because each offering is pic- tured, it takes forever to down- load a page. Just for the cards and posters page, there were 56 images. Thank goodness Zebra’z does offer a catalog available through snailmail for $3. If you really want to give a gift that is truly unique, especial- ly to those who have everything, take a peek at this site that came to my attention recently. The Wooly Hill Farm of Bridport, VT has a new website (www.sover.net/~wooly/) describing its operations and products. There are pictures of the Corriedale sheep that are bred on the farm (the lambs are especially cute) and information about the breed. If you are par- ticularly ambitious, you can knit a sweater or a pair of socks using wool from Wooly Hill. How about organic lamb for that holi- day feast? For the truly eccen- tric, you can buy an entire flock of sheep for $2,000, but do check zoning laws first. The Cybershark would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday season! Now, I’ve got to go. I’ve got some major shopping to do. Never giv Your ii a site Follow Up to the November Elections If you want to go beyond mere voting in getting your voice heard in the political arena, 1 have found the perfect web site. It’s called E- The People (www.e-thepeople. com/), a self-described “interactive town hall.” Through E-The People, you can send email messages to over 140,000 local, state, and fed- eral officials around the country about your concerns. If the official you want to send a message to doesn’t have an email address, E- The People will fax it to that offi- cial for free. You can also start a petition going about an issue you care about or sign a petition that’s already posted. There are several on the site related to hate crime legislation right now. The site is free and non-partisan. V \\\\I ll fill It may be December but the ipation. Goodbye 1998! Let's proudly welcome in 1999. "The month begins with some beneficent aspects to surprising Uranus and mystical Neptune and finishes with a ho ho ho Sun in Capricorn. Sit on Santa’s lap and confess; Have you been naughty or nice? ARIES (MANEN 21 -‘ APNN 20) Proud Rams combine business with wildest fantasies find an appreciative audience and your heated efforts pro- duce enduring results. Travel far afield close to home for the holidays. Pals pro- those surprises come wrapped from Tiffany. TAURUS (APRIL 21 - WIY 21) M a\\§W/2 atmosphere is heated with antic- - pleasure this December when your early in the month, cousin, but stick vide a few happy surprises that bolsters your sagging confidence. Letis hope How much fun can a gay Bull have with- out laughing? The planets pop your cork this December; spray the cham- pagne around and donit slip on the puddles. Generate attention in your career before the 23rd; the Sun high- lights yourgood points to those with the power in surprising ways. After you grab theglory, recharge in some faraway hideaway with a merry elf... or two. GEMINI (MAY 22 - JUNE 21) Pink Twins are happiest when ensconced in a relationship. Thank your lucky stars this December when the planets conspire to make a match. If youire already spoken for, use the time before Christmas to solidify and cocoon. If youire still trawling, try cast- ing your net farther afield. Or send out a search party with the emphasis on» party. New Years ainit that far off, kid. CANCER (JUNE 22 - JULY 23) Planets serve up a delicious combina- tion of Uranus and Neptune in earlyDecember but queer Crabs canit decide how to feed their hunger. is the way to a lovers heart through their stomach or some place ‘lower on the 5 body? (Hint: Stop at the knees and retrace your steps.) Feast before the 23rd. After that, youill be content to plotz in your jammies and watch the ball drop on tv. L60 (JULY 24 - AUGUST 23) Proud and regal Lions are up to their old tricks in early December when a cavalcade of planets boogie their way through Sagittarius. Join the conga line before the 23rd. As the Sun moves on, so will you. Before you know it youill be burning the midnight oil catching up on last minute job demands. Happy New Year! Turn out the light when you leave. VIRGO (AUGUST 24 - SEPTHYIBEN 23) Try to repair any frayed family lines in early December. The fates encourage gay Virgos to make one last try at har- mony before 1998 is put to bed. No matter how your good intentions are received, youill be party-hearty-ready by the 23rd. Youill have your choice of venues. The new year brings a fresh affirming breeze; donit be held back by anyone - animal, vegetable or parent. LIBBA (SEPTBJIBEII 24 - lJl:TIlBEN 23) Proud Libras have more energy than usual, thanks to robust Mars in your own sign. Make your opinions known in early December when the planets hand you an amplifier. ltis never too late to become politically involved in our com- munity issues. Work your wonders ‘ *‘‘ll’.% ;‘ "iv %7/liiti before the 23rd, cousin. After that, youill quiet down and sedately entertain at home. SCOBPIO (UGTUBEN 24 - NUNHYIBEN 22) There is a light at the end of the fiscal tunnel this December when more than a few planets highlight finances. Proud Scorps may receive a much needed boost from family members or discover a cache hidden away at home. Before you remove the floorboards in search of booty, remember that money cannot buy everything. Then again, it does buy nice champagne... SAGl'l'l'A|’s|US (NINIHYINEN 28 - UEGHYIBEN 22) Gay Archers are well rewarded in early December when four major planets hover in your own sign. Make good use of all this attention by launching some new projects and meeting scads of new people. But meet and greet before the 23rd, cousin. After that youire less inclined to strut your stuff for the hot poloi. Life then has to make dollars to make sense. Invest wisely. CAPNCOIKN (UECHVIBEB 23 - JANUARY 20) Clean out your closet in early December and proudly welcome in (c) 1998 LICHTENSTEIN, All Rights Ftesen/ed. For Entenainment Purposes Only. For best results, read both your Sun sign and ascendant. For a free calculation of your ascendant. send birthdate. time, place name of this public LICHTENSTEIN, PO.B. 1726, Old Chelsea Station, NY. 10011 Check out my website AccessNewAge com/Stargayzer 1999. Gay Caps are given plenty of encouragement from beneficial Uranus and Neptune. Long held values are examined and dissected. Toss out what is no longer affirming. Donit hold back after the 23rd; the world demands your attention. Hint: Cellophane panties make you the belle of the ball. AQUARIUS (JANUARY 21 - FEBRUARY 19) Friends conspire to push you Out into the limelight in early December as Neptune and Uranus guarantee that you will make an unusual first impres- sion. (Can it be those whips?) Strive for personal fulfillment after the 23rd when youire driven to perform a good gay deed for a good gay cause. Ring in 1999 with enough good karma to float a f|otilla.'ls it cruise season already? PISCES (FEBNUAIIY 20 - MANBN 2|!) Pink Fish can make a few strides in their career in early December when the planets insure that all your hard work is recognized and rewarded. Gather your professional rosebuds before the 23rd. After that, you become more interested in expanding your social circles rather than your resume. Good thing too; they say itis lonely at the top, pal. ' ation and s.a.s.e. to: